from __future__ import annotations import argparse import dataclasses import io import json import os import platform import re import shutil import site import subprocess import sys import urllib.request from pathlib import Path from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory from typing import Sequence if sys.version_info < (3, 8): sys.exit("Python 3.8 or above is required to install PDM.") _plat = platform.system() MACOS = _plat == "Darwin" WINDOWS = _plat == "Windows" REPO = "" JSON_URL = "" FOREGROUND_COLORS = { "black": 30, "red": 31, "green": 32, "yellow": 33, "blue": 34, "magenta": 35, "cyan": 36, "white": 37, } def _call_subprocess(args: list[str]) -> int: try: return, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, check=True).returncode except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: print(f"An error occurred when executing {args}:", file=sys.stderr) print(e.output.decode("utf-8"), file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(e.returncode) def _echo(text: str) -> None: sys.stdout.write(text + "\n") if WINDOWS: import winreg def _get_win_folder_with_ctypes(csidl_name: str) -> str: import ctypes csidl_const = { "CSIDL_APPDATA": 26, "CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA": 35, "CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA": 28, }[csidl_name] buf = ctypes.create_unicode_buffer(1024) ctypes.windll.shell32.SHGetFolderPathW(None, csidl_const, None, 0, buf) # Downgrade to short path name if have highbit chars. See # . has_high_char = False for c in buf: if ord(c) > 255: has_high_char = True break if has_high_char: buf2 = ctypes.create_unicode_buffer(1024) if ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetShortPathNameW(buf.value, buf2, 1024): buf = buf2 return buf.value def _get_win_folder_from_registry(csidl_name: str) -> str: """This is a fallback technique at best. I'm not sure if using the registry for this guarantees us the correct answer for all CSIDL_* names. """ shell_folder_name = { "CSIDL_APPDATA": "AppData", "CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA": "Common AppData", "CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA": "Local AppData", }[csidl_name] key = winreg.OpenKey( winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, r"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders", ) dir, _ = winreg.QueryValueEx(key, shell_folder_name) return dir try: from ctypes import windll # noqa: F401 _get_win_folder = _get_win_folder_with_ctypes except ImportError: _get_win_folder = _get_win_folder_from_registry def _remove_path_windows(target: Path) -> None: value = os.path.normcase(target) with winreg.ConnectRegistry(None, winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER) as root: with winreg.OpenKey(root, "Environment", 0, winreg.KEY_ALL_ACCESS) as env_key: try: old_value, type_ = winreg.QueryValueEx(env_key, "PATH") paths = [os.path.normcase(item) for item in old_value.split(os.pathsep)] if value not in paths: return new_value = os.pathsep.join(p for p in paths if p != value) winreg.SetValueEx(env_key, "PATH", 0, type_, new_value) except FileNotFoundError: return def _add_to_path(target: Path) -> None: value = os.path.normcase(target) if WINDOWS: with winreg.ConnectRegistry(None, winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER) as root: with winreg.OpenKey(root, "Environment", 0, winreg.KEY_ALL_ACCESS) as env_key: try: old_value, type_ = winreg.QueryValueEx(env_key, "PATH") if value in [os.path.normcase(item) for item in old_value.split(os.pathsep)]: return except FileNotFoundError: old_value, type_ = "", winreg.REG_EXPAND_SZ new_value = os.pathsep.join([old_value, value]) if old_value else value winreg.SetValueEx(env_key, "PATH", 0, type_, new_value) _echo( "Post-install: {} is added to PATH env, please restart your terminal to take effect".format( colored("green", value) ) ) else: paths = [os.path.normcase(p) for p in os.getenv("PATH", "").split(os.pathsep)] if value in paths: return _echo( "Post-install: Please add {} to PATH by executing:\n {}".format( colored("green", value), colored("cyan", f"export PATH={value}:$PATH"), ) ) def support_ansi() -> bool: if WINDOWS: return ( os.getenv("ANSICON") is not None or os.getenv("WT_SESSION") is not None or "ON" == os.getenv("ConEmuANSI") or "xterm" == os.getenv("Term") ) if not hasattr(sys.stdout, "fileno"): return False try: return os.isatty(sys.stdout.fileno()) except io.UnsupportedOperation: return False def colored(color: str, text: str, bold: bool = False) -> str: if not support_ansi(): return text codes = [FOREGROUND_COLORS[color]] if bold: codes.append(1) return "\x1b[{}m{}\x1b[0m".format(";".join(map(str, codes)), text) @dataclasses.dataclass class Installer: location: str | None = None version: str | None = None prerelease: bool = False additional_deps: Sequence[str] = () skip_add_to_path: bool = False output_path: str | None = None def __post_init__(self): self._path = self._decide_path() self._path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) if self.version is None: self.version = self._get_latest_version() def _get_latest_version(self) -> str: resp = urllib.request.urlopen(JSON_URL) metadata = json.load(resp) def version_okay(v: str) -> bool: return self.prerelease or all(p.isdigit() for p in v.split(".")) def sort_version(v: str) -> tuple: parts = [] for part in v.split("."): if part.isdigit(): parts.append(int(part)) else: digit, rest = re.match(r"^(\d*)(.