/* * Author = Philip Cooksey * Edited = September 2018 * Website = https://github.com/pcooksey/bibtex-js * Credit = Henrik Mühe * * Issues: * no comment handling within strings * no string concatenation * no variable values yet * Grammar implemented here: * bibtex -> (string | preamble | comment | entry)*; * string -> '@STRING' '{' key_equals_value '}'; * preamble -> '@PREAMBLE' '{' value '}'; * comment -> '@COMMENT' '{' value '}'; * entry -> '@' key '{' key ',' key_value_list '}'; * key_value_list -> key_equals_value (',' key_equals_value)*; * key_equals_value -> key '=' value; * value -> value_quotes | value_braces | key; * value_quotes -> '"' .*? '"'; // not quite * value_braces -> '{' .*? '"'; // not quite * */ function BibtexParser() { this.pos = 0; this.input = ""; this.entries = {}; this.strings = { JAN: "January", FEB: "February", MAR: "March", APR: "April", MAY: "May", JUN: "June", JUL: "July", AUG: "August", SEP: "September", OCT: "October", NOV: "November", DEC: "December" }; this.currentKey = ""; this.rawCurrentKey = ""; this.currentEntry = ""; this.setInput = function(t) { this.input = t; } this.getEntries = function() { return this.entries; } this.getBibTexRaw = function() { return this.bibtexraw; } this.errorThrown = function(str) { $("#bibtex_errors").html(str); } this.isWhitespace = function(s) { return (s == ' ' || s == '\r' || s == '\t' || s == '\n'); } this.match = function(s) { this.skipWhitespace(); if (this.input.substring(this.pos, this.pos + s.length) == s) { this.pos += s.length; } else { throw "Token mismatch, expected " + s + ", found " + this.input.substring(this.pos); } this.skipWhitespace(); } this.tryMatch = function(s) { this.skipWhitespace(); if (this.input.substring(this.pos, this.pos + s.length) == s) { return true; } else { return false; } this.skipWhitespace(); } this.skipWhitespace = function() { while (this.isWhitespace(this.input[this.pos])) { this.pos++; } if (this.input[this.pos] == "%") { while (this.input[this.pos] != "\n") { this.pos++; } this.skipWhitespace(); } } this.value_braces = function() { var bracecount = 0; this.match("{"); var start = this.pos; while (true) { if (this.input[this.pos] == '}' && this.input[this.pos - 1] != '\\') { if (bracecount > 0) { bracecount--; } else { var end = this.pos; this.match("}"); return this.input.substring(start, end); } } else if (this.input[this.pos] == '{') { bracecount++; } else if (this.pos == this.input.length - 1) { throw "Unterminated value"; } this.pos++; } } this.value_quotes = function() { var bracecount = 0; this.match('"'); var start = this.pos; while (true) { if (this.input[this.pos] == '"' && this.input[this.pos - 1] != '\\' && bracecount == 0) { var end = this.pos; this.match('"'); return this.input.substring(start, end); } else if (this.input[this.pos] == '{') { bracecount++; } else if (this.input[this.pos] == '}') { if (bracecount > 0) { bracecount--; } } else if (this.pos == this.input.length - 1) { throw "Unterminated value:" + this.input.substring(start); } this.pos++; } } this.single_value = function() { var start = this.pos; if (this.tryMatch("{")) { return this.value_braces(); } else if (this.tryMatch('"')) { return this.value_quotes(); } else { var k = this.key(); if (this.strings[k.toUpperCase()]) { return this.strings[k]; } else if (k.match("^[0-9]+$")) { return k; } else { throw "Value expected:" + this.input.substring(start); } } } this.value = function() { var values = []; values.push(this.single_value()); while (this.tryMatch("#")) { this.match("#"); values.push(this.single_value()); } return values.join(""); } this.key = function() { var start = this.pos; while (true) { if (this.pos == this.input.length) { throw "Runaway key"; } if (this.input[this.pos].match("[a-zA-Z0-9_:?