# gruvbox # Color scheme port of [gruvbox](https://github.com/morhetz/gruvbox) dark mode to Sublime Text. It's not 100% match to original gruvbox. I've toned down red color a little bit, used different caret color and there are probably lots of inconsistencies in language specific highlighting (ST has different scheme rules than VIM). If you want to have original red color then change in tmTheme all occurences of `fa5c4b` to `fb4934`. ## Examples __Python__ ![python.png](img/python.png) __JavaScript__ ![js.png](img/js.png) __PHP__ ![php.png](img/php.png) __CSS__ ![css.png](img/css.png) __HTML__ ![html.png](img/html.png) Font used in screenshots is Input Mono. ## Contribution Feel free to contribute if you find any issues in color highlighting (especially in language specific highlighting).