/* Styles common to WebUI pages that share the options pages style */ body { cursor: default; font-size: 13px; } a:link { color: rgb(63, 110, 194); } a:active { color: rgb(37, 64, 113); } #navbar-content-title { -webkit-padding-end: 24px; -webkit-user-select: none; color: #53637d; cursor: pointer; font-size: 200%; font-weight: normal; margin: 0; padding-bottom: 14px; padding-top: 13px; text-align: end; text-shadow: white 0 1px 2px; } #main-content { display: -webkit-box; position: absolute; left: 0; right: 0; top: 0; bottom: 0; } #navbar { margin: 0; } #navbar-container { -webkit-border-end: 1px solid #c6c9ce; background: -webkit-linear-gradient(rgba(234, 238, 243, 0.2), #eaeef3), -webkit-linear-gradient(left, #eaeef3, #eaeef3 97%, #d3d7db); position: fixed; bottom: 0; /* We set both left and right for the sake of RTL. */ left: 0; right: 0; top: 0; width: 216px; z-index: 2; } html[dir='rtl'] #navbar-container { background: -webkit-linear-gradient(rgba(234, 238, 243, 0), #EAEEF3), -webkit-linear-gradient(right, #EAEEF3, #EAEEF3 97%, #D3D7DB); } html.hide-menu #navbar-container { display: none; } #navbar-container > ul { -webkit-user-select: none; list-style-type: none; margin: 0; padding: 0; } .navbar-item { border-bottom: 1px solid transparent; border-top: 1px solid transparent; color: #426dc9; cursor: pointer; display: block; font-size: 105%; outline: none; padding: 7px 0; text-align: end; text-shadow: white 0 1px 1px; -webkit-padding-end: 24px; } .navbar-item:focus { border-bottom: 1px solid #8faad9; border-top: 1px solid #8faad9; } .navbar-item-selected { -webkit-box-shadow: 0px 1px 0px #f7f7f7; background: -webkit-linear-gradient(left, #bbcee9, #bbcee9 97%, #aabedc); border-bottom: 1px solid #8faad9; border-top: 1px solid #8faad9; color: black; text-shadow: #bbcee9 0 1px 1px; } #mainview { -webkit-box-align: stretch; -webkit-padding-start: 216px; margin: 0; position: absolute; left: 0; right: 0; top: 0; bottom: 0; z-index: 1; } html.hide-menu #mainview { -webkit-padding-start: 0; } #mainview-content { min-height: 100%; position: relative; } #page-container { box-sizing: border-box; max-width: 888px; min-width: 600px; padding: 0 24px; } div.checkbox, div.radio { margin: 5px 0; color: #444; } div.disabled { color: #888; } /* TEXT */ input[type='password'], input[type='text'], input[type='url'], input:not([type]) { -webkit-border-radius: 2px; border: 1px solid #aaa; font-size: inherit; padding: 3px; } /* CHECKBOX, RADIO */ input[type=checkbox], input[type=radio] { margin-left: 0; margin-right: 0; position: relative; top: 1px; } /* Checkbox and radio buttons have different sizes on different platforms. The * following rules have platform specific tweaks. * TODO(arv): Test the vertical position on Linux and CrOS as well. */ label > input[type=checkbox], label > input[type=radio] { opacity: 0.7; margin-top: 1px; } html[os=mac] label > input[type=checkbox], html[os=mac] label > input[type=radio] { margin-top: 2px; } html[os=chromeos] label > input[type=checkbox], html[os=chromeos] label > input[type=radio] { top: 2px; } /* Checkbox and radio hover visuals. * Their appearance when checked is set to be the same. */ label:hover > input[type=checkbox]:not([disabled]), label:hover > input[type=radio]:not([disabled]), label > input:not([disabled]):checked { opacity: 1; } label:hover > input[type=checkbox]:not([disabled]) ~ span, label:hover > input[type=radio]:not([disabled]) ~ span, label > input:not([disabled]):checked ~ span { color: #222; } /* This will 'disable' the label associated with any input whose next sibling is * the span containing the label (usually a checkbox or radio). */ label > input[disabled] ~ span { color: #888; } /* Elements that need to be LTR even in an RTL context, but should align * right. (Namely, URLs, search engine names, etc.) */ html[dir='rtl'] .weakrtl { direction: ltr; text-align: right; } /* Input fields in search engine table need to be weak-rtl. Since those input * fields are generated for all cr.ListItem elements (and we only want weakrtl * on some), the class needs to be on the enclosing div. */ html[dir='rtl'] div.weakrtl input { direction: ltr; text-align: right; } html[dir='rtl'] .favicon-cell.weakrtl { -webkit-padding-end: 22px; -webkit-padding-start: 0; } /* weakrtl for selection drop downs needs to account for the fact that * Webkit does not honor the text-align attribute for the select element. * (See Webkit bug #40216) */ html[dir='rtl'] select.weakrtl { direction: rtl; } html[dir='rtl'] select.weakrtl option { direction: ltr; } /* WebKit does not honor alignment for text specified via placeholder attrib. * This CSS is a workaround. Please remove once WebKit bug is fixed. * https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=63367 */ html[dir='rtl'] input.weakrtl::-webkit-input-placeholder, html[dir='rtl'] .weakrtl input::-webkit-input-placeholder { direction: rtl; } .page h1 { -webkit-padding-end: 24px; -webkit-user-select: none; border-bottom: 1px solid #eeeeee; color: #53637d; font-size: 200%; font-weight: normal; margin: 0; padding-bottom: 4px; padding-top: 13px; text-shadow: white 0 1px 2px; }