rewrite_manager = $rewrite_manager; $this->integration_manager = $integration_manager; $this->lazyload_manager = $lazyload_manager; $this->request = $request; $this->cache_manager = $cache_manager; $this->variable_document = $variable_document; $this->script_document = $script_document; $this->node_map = new \SplObjectStorage(); $this->document = $document; $this->util = $util; parent::__construct(); } /** * @return \Rocket\Footer\JS\Rewrite\Manager */ public function get_rewrite_manager() { return $this->rewrite_manager; } /** * @return \Rocket\Footer\JS\Integration\Manager */ public function get_integration_manager() { return $this->integration_manager; } /** * @return \Rocket\Footer\JS\Lazyload\Manager */ public function get_lazyload_manager() { return $this->lazyload_manager; } /** * @return \Rocket\Footer\JS\Request */ public function get_request() { return $this->request; } /** * */ public function init() { if ( ! $this->get_dependancies_exist() ) { return; } //Get home URL $this->home = set_url_scheme( home_url() ); // Get our domain $this->domain = parse_url( $this->home, PHP_URL_HOST ); parent::init(); } /** * @return bool */ protected function get_dependancies_exist() { require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin.php'; $error = false; if ( validate_plugin( 'wp-rocket/wp-rocket.php' ) ) { $error = true; add_action( 'admin_notices', [ $this, 'activate_error_no_wprocket' ] ); } else if ( ! is_plugin_active( 'wp-rocket/wp-rocket.php' ) ) { $error = true; add_action( 'admin_notices', [ $this, 'activate_error_wprocket_inactive' ] ); } if ( ! class_exists( 'DOMDocument' ) ) { $error = true; add_action( 'admin_notices', [ $this, 'activate_error_no_domdocument' ] ); } if ( ! did_action( 'wp_rocket_loaded' ) ) { $error = true; } return ! $error; } /** * @return \Rocket\Footer\JS\Cache\Manager */ public function get_cache_manager() { return $this->cache_manager; } /** * @param $buffer * * @return mixed */ public function process_buffer( $buffer ) { $this->disable_option_overrides(); /** @noinspection NotOptimalIfConditionsInspection */ if ( get_rocket_option( 'minify_js' ) && ! ( defined( 'DONOTMINIFYJS' ) && DONOTMINIFYJS ) && ! is_rocket_post_excluded_option( 'minify_js' ) ) { /** @noinspection UsageOfSilenceOperatorInspection */ if ( ! @$this->document->loadHTML( $buffer ) ) { return $buffer; } $this->body = $this->document->getElementsByTagName( 'body' )->item( 0 ); $this->normalize_cdn_domains(); do_action( 'rocket_footer_js_do_rewrites' ); do_action( 'rocket_footer_js_do_lazyload' ); $this->find_localized_scripts(); $this->build_script_list(); $this->fetch_cache(); $filename = ''; if ( empty( $this->cache ) ) { $filename = $this->get_cache_filename(); } $this->cleanup_nodes(); $this->process_scripts(); $this->build_inline_scripts(); extract( $this->write_cache( $filename ), EXTR_OVERWRITE ); /** @var string $src */ $this->add_main_script( $src ); $this->fix_old_libxml(); //Get HTML $buffer = $this->document->saveHTML(); $buffer = $this->do_minify_html( $buffer ); } return $buffer; } /** * */ protected function disable_option_overrides() { remove_filter( 'pre_get_rocket_option_minify_js', '__return_zero' ); remove_filter( 'pre_get_rocket_option_minify_html', '__return_zero' ); remove_filter( 'pre_get_rocket_option_lazyload_iframes', '__return_zero' ); remove_filter( 'pre_get_rocket_option_lazyload', '__return_zero' ); } /** * */ protected function normalize_cdn_domains() { // Remote fetch external scripts $this->cdn_domains = get_rocket_cdn_cnames( [ 'all', 'css', 'js', 'css_and_js', 'images', ] ); // Get the hostname for each