\\./'\\+\\-\\*]")) { this.pos++ } else { this.rawCurrentKey = this.input.substring(start, this.pos); return this.rawCurrentKey.toUpperCase(); } } } this.key_equals_value = function() { var key = this.key(); if (this.tryMatch("=")) { this.match("="); var val = this.value(); return [key, val]; } else { throw "... = value expected, equals sign missing:" + this.input.substring(this.pos); } } this.key_value_list = function() { var kv = this.key_equals_value(); this.entries[this.currentEntry][kv[0]] = kv[1]; while (this.tryMatch(",")) { this.match(","); // fixes problems with commas at the end of a list if (this.tryMatch("}") || this.tryMatch(")")) { break; } kv = this.key_equals_value(); this.entries[this.currentEntry][kv[0]] = kv[1]; } } this.entry_body = function(directive) { this.currentEntry = this.key(); this.entries[this.currentEntry] = new Object(); this.entries[this.currentEntry]["BIBTEXKEY"] = this.rawCurrentKey; if (directive == "@INCOLLECTION") { this.entries[this.currentEntry]["BIBTEXTYPE"] = "book chapter"; } else if (directive == "@INPROCEEDINGS") { this.entries[this.currentEntry]["BIBTEXTYPE"] = "conference, workshop"; } else if (directive == "@ARTICLE") { this.entries[this.currentEntry]["BIBTEXTYPE"] = "journal"; } else if (directive == "@TECHREPORT") { this.entries[this.currentEntry]["BIBTEXTYPE"] = "technical report"; } this.entries[this.currentEntry]["BIBTEXTYPEKEY"] = directive.substr(1); this.match(","); this.key_value_list(); } this.directive = function() { this.match("@"); return "@" + this.key(); } this.string = function() { var kv = this.key_equals_value(); this.strings[kv[0].toUpperCase()] = kv[1]; } this.preamble = function() { this.value(); } this.comment = function() { this.pos = this.input.indexOf("}", this.pos); } this.entry = function(directive) { this.entry_body(directive); } this.bibtex = function() { var start = 0; var end = 0; while (this.tryMatch("@")) { start = this.pos; var d = this.directive().toUpperCase(); if (this.tryMatch("{")) { this.match("{"); } else { this.match("("); } if (d == "@STRING") { this.string(); } else if (d == "@PREAMBLE") { this.preamble(); } else if (d == "@COMMENT") { this.comment(); } else { this.entry(d); } end = this.pos + 1; if (this.tryMatch("}")) { this.match("}"); } else { this.match(")"); } if (this.tryMatch(",")) { this.match(","); } // In case there is extra stuff in between entries this.pos = end + this.input.substring(end, this.input.length).indexOf("@"); this.entries[this.currentEntry]["BIBTEXRAW"] = this.input.substring(start, end); } } } function BibtexDisplay() { this.invert = function(obj) { var new_obj = {}; for (var prop in obj) { if (obj.hasOwnProperty(prop)) { new_obj[obj[prop]] = prop; } } return new_obj; } function isSymbol(str) { return str.length === 1 && str.test(/[\W]/i); } //Regex Searchs used by fixValue in proper order this.regExps = []; this.regExps.push(new RegExp("\{\\\\\\W*\\w+\}")); // 1 {\[]} this.regExps.push(new RegExp("\\\\\\W*\{\\w+\}")); // 2 \[]{\[]} this.regExps.push(new RegExp("\\\\\\W*\\w+\\s")); // 3 \[] this.regExps.push(new RegExp("\\\\\\W*\\w+")); // 4 \[] this.regExps.push(new RegExp("\\\\(?![:\\\\\])\\W{1}")); // 5 this.fixValue = function(value) { do { var removeBrackets = value.match(/^\{(.*?)\}$/g, '$1'); if (removeBrackets) { value = value.replace(/^\{(.*?)\}$/g, '$1'); } } while (removeBrackets); // Working on a more efficient way of processing the latex var index = value.indexOf("\\"); if (index > -1) { for (var exp in this.regExps) { do { var str = value.match(this.regExps[exp]); var key = (str) ? str[0] : ""; if (str) { if (typeof(latex_to_unicode[key]) != "undefined") { value = value.replace(key, latex_to_unicode[key]); } else { var newkey = key.replace(new RegExp("(\\w)"), '{$1}') if (typeof(latex_to_unicode[newkey]) != "undefined") { value = value.replace(key, latex_to_unicode[newkey]); } else { str = ""; } } } else { str = ""; } } while (str.length); } } value = value.replace(/[\{|\}]/g, ''); return value; } this.getName = function(array) { // First, Junior, Von, Last, First Initals var name = ["", "", "", "", ""]; // check how many elements in array 1, 2, or 3 switch (array.length) { case 1: { // Split by spaces keeping {names names} together var words = array[0].split(/\ \s?