*)", part).groups() if digit: parts.append(int(digit)) parts.append(rest) return tuple(parts) installable_versions = { k for k, v in metadata["releases"].items() if version_okay(k) and not v[0].get("yanked") } releases = sorted(installable_versions, key=sort_version, reverse=True) return releases[0] def _decide_path(self) -> Path: if self.location is not None: return Path(self.location).expanduser().resolve() if WINDOWS: const = "CSIDL_APPDATA" path = os.path.normpath(_get_win_folder(const)) path = os.path.join(path, "pdm") elif MACOS: path = os.path.expanduser("~/Library/Application Support/pdm") else: path = os.getenv("XDG_DATA_HOME", os.path.expanduser("~/.local/share")) path = os.path.join(path, "pdm") return Path(path) def _make_env(self) -> Path: venv_path = self._path / "venv" _echo( "Installing {} ({}): {}".format( colored("green", "PDM", bold=True), colored("yellow", self.version), colored("cyan", "Creating virtual environment"), ) ) try: import venv venv.create(venv_path, clear=False, with_pip=True) except (ModuleNotFoundError, subprocess.CalledProcessError): try: import virtualenv except ModuleNotFoundError: python_version = f"{sys.version_info.major}.{sys.version_info.minor}" url = f"{python_version}/virtualenv.pyz" with TemporaryDirectory(prefix="pdm-installer-") as tempdir: virtualenv_zip = Path(tempdir) / "virtualenv.pyz" urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, virtualenv_zip) _call_subprocess([sys.executable, str(virtualenv_zip), str(venv_path)]) else: virtualenv.cli_run([str(venv_path)]) return venv_path def _install(self, venv_path: Path) -> None: _echo( "Installing {} ({}): {}".format( colored("green", "PDM", bold=True), colored("yellow", self.version), colored("cyan", "Installing PDM and dependencies"), ) ) if WINDOWS: venv_python = venv_path / "Scripts/python.exe" else: venv_python = venv_path / "bin/python" # Re-install the venv pip to ensure it's not DEBUNDLED # See issue/685 try: _call_subprocess([str(venv_python), "-m", "ensurepip"]) except SystemExit: pass _call_subprocess([str(venv_python), "-m", "pip", "install", "-IU", "pip"]) if self.version: if self.version.upper() == "HEAD": req = f"git+{REPO}.git@main#egg=pdm" else: req = f"pdm=={self.version}" else: req = "pdm" args = [req] + [d for d in self.additional_deps if d] pip_cmd = [str(venv_python), "-Im", "pip", "install", *args] _call_subprocess(pip_cmd) def _make_bin(self, venv_path: Path) -> Path: if self.location: bin_path = self._path / "bin" else: userbase = Path(site.getuserbase()) bin_path = userbase / ("Scripts" if WINDOWS else "bin") _echo( "Installing {} ({}): {} {}".format( colored("green", "PDM", bold=True), colored("yellow", self.version), colored("cyan", "Making binary at"), colored("green", str(bin_path)), ) ) bin_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) if WINDOWS: script = bin_path / "pdm.exe" target = venv_path / "Scripts" / "pdm.exe" else: script = bin_path / "pdm" target = venv_path / "bin" / "pdm" if script.exists(): script.unlink() try: script.symlink_to(target) except OSError: shutil.copy(target, script) return bin_path def _post_install(self, venv_path: Path, bin_path: Path) -> None: if WINDOWS: script = bin_path / "pdm.exe" else: script = bin_path / "pdm" subprocess.check_call([str(script), "--help"]) print() _echo( "Successfully installed: {} ({}) at {}".format( colored("green", "PDM", bold=True), colored("yellow", self.version), colored("cyan", str(script)), ) ) if not self.skip_add_to_path: _add_to_path(bin_path) self._write_output(venv_path, script) def _write_output(self, venv_path: Path, script: Path) -> None: if not self.output_path: return print("Writing output to", colored("green", self.output_path)) output = { "pdm_version": self.version, "pdm_bin": str(script), "install_python_version": f"{sys.version_info.major}.{sys.version_info.minor}.{sys.version_info.micro}", "install_location": str(venv_path), } with open(self.output_path, "w") as f: json.dump(output, f, indent=2) def install(self) -> None: venv = self._make_env() self._install(venv) bin_dir = self._make_bin(venv) self._post_install(venv, bin_dir) def uninstall(self) -> None: _echo( "Uninstalling {}: {}".format( colored("green", "PDM", bold=True), colored("cyan", "Removing venv and script"), ) ) if self.location: bin_path = self._path / "bin" else: userbase = Path(site.getuserbase()) bin_path = userbase / ("Scripts" if WINDOWS else "bin") if WINDOWS: script = bin_path / "pdm.exe" else: script = bin_path / "pdm" shutil.rmtree(self._path / "venv") script.unlink() if WINDOWS: _remove_path_windows(bin_path) print() _echo("Successfully uninstalled") def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( "-v", "--version", help="Specify the version to be installed, or HEAD to install from the main branch", default=os.getenv("PDM_VERSION"), ) parser.add_argument( "--prerelease", action="store_true", help="Allow prereleases to be installed", default=os.getenv("PDM_PRERELEASE"), ) parser.add_argument( "--remove", action="store_true", help="Remove the PDM installation", default=os.getenv("PDM_REMOVE"), ) parser.add_argument( "-p", "--path", help="Specify the location to install PDM", default=os.getenv("PDM_HOME"), ) parser.add_argument( "-d", "--dep", action="append", default=os.getenv("PDM_DEPS", "").split(","), help="Specify additional dependencies, can be given multiple times", ) parser.add_argument( "--skip-add-to-path", action="store_true", help="Do not add binary to the PATH.", default=os.getenv("PDM_SKIP_ADD_TO_PATH"), ) parser.add_argument("-o", "--output", help="Output file to write the installation info to") options = parser.parse_args() installer = Installer( location=options.path, version=options.version, prerelease=options.prerelease, additional_deps=options.dep, skip_add_to_path=options.skip_add_to_path, output_path=options.output, ) if options.remove: installer.uninstall() else: installer.install() if __name__ == "__main__": main()