CDN CNAME foreach ( array_keys( (array) $this->cdn_domains ) as $index ) { $cdn_domain = &$this->cdn_domains[ $index ]; $cdn_domain_parts = parse_url( $cdn_domain ); if ( empty( $cdn_domain_parts['host'] ) ) { $cdn_domain = "//{$cdn_domain}"; $cdn_domain = set_url_scheme( $cdn_domain ); $cdn_domain_parts = parse_url( $cdn_domain ); } $cdn_domain = $cdn_domain_parts['host']; } // Cleanup unset( $cdn_domain_parts, $cdn_domain ); } /** * Get all localized scripts * * @return void */ protected function find_localized_scripts() { foreach ( array_unique( wp_scripts()->queue ) as $item ) { $data = wp_scripts()->print_extra_script( $item, false ); if ( ! empty( $data ) ) { $this->enqueued_variable_tags[] = '/* */'; } } } /** * */ protected function build_script_list() { foreach ( $this->document->getElementsByTagName( 'script' ) as $tag ) { /** @var DOMElement $tag */ if ( '1' == $tag->getAttribute( 'data-no-minify' ) || in_array( $tag->getAttribute( 'type' ), apply_filters( 'rocket_footer_js_exclude_tag_types', [ 'x-tmpl-mustache', 'text/x-handlebars-template', 'text/template', 'text/html', 'text/css', ] ), true ) ) { continue; } if ( in_array( str_replace( "\n", '', $tag->textContent ), $this->enqueued_variable_tags ) ) { $this->variable_document->appendChild( $tag ); } else { // Skip ld+json and leave it in the header if ( 'application/ld+json' !== $tag->getAttribute( 'type' ) ) { $this->script_document->appendChild( $tag ); $src = $tag->getAttribute( 'src' ); if ( ! empty( $src ) ) { if ( $this->is_file_excluded( $src ) ) { continue; } $this->cache_list['external'][] = $src; } else if ( ! empty( $tag->textContent ) ) { $this->cache_list['inline'][] = $tag->textContent; } } } } } private function is_file_excluded( $file ) { $found = preg_match( '#^(' . $this->get_excluded_files() . ')$#', $file ); return ! empty( $found ); } private function get_excluded_files() { if ( ! $this->excluded_file_regex ) { $excluded_files = get_rocket_option( 'exclude_js' ); /** * Filter JS files to exclude from minification/concatenation. * * @param array $js_files List of excluded JS files. * * @since 2.6 * */ $excluded_files = apply_filters( 'rocket_exclude_js', $excluded_files ); if ( empty( $excluded_files ) ) { return ''; } foreach ( $excluded_files as $i => $excluded_file ) { // Escape characters for future use in regex pattern. $excluded_files[ $i ] = str_replace( '#', '\#', $excluded_file ); } $this->excluded_file_regex = implode( '|', $excluded_files ); } return $this->excluded_file_regex; } /** * */ protected function fetch_cache() { if ( ! apply_filters( 'rocket_footer_js_save_cache', true ) ) { $this->cache = false; return; } $this->cache = $this->get_cache_fragment( $this->get_cache_id() ); // Cached file is gone, we dont have cache if ( ! empty( $this->cache ) && ! file_exists( $this->cache ['filename'] ) ) { $this->cache = false; } } private function get_cache_fragment( $cache_id ) { if ( apply_filters( 'rocket_footer_js_save_cache', true ) ) { return $this->cache_manager->get_store()->get_cache_fragment( $cache_id ); } return false; } /** * @return array */ protected function get_cache_id() { $post_cache_id_hash = $this->get_cache_hash(); $post_cache_id = array(); if ( is_singular() ) { $post_cache_id [] = 'post_' . get_the_ID(); } else if ( is_tag() || is_category() || is_tax() ) { $post_cache_id [] = 'tax_' . get_queried_object()->term_id; } else if ( is_author() ) { $post_cache_id [] = 'author_' . get_the_author_meta( 'ID' ); } else { $post_cache_id [] = 'generic'; } $post_cache_id [] = $post_cache_id_hash; if ( is_user_logged_in() ) { $post_cache_id [] = wp_get_current_user()->roles[0]; } return apply_filters( 'rocket_footer_js_get_cache_id', $post_cache_id ); } /** * @return string */ protected function get_cache_hash() { if ( null === $this->cache_hash ) { $this->cache_hash = md5( serialize( $this->cache_list ) ); } return $this->cache_hash; } /** * @return string */ protected function get_cache_filename() { $js_key = get_rocket_option( 'minify_js_key' ); $cache_path = $this->get_cache_path(); // If we have a user logged in, include user role in filename to be unique as we may have user only JS content. Otherwise file will be a hash of (minify-global-[js_key]-[content_hash]).js if ( is_user_logged_in() ) { $filename = $cache_path . md5( 'minify-' . wp_get_current_user()->roles[0] . '-' . $js_key . '-' . $this->get_cache_hash() ) . '.js'; } else { $filename = $cache_path . md5( 'minify-global' . '-' . $js_key . '-' . $this->get_cache_hash() ) . '.js'; } // Create post_cache dir if needed if ( ! is_dir( $cache_path ) ) { rocket_mkdir_p( $cache_path ); } return $filename; } /** * @return string */ public function get_cache_path() { return WP_ROCKET_MINIFY_CACHE_PATH . get_current_blog_id() . '/'; } /** * */ protected function cleanup_nodes() { /** @var DOMElement $tag */ // Remove all elements from DOM foreach ( array_merge( iterator_to_array( $this->script_document->get_script_tags() ), iterator_to_array( $this->variable_document->get_script_tags() ) ) as $tag ) { if ( ! empty( $this->node_map[ $tag ] ) ) { $this->node_map[ $tag ]->remove(); } } } /** * */ protected function process_scripts() { $this->dom_collection = new DOMCollection( $this->script_document, 'script' ); while ( $this->dom_collection->valid() ) { $this->process_script(); $this->dom_collection->next(); } } /** * */ protected function process_script() { // If the last character is not a semicolon, and we have content,add one to prevent syntax errors if ( 0 < strlen( $this->js ) && ! in_array( $this->js[ strlen( $this->js ) - 1 ], [ ';', "\n" ] ) ) { $this->js .= ";\n"; } //Decode html entities $src = $this->dom_collection->current()->getAttribute( 'src' ); if ( ! empty( $src ) ) { $this->process_external_script(); return; } $this->process_inline_script(); } /** * */ protected function process_external_script() { $src = $this->dom_collection->current()->getAttribute( 'src' ); $src = html_entity_decode( preg_replace( '/((?cache ) ) { if ( 0 === strpos( $src, '//' ) ) { //Handle no protocol urls $src = rocket_add_url_protocol( $src ); } //Has it been processed before? if ( ! in_array( $src, $this->urls ) ) { // Get host of tag source $src_host = parse_url( $src, PHP_URL_HOST ); // Being remote is defined as not having our home url and not being in the CDN list. However if the file does not have a JS extension, assume its a dynamic script generating JS, so we need to web fetch it. if ( 0 != strpos( $src, '/' ) && ( ( $src_host != $this->domain && ! in_array( $src_host, $this->cdn_domains ) ) || 'js' !== pathinfo( parse_url( $src, PHP_URL_PATH ), PATHINFO_EXTENSION ) ) ) { $this->process_remote_script( $src ); $this->urls[] = $src; return; } $this->process_local_script( $src ); $this->urls[] = $src; } } } /** * @param string $src * * @internal param DOMElement $tag */ protected function process_remote_script( $src ) { // Check item cache $item_cache_id = [ md5( $src ) ]; $item_cache = $this->get_cache_fragment( $item_cache_id ); // Only run if there is no item cache if ( empty( $item_cache ) ) { $file = $this->remote_fetch( $src ); // Catch Error if ( ! empty( $file ) ) { $js_part_cache = apply_filters( 'rocket_footer_js_process_remote_script', $file, $src ); $js_part = $this->minify( $js_part_cache ); if ( $js_part_cache != $file && apply_filters( 'rocket_footer_js_reprocess_remote_script', true, $file, $src ) ) { $js_part_cache = $file; $js_part_cache = $this->minify( $js_part_cache ); } else { $js_part_cache = $js_part; } $this->update_cache_fragment( $item_cache_id, $js_part_cache ); $this->js .