(?![^\{]*\})/); // Get first name var index = 0; for (; index < words.length - 1; index++) { var space = (index > 0) ? " " : ""; if (words[index][0] == '{') { if (words[index][1] == '\\') { words[index] = this.fixValue(words[index]); // Test below } else { name[0] += space + this.fixValue(words[index]); continue; } } if (words[index][0] == words[index][0].toUpperCase()) { name[0] += space + this.fixValue(words[index]); } else { break; //von part } } // Get von part forward look for last non uppercase var lastVon = index; for (var temp = index; temp < words.length - 1; temp++) { if (words[temp][0] == words[temp][0].toLowerCase()) { lastVon = temp; } } for (; index <= lastVon && index < words.length - 1; index++) { var space = (name[2] != "") ? " " : ""; name[2] += space + this.fixValue(words[index]); } // Get last name for (; index < words.length; index++) { var space = (name[3] != "") ? " " : ""; name[3] += space + this.fixValue(words[index]); } } break; case 2: case 3: { var arrayIndex = 0; // Split by spaces keeping {names names} together var words = array[arrayIndex].split(/\ \s?(?![^\{]*\})/); var index = 0; // Get von part forward look for last non uppercase var lastVon = -1; for (var temp = index; temp < words.length - 1; temp++) { if (words[temp][0] == words[temp][0].toLowerCase()) { lastVon = temp; } } for (; index <= lastVon && index < words.length - 1; index++) { var space = (name[2] != "") ? " " : ""; name[2] += space + this.fixValue(words[index]); } // Get last name for (; index < words.length; index++) { var space = (name[3] != "") ? " " : ""; name[3] += space + this.fixValue(words[index]); } arrayIndex++; // Check if there is a Jr. part if (array.length == 3) { name[1] = this.fixValue(array[arrayIndex]); arrayIndex++; } // Get first name name[0] = this.fixValue(array[arrayIndex]); } break; default: console.log("Processed author incorrectly!"); return name; } if (name[0] != "") { name[4] = name[0].split(" ").map((s) => s.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase()).join(". ") + "."; } return name; } var Format = Object.freeze({ "FIRST": 0, "JUNIOR": 1, "VON": 2, "LAST": 3, "FIRST_INITIAL": 4 }); this.displayAuthor = function(string, format) { string = string.replace(/[ ]*[\n\t][ ]*/g, " "); string = string.replace(/[ ]+/g, " "); // Split string by 'and' keeping {words and words} together var arrayString = string.split(new RegExp(/\s+and\s+?(?![^\{]*\})/)); // Get the max amount of authors to print var searchLength = arrayString.length; if (format.attr("max")) { searchLength = Math.min(format.attr("max"), searchLength); } // Get conjunction if set in author conjunction = format.attr('conjunction') ? format.attr('conjunction') : ', and'; conjunction = "" + conjunction + ""; var newString = ""; for (i = 0; i < searchLength; i++) { // Split string by ',' keeping {words, and words} together var name = this.getName(arrayString[i].split(/\,\s?(?![^\{]*\})/)); var author = format.clone(); var fullName = $.grep(name.slice(0, 4), Boolean).join(" "); author.attr('class', fullName); var textBefore = false; for (j = 0, ele = author.find("span:not(a)"), len = ele.length; j < len; ++j) { var index = Format[ele[j].getAttribute("class").toUpperCase()]; // Check if value is empty if (name[index] != "") { if (ele[j].hasAttribute("bibtex-js-rif") && !textBefore) { ele[j].textContent = name[index]; } else { ele[j].textContent = ele[j].textContent + name[index]; } textBefore = true; } else { ele[j].remove(); } } if (i == 0) { newString += author[0].outerHTML; } else if (i + 1 >= arrayString.length) { newString += conjunction + " " + author[0].outerHTML; } else { newString += ", " + author[0].outerHTML; } } // Checking if et al. must be added if (searchLength != arrayString.length) { if (searchLength > 1) { newString += ","; } newString += " et al."; } return newString; } this.createTemplate = function(entry, output) { // Check if bibtex keys are limiting output (bibtexkeys="key1|key2|...