= $js_part; } } else { $js_part = $item_cache; if ( apply_filters( 'rocket_footer_js_reprocess_remote_script', true, $js_part, $src ) ) { $js_part = apply_filters( 'rocket_footer_js_process_remote_script', $js_part, $src ); } $this->js .= $js_part; } } /** * @param $url * * @return bool|string */ public function remote_fetch( $url, $method = 'get', $args = [] ) { $func = "wp_remote_{$method}"; if ( ! function_exists( $func ) ) { return false; } $file = $func( $url, array_merge_recursive( [ 'user-agent' => 'WP-Rocket', 'sslverify' => false, ], $args ) ); if ( ! ( $file instanceof \WP_Error || ( is_array( $file ) && ( empty( $file['response']['code'] ) || ! in_array( $file['response']['code'], array( 200, 304, ) ) ) ) ) ) { return $file['body']; } return false; } /** * @param string $script * * @return string */ protected function minify( $script ) { $closure_url = ''; $run_closure = ( defined( "ROCKET_FOOTER_JS_ENABLE_CLOSURE_COMPILER" ) && ROCKET_FOOTER_JS_ENABLE_CLOSURE_COMPILER ); $closure_error = ! $run_closure; $result = null; if ( $run_closure ) { $args = [ 'body' => [ 'js_code' => $script, 'compilation_level' => 'SIMPLE_OPTIMIZATIONS', 'output_info' => 'errors', 'output_format' => 'json', ], ]; $result = $this->remote_fetch( $closure_url, 'post', $args ); if ( empty( $result ) ) { $closure_error = true; } if ( ! empty( $result ) ) { $json = json_decode( $result ); if ( ! empty( $json->errors ) ) { $closure_error = true; } if ( empty( $json->errors ) ) { $script = $json->compiledCode; } } } if ( ! $closure_error ) { return $script; } if ( $run_closure ) { $closure_error = false; $args['body']['compilation_level'] = 'WHITESPACE_ONLY'; $result = $this->remote_fetch( $closure_url, 'post', $args ); if ( empty( $result ) ) { $closure_error = true; } if ( ! empty( $result ) ) { $json = json_decode( $result ); if ( ! empty( $json->errors ) ) { $closure_error = true; } if ( empty( $json->errors ) ) { $script = $json->compiledCode; } } if ( ! $closure_error ) { return $script; } } $script = preg_replace( '~(?(?![\'"/])~Us', '', $script ); if ( class_exists( '\MatthiasMullie\Minify\JS' ) ) { $minify = new \MatthiasMullie\Minify\JS( $script ); $script = $minify->minify(); } else { $script = rocket_minify_inline_js( $script ); } $script = preg_replace( '~/\*!?\s+.*\*/~sU', '', $script ); return $script; } private function update_cache_fragment( $cache_id, $data ) { if ( apply_filters( 'rocket_footer_js_save_cache', true ) ) { $this->cache_manager->get_store()->update_cache_fragment( $cache_id, $data ); } } /** * @param string $src * */ protected function process_local_script( $src ) { if ( 0 == strpos( $src, '/' ) ) { $src = $this->home . $src; } // Remove query strings $src_file = $src; if ( false !== strpos( $src, '?' ) ) { $src_file = substr( $src, 0, strpos( $src, strrchr( $src, '?' ) ) ); } // Break up url $url_parts = parse_url( $src_file ); $url_parts['host'] = $this->domain; $url_parts['scheme'] = is_ssl() ? 