|keyN") if (output[0].attributes.length > 1) { for (var i = 0, attrs = output[0].attributes, n = attrs.length; i < n; ++i) { var name = attrs[i].nodeName.toUpperCase(); var value = attrs[i].nodeValue; if (name in entry) { if (!entry[name].match(value)) return null; } } } // find template var tpl = $(".bibtex_template").clone().removeClass('bibtex_template'); // find all keys in the entry var keys = []; for (var key in entry) { keys.push(key.toUpperCase()); } // Regex var orRegExp = new RegExp('\\s*[\\|\\|]\\s*', "gi"); // split by "||" var eqRegExp = new RegExp('\\s*==\\s*', "gi"); // split by "==" // find all ifs and check them var removed = false; do { // find next if var conds = tpl.find(".if"); if (conds.length == 0) { break; } // check if var cond = conds.first(); cond.removeClass("if"); var keepIf = false; var classList = cond.attr('class').split(orRegExp); var self = this; $.each(classList, function(index, cls) { var equation = cls.split(eqRegExp); if (equation.length == 2) { if (keys.indexOf(equation[0].toUpperCase()) > 0 && self.fixValue(entry[equation[0].toUpperCase()]) == equation[1]) { keepIf |= true; } } else { if (cls[0] == "!" && keys.indexOf(cls.substring(1, cls.length).toUpperCase()) < 0) { keepIf |= true; } else if (keys.indexOf(cls.toUpperCase()) > 0) { keepIf |= true; } } cond.removeClass(cls); }); // remove false ifs if (!keepIf) { cond.remove(); } } while (true); tpl.find('.bibtexVar').each(function() { var key = $(this).attr("extra").toUpperCase(); var regEx = new RegExp('\\+' + key + '\\+', "gi"); var entryValue = entry[key]; if ($(this)[0].hasAttribute("bibtexjs-css-escape")) { entryValue = entryValue.replace(/[\!\#\$\%\&\'\(\)\*\+\,\.\/\:\;\<\=\>\?\@\[\\\]\^\`\{\|\}\~ ]/g, '\\$&'); } $.each(this.attributes, function(i, attrib) { var value = attrib.value; value = value.replace(regEx, entryValue); attrib.value = value; }); }); // fill in remaining fields for (var index in keys) { var key = keys[index]; var value = entry[key] || ""; // Fill out bibtex raw and continue if (key == "BIBTEXRAW") { tpl.find("." + key.toLowerCase()).html(value); continue; } if (key == "AUTHOR") { var format = tpl.find("span:not(a)." + key.toLowerCase()); if (format.length) value = this.displayAuthor(value, format); } else if (key == "PAGES") { value = value.replace("--", "-"); } else if (key == "DATE") { value = moment(value).format("MMM. YYYY"); } else if (key == "URL") { value = value.replace(/\\url/g, ''); value = this.fixValue(value); } else { value = this.fixValue(value); } tpl.find("span:not(a)." + key.toLowerCase()).html(value); tpl.find("a." + key.toLowerCase()).each(function() { if (!$(this).attr("href")) { $(this).attr("href", value); } }); } tpl.addClass("bibtexentry"); return tpl; } this.createArray = function(entries) { var entriesArray = []; for (var entryKey in entries) { entriesArray.push(entries[entryKey]); } return entriesArray; } this.sortArray = function(array, key, rule, type) { var keyUpper = key.toUpperCase(); array = array.sort(function(a, b) { var aValue = "", bValue = ""; // Need to check if values exist aValue = (keyUpper in a) ? a[keyUpper] : ""; bValue = (keyUpper in b) ? b[keyUpper] : ""; // `year` and `date` fall back to each other. if (keyUpper == "DATE") { var getDateFromYearMonth = x => { return ((("MONTH" in x) ? x["MONTH"] : "Jan") + " 1, " + (("YEAR" in x) ? x["YEAR"] : "1900")); }; if (!aValue) aValue = getDateFromYearMonth(a); if (!bValue) bValue = getDateFromYearMonth(b); } else if (keyUpper == "YEAR") { var getYearFromDate = x => { if ("DATE" in x) { return moment(x["DATE"]).format("YYYY"); } return ""; } if (!aValue) aValue = getYearFromDate(a); if (!bValue) bValue = getYearFromDate(b); } switch (rule.toUpperCase()) { case "DESC": //Values remain the same break; case "ASC": //Just swaping the values var tmp = bValue; bValue = aValue; aValue = tmp; break; default: return 0; break; } switch (type.toLowerCase()) { case "string": return bValue.toUpperCase().localeCompare(aValue.toUpperCase()); break; case "number": return parseInt(bValue) - parseInt(aValue); break; case "date": return new Date(bValue) - new Date(aValue); break; default: return 0; break; } }); return array; } this.createStructure = function(structure, output, entries, level) { var MissingGroup = "Other Publications"; //Used during the search level = level || 0; var struct = structure.clone().removeClass('bibtex_structure'); var groupChild = struct.children(".group"); var sectionsChild = struct.children(".sections"); var sortChild = struct.children(".sort"); if (groupChild.length) { var group = groupChild.first(); var groupName = group.attr('class').split(" ")[1].toUpperCase(); var rule = group.attr('extra').split(" ")[0]; var type = group.attr('extra').split(" ")[1]; //Sort the array based on group rules var sortedArray = this.sortArray(entries, groupName, rule, type); // Get all the unique values for the groups var values = []; $.each(sortedArray, function(i, object) { if (groupName in object && $.inArray(object[groupName], values) === -1) { values.push(object[groupName]); return; } }); values.push(MissingGroup); //This is for checking none grouped publications //Get the bibtex topics html here. var topics = $(".bibtex_topics"); // Iterate through the values and recurively call this function globalStruct = $('
'); for (val in values) { //Starting to create the page var newStruct = struct.clone(); var groupNameValue = values[val]; //Add the header for the group var header = newStruct.children("." + groupName.toLowerCase()).first().find(".title"); if (header.length) { header.prepend(this.fixValue(groupNameValue)); header.attr("id", this.fixValue(groupNameValue)); } else { newStruct.children("." + groupName.toLowerCase()).first().prepend("" + this.fixValue(groupNameValue) + ""); } //Divide the array into group with groupNameValue splicedArray = $.grep(sortedArray, function(object, i) { if (groupNameValue == MissingGroup) { return (typeof object[groupName] === "undefined") ? true : false; } else { return object[groupName] == groupNameValue; } }); if (splicedArray.length) { //Add the topic value to the topics structure if it exists on the page if (topics.length && level == 0) { topics.append(" - " + groupNameValue + " "); } // Get back the struct to add to the page var tempStruct = this.createStructure(groupChild.clone(), output, splicedArray, level + 1); if (groupChild.children(".group").length) { nextGroupName = "." + groupChild.children(".group").attr('class').split(' ').join('.'); newStruct.find(nextGroupName).replaceWith(tempStruct.find(nextGroupName)); } else { newStruct.find(".templates").append(tempStruct.find(".templates").html()); } if (level == 0) { output.append(newStruct); } else { globalStruct.append(newStruct); } } } if (level == 0) { return output; } else { return globalStruct; } } else if (sectionsChild.length) { var values = [], section = [], toRemove = []; // Get all the unique values for the sections var sectionbibtexkey = sectionsChild.first().attr('class').split(" ")[1].toUpperCase(); $('.section', '.sections').each(function(i, object) { values.push($(this).attr('class').split(" ")[1].toUpperCase()); section.push($(this)); }); //Get the bibtex topics html here. var topics = $(".bibtex_topics"); // Iterate through the values and recurively call this function globalStruct = $('