'https' : 'http'; /* * Check and see what version of php-http we have. * 1.x uses procedural functions. * 2.x uses OOP classes with a http namespace. * Convert the address to a path, minify, and add to buffer. */ if ( class_exists( 'http\Url' ) ) { /** @noinspection PhpUnnecessaryFullyQualifiedNameInspection */ $url = new \http\Url( $url_parts ); $url = $url->toString(); } else { $url = http_build_url( $url_parts ); } // Check item cache $item_cache_id = [ md5( $url ) ]; $item_cache = $this->get_cache_fragment( $item_cache_id ); // Only run if there is no item cache if ( empty( $item_cache ) ) { $file = $this->get_content( str_replace( $this->home, ABSPATH, $url ) ); $js_part_cache = apply_filters( 'rocket_footer_js_process_local_script', $file, $url ); $js_part = $js_part_cache; $js_part = $this->minify( $js_part ); if ( $js_part_cache != $file && apply_filters( 'rocket_footer_js_reprocess_local_script', true, $file, $src ) ) { $js_part_cache = $file; $js_part_cache = $this->minify( $js_part_cache ); } else { $js_part_cache = $js_part; } if ( strpos( $js_part, 'sourceMappingURL' ) !== false ) { $js_part .= "\n"; } else { $js_part = trim( $js_part ); } $this->js .= $js_part; $this->update_cache_fragment( $item_cache_id, $js_part_cache ); } else { $js_part = $item_cache; if ( apply_filters( 'rocket_footer_js_reprocess_local_script', true, $js_part, $src ) ) { $js_part = apply_filters( 'rocket_footer_js_process_local_script', $js_part, $url ); } $this->js .= $js_part; } } /** * @param $file * * @return bool|string */ public function get_content( $file ) { return $this->get_wp_filesystem()->get_contents( $file ); } /** * */ protected function process_inline_script() { // Check item cache $content = $this->util->maybe_decode_script( $this->dom_collection->current()->textContent ); $item_cache_id = [ md5( $content ) ]; $item_cache = $this->get_cache_fragment( $item_cache_id ); // Only run if there is no item cache if ( empty( $item_cache ) ) { // Remove any conditional comments for IE that somehow was put in the script tag $js_part = preg_replace( '/(?:/is', '', $content ); $js_part = $this->minify( $js_part ); $this->update_cache_fragment( $item_cache_id, $js_part ); } else { $js_part = $item_cache; } //Add inline JS to buffer $this->js .= $js_part; $this->dom_collection->remove(); } /** * */ protected function build_inline_scripts() { $inline_js = ''; //Combine all inline tags to one foreach ( array_merge( iterator_to_array( $this->variable_document->get_script_tags() ), iterator_to_array( $this->script_document->get_script_tags() ) ) as $tag ) { // If the last character is not a semicolon, and we have content,add one to prevent syntax errors if ( 0 < strlen( $inline_js ) && ';' !== $inline_js[ strlen( $inline_js ) - 1 ] ) { $inline_js .= ';'; } // Remove any conditional comments for IE that somehow was put in the script tag $inline_js .= preg_replace( '/(?:/is', '', $tag->textContent ); } if ( ! empty( $inline_js ) ) { $inline_js = $this->minify( $inline_js ); $this->insert_inline_script( $inline_js ); } } /** * @param $script */ protected function insert_inline_script( $script ) { //Create script tag $inline_tag = $this->document->createElement( 'script', $script ); $inline_tag->setAttribute( 'type', 'text/javascript' ); // Add element to footer $this->body->appendChild( $inline_tag ); } /** * @param $filename * * @return array|string */ protected function write_cache( $filename ) { if ( empty( $this->cache ) ) { $data = [ 'filename' => $filename ]; $this->put_content( $filename, $this->js ); $data['src'] = get_rocket_cdn_url( set_url_scheme( str_replace( WP_CONTENT_DIR, WP_CONTENT_URL, $filename ) ), [ 'all', 'css', 'js', 'css_and_js', ] ); $this->update_cache_fragment( $this->get_cache_id(), $data ); return $data; } return $this->cache; } /** * @param $file * @param $data * * @return bool */ public function put_content( $file, $data ) { return $this->get_wp_filesystem()->put_contents( $file, $data ); } /** * @param $src */ protected function add_main_script( $src ) { // Create script element $external_tag = $this->document->createElement( 'script' ); $external_tag->setAttribute( 'type', 'text/javascript' ); $external_tag->setAttribute( 'src', $src ); $external_tag->setAttribute( 'data-minify', '1' ); $external_tag->setAttribute( 'async', 'async' ); $external_tag->setAttribute( 'crossorigin', 'anonymous' ); // Add element to footer $this->body->appendChild( $external_tag ); } /** * */ protected function fix_old_libxml() { // Hack to fix a bug with some libxml versions $body = $this->document->getElementsByTagName( 'body' )->item( 0 ); $body_class = $body->getAttribute( 'class' ); if ( empty( $body_class ) ) { $body->setAttribute( 'class', implode( ' ', get_body_class() ) ); } } /** * @param $buffer * * @return mixed|string */ protected function do_minify_html( $buffer ) { remove_filter( 'pre_get_rocket_option_minify_html', '__return_zero' ); // If HTML minify is on, process it if ( get_rocket_option( 'minify_html' ) && ! is_rocket_post_excluded_option( 'minify_html' ) ) { $buffer = rocket_minify_html( $buffer ); $buffer = preg_replace_callback( '~(.*)~s', [ $this, 'lazyload_html_callback', ], $buffer ); $buffer = preg_replace_callback( '~(.*)~sU', [ $this, 'lazyload_html_callback', ], $buffer ); } return $buffer; } /** * @return \DOMDocument */ public function get_document() { return $this->document; } /** * */ public function activate() { if ( ! $this->get_dependancies_exist() ) { return; } flush_rocket_htaccess(); } /** * */ public function deactivate() { $this->cache_manager->get_store()->delete_cache_branch(); } /** * @return \SplObjectStorage */ public function get_node_map() { return $this->node_map; } /** * @return DOMCollection|null */ public function get_dom_collection() { return $this->dom_collection; } /** * */ public function activate_error_no_wprocket() { _e( sprintf( '

Opps! %s requires WP-Rocket! Please Download at

', $this->get_plugin_info( 'Name' ) ) ); } /** * */ public function activate_error_wprocket_inactive() { $path = 'wp-rocket/wp-rocket.php'; _e( sprintf( '

Opps! %s requires WP-Rocket! Please Enable the plugin here

', $this->get_plugin_info( 'Name' ), wp_nonce_url( admin_url( 'plugins.php?action=activate&plugin=' . $path ), 'activate-plugin_' . $path ) ) ); } /** * */ public function activate_error_no_domdocument() { _e( sprintf( '

Opps! %s requires PHP XML extension! Please contact your web host or system administrator to get this installed.

', $this->get_plugin_info( 'Name' ) ) ); } /** * @return \Rocket\Footer\JS\DOMDocument */ public function get_script_document() { return $this->script_document; } /** * @return void */ public function uninstall() { // Noop method } public function get_transient_prefix() { return static::TRANSIENT_PREFIX; } /** * @return \Rocket\Footer\JS\Util */ public function get_util() { return $this->util; } /** * @return array */ public function get_cdn_domains() { return $this->cdn_domains; } /** * @return string */ public function get_domain() { return $this->domain; } /** * @return \Rocket\Footer\JS\DOMElement */ public function get_body() { return $this->body; } /** * @param $url * * @return \http\Url|string */ public function strip_cdn( $url ) { $url_parts = parse_url( $url ); $url_parts['host'] = $this->domain; $url_parts['scheme'] = is_ssl() ? 'https' : 'http'; $url = http_build_url( $url_parts ); return $url; } /** * @param $matches * * @return string */ protected function lazyload_html_callback( $matches ) { return ''; } }