'); //Starting to create the page var newStruct = struct.clone(); for (val in values) { var sectionNameValue = values[val]; var re = new RegExp(sectionNameValue); //Divide the array into group with sectionNameValue splicedArray = $.grep(entries, function(object, i) { return re.test(object[sectionbibtexkey]); }); if (splicedArray.length) { //Add the topic value to the topics structure if it exists on the page if (topics.length && level == 0) { var sectionNameTitle = section[val].children().first().text(); topics.append(" - " + sectionNameTitle + " "); } // Get back the struct to add to the page var tempStruct = this.createStructure(section[val].clone(), output, splicedArray, level + 1); if (groupChild.children(".group").length) { nextGroupName = "." + groupChild.children(".group").attr('class').split(' ').join('.'); newStruct.find(nextGroupName).replaceWith(tempStruct.find(nextGroupName)); } else { newStruct.find(".templates").eq(val).append(tempStruct.find(".templates").html()); } if (level == 0) { output.append(newStruct); } else { globalStruct.append(newStruct); } } else { toRemove.push(newStruct.find(".section").eq(val)); } } for (val in toRemove) { toRemove[val].remove(); } if (level == 0) { return output; } else { return globalStruct; } } else if (sortChild.length) { var sortName = sortChild.attr('class').split(" ")[1].toUpperCase(); var rule = sortChild.first().attr('extra').split(" ")[0]; var type = sortChild.first().attr('extra').split(" ")[1]; var sort = structure.children(".sort").first().clone(); //Sort the array based on sort rules var sortedArray = this.sortArray(entries, sortName, rule, type); if (level == 0) { output.append(this.createStructure(sortChild, output, sortedArray, level + 1)); } else { return this.createStructure(sortChild, output, sortedArray, level + 1); } } else { // iterate over bibTeX entries and add them to template for (var entryKey in entries) { var entry = entries[entryKey]; // Checking if web is set to visible if (!entry["WEB"] || entry["WEB"].toUpperCase() != "NO") { var tpl = this.createTemplate(entry, output); // Check if template was created if (tpl) { structure.find(".templates").append(tpl); tpl.show(); if (tpl.attr("callback")) { var callback = new Function('bibtexentry', tpl.attr("callback")); callback(tpl[0]); } } } } return structure; } } this.displayBibtex = function(input, output) { // parse bibtex input var b = new BibtexParser(); b.setInput(input); try { b.bibtex(); } catch (e) { b.errorThrown(e); console.error(e); } var entries = b.getEntries(); // save old entries to remove them later var old = output.find("*"); var structure = $(".bibtex_structure").clone(); // If structure exists we need to do more complicated sorting with entries if (structure.length) { // Create array for sorting var entriesArray = this.createArray(entries); this.createStructure(structure, output, entriesArray); } else { // iterate over bibTeX entries for (var entryKey in entries) { var entry = entries[entryKey]; tpl = this.createTemplate(entry, output); // Check if template was created if (tpl) { output.append(tpl); tpl.show(); if (tpl.attr("callback")) { var callback = new Function('bibtexentry', tpl.attr("callback")); callback(tpl[0]); } } } } // remove old entries old.remove(); } } function bibtex_js_draw() { $(".bibtex_template").hide(); //Gets the BibTex files and adds them together var bibstring = ""; var requests = []; if ($("#bibtex_input").length) { bibstring += $("#bibtex_input").val(); } // Create request for bibtex files $('bibtex').each(function(index, value) { var request = $.ajax({ url: $(this).attr('src'), dataType: "text" }) .done((data) => bibstring += data) .fail((request, status, error) => console.error(error)) requests.push(request); }); // Add default author format if it doesn't exist var authorFormat = $(".bibtex_template").find("span:not(a).author"); if (authorFormat.length && !authorFormat.find("span:not(a)").length) { authorFormat.append($("").attr("class", "first")); authorFormat.append($("").attr("class", "von") .attr("bibtex-js-rif", "").text(" ")); authorFormat.append($("").attr("class", "last") .attr("bibtex-js-rif", "").text(" ")); authorFormat.append($("").attr("class", "junior").text(", ")); } // Executed on completion of last outstanding ajax call $.when.apply($, requests).then(function() { // Check if we have a bibtex_display id or classes if ($("#bibtex_display").length) { var bibtex_display = $("#bibtex_display"); (new BibtexDisplay()).displayBibtex(bibstring, bibtex_display); if (bibtex_display.attr("callback")) { var callback = new Function('bibtex_display', bibtex_display.attr("callback")); callback(bibtex_display[0]); } } else if ($(".bibtex_display").length) { // Loop through all bibtex_displays on the page $(".bibtex_display").each(function(index) { // ($this) is the class node output for the bitex entries (new BibtexDisplay()).displayBibtex(bibstring, $(this)); if ($(this).attr("callback")) { var callback = new Function('bibtex_display', $(this).attr("callback")); callback($(this)[0]); } }); } // Remove elements from html that are not needed to display $(".bibtex_structure").remove(); loadExtras(); }); } /** BibTex Searcher is used with input form */ function BibTeXSearcher() { this.inputArray = new Array(""); this.inputLength = 0; this.setInputArray = function(val) { this.inputArray = val; this.inputLength = val.length; } this.getStringName = function(string) { var start_pos = string.indexOf('@') + 1; var end_pos = string.indexOf('[', start_pos); var array = []; if (end_pos == -1) { array[0] = string.substring(start_pos, string.length); } else { array[0] = string.substring(start_pos, end_pos); end_pos2 = string.indexOf(']', start_pos); array[1] = string.substring(end_pos + 1, end_pos2); } return array; } this.checkEntry = function(entry, word) { var found = false; if (word[0] != "@") { entry.find("span:not(.noread)").each( function() { if ($(this).text().search(new RegExp(word, "i")) > -1 && entry.is(":visible")) { found = true; return false; //Break out of loop } }); } else { //This search version is for more specific searchs using the @name[parameter]=value var strings = word.split("="); var arrayStr = this.getStringName(strings[0]); if (arrayStr.length < 2) { entry.find("span:not(.noread)." + arrayStr[0]).each( function() { if ($(this).text().search(new RegExp(strings[1], "i")) > -1 && entry.is(":visible")) { found = true; return false; //Break out of loop } }); } else { switch (arrayStr[1]) { case "first": entry.find("span:not(.noread)." + arrayStr[0]).each( function() { arrayString = $(this).text().split(new RegExp(",[\\s]+and[\\s]+|,[\\s]+")); if (strings[1] == arrayString[0] && entry.is(":visible")) { found = true; return false; //Break out of loop } }); break; } } } return found; } this.unhideAll = function() { $("div#bibtex_display, div.bibtex_display").children().each( function() { $(this).show(); $(this).find(".bibtexentry").each( function() { $(this).show(); }); }); } this.hideEntry = function(word) { var funcCaller = this; var container = $("div#bibtex_display, div.bibtex_display").children(); // No bibtex_structure search if (container.first().hasClass("bibtexentry")) { container.each( function() { if (!funcCaller.checkEntry($(this), word)) { $(this).hide(); } }); } else { // There is a bibtex_structure container.each( function() { var shouldHide = true; $(this).find(".bibtexentry:visible").each( function() { if (!funcCaller.checkEntry($(this), word)) { $(this).hide(); } else { shouldHide = false; } }); // Hides outside div if (shouldHide) { $(this).hide(); } }); } } this.searcher = function(input, needToRestart) { needToRestart = typeof needToRestart !== 'undefined' ? needToRestart : false; var string = input; if (string.length) { var splitInput = string.split("%"); //If input is less than restart if (this.inputLength > splitInput.length || this.inputLength == 0) { needToRestart = true; } //If last string reduced in size than restart else if (this.inputArray[this.inputArray.length - 1].length > splitInput[splitInput.length - 1].length) { needToRestart = true; } //If earlier words changed than restart else { for (var i = 0; i < this.inputArray.length - 1; i++) { if (this.inputArray[i] != splitInput[i]) { needToRestart = true; break; } } } if (needToRestart) { this.unhideAll(); for (var word in splitInput) { this.hideEntry(splitInput[word]); } } else { this.hideEntry(splitInput[splitInput.length - 1]); } this.setInputArray(splitInput); } else { this.unhideAll(); } } } function createWebPage(defaultTemplate) { // draw bibtex when loaded $(document).ready(function() { // check for template, add default if ($(".bibtex_template").length == 0) { $("body").append(defaultTemplate); } bibtex_js_draw(); }); } function loadExtras() { BibTeXSearcherClass = new BibTeXSearcher(); // Generate all search lists $("select").each(function() { for (var i = 0, l = this.classList.length; i < l; ++i) { var checkRegEx = this.classList[i].match(/bibtex_generate_(.*)/); if (checkRegEx) { var field = checkRegEx[1]; generateList($(this), field); } } }); localStorage.removeItem("customerDatabase"); if (!localStorage.searcher) { localStorage.searcher = new Object(); } //Resets selects when back button is used $("select").each(function() { if (localStorage.getItem($(this).attr("id"))) { $(this).val(JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem($(this).attr("id")))); } }); $(".bibtex_search").each(function(i, obj) { $(this).on('change', function(e) { combineSearcher(BibTeXSearcherClass, true); localStorage.setItem($(this).attr("id"), JSON.stringify($(this).val())); }); $(this).keyup(function() { combineSearcher(BibTeXSearcherClass); }); if (obj.length > 0 && $(this).val() != "") { combineSearcher(BibTeXSearcherClass, true); } }); } function combineSearcher(searcherClass, needToRestart) { needToRestart = typeof needToRestart !== 'undefined' ? needToRestart : false; var string = ""; $("select.bibtex_search").each(function(i, obj) { var front = ""; if (obj.hasAttribute("search")) front = "@" + $(this).attr("search"); if (obj.hasAttribute("extra")) { front += "[" + $(this).attr("extra") + "]="; } else { if (front != "") { front += "="; } } if ($(this).val() != "") { string += "%" + front + $(this).val(); } }); $("input.bibtex_search").each(function(i, obj) { if ($(this).val() != "") { string += "%" + $(this).val().split(' ').join('%'); } }); searcherClass.searcher(string, needToRestart); 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} for (i = 0; i < arrayString.length; ++i) { if (arrayString[i] in map) { map[arrayString[i]] += 1; } else { map[arrayString[i]] = 1; } } }); for (var key in map) { displayTuples.push([key, key, key, map[key]]); } } var options = {}; var optionStr = object.attr("bibtex_sort_options"); if (optionStr !== undefined) { var properties = optionStr.split(",").map(item => item.trim()); properties.forEach(function(property) { var tup = property.split(':'); options[tup[0]] = tup[1]; }); } displayTuples.sort((a, b) => a[0].localeCompare(b[0], object.attr("bibtex_sort_language"), options)); for (var i = 0; i < displayTuples.length; i++) { var key = displayTuples[i][1]; var text = displayTuples[i][2]; object.append($("").attr("value", key).text(text)); } } var defaultTemplate = "
" + "
\n" + "\n" + ",\n" + "\n \n" + "\n" + "(view online)\n" + "\n
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