# Change Log All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](http://keepachangelog.com/) and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/). ## [0.6.2] ### - Issue #24 Update Windows Thumbprint, convert to list for configuration. Backwards compatiable checking. ## [0.6.1] ### - Capture stderr output from gpg. Some automation platforms highlight stderr read. - Quiet codesign unless running verbose. ## [0.6.0] ### Fixed - Support for 1.0.0, making it the new default - Removed invalid description of Path from README. `$HOME\bin` is no longer the default. ## [0.5.1] ### Security - Updated GPG keys: due to [HCSEC-2021-12](https://discuss.hashicorp.com/t/hcsec-2021-12-codecov-security-event-and-hashicorp-gpg-key-exposure/23512) Codecov Security Event and HashiCorp GPG Key Exposure. See Terraform Updates for [HCSEC-2021-12](https://discuss.hashicorp.com/t/terraform-updates-for-hcsec-2021-12/23570) for guidance. If the following error is received ```pwsh Install-Terraform -TFVersion 0.15.1 gpg: Signature made 04/26/21 17:02:20 Eastern Daylight Time gpg: using RSA key B36CBA91A2C0730C435FC280B0B441097685B676 gpg: Can't check signature: No public key Exception: C:\Users\pearcec\Documents\PowerShell\Modules\Invoke-Terraform\0.5.1\Invoke-Terraform.psm1:173:9 Line | 173 | throw "Unable to verify signature on $($SHAPath)" | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | Unable to verify signature on | C:\Users\pearcec\AppData\Local\Temp\8ce5da55-215d-465f-861f-9778ee719d5d_SHA256SUMS ``` Then update the Invoke-Terraform configuration: ```pwsh Set-TerraformConfiguration -Configuration @{ HashiCorpPGPKeyId='0x34365D9472D7468F';} ``` ### Changed - Slight documentation tweak - Removed unused HashiCorpPGPThumbprint - Source SHA256SUM signatures based on PGP Key ID ## [0.5.0] ### Changed - `Invoke-Terraform` recursively searches up for `.terraform-version` stopping at root ([#12](https://github.com/pearcec/Invoke-Terraform/issues/12)) - Provide a binary without a version reference in the filename ([#13](https://github.com/pearcec/Invoke-Terraform/issues/13)) ## [0.4.0] ### Added - `Install-Terraform` defaults to latest when `-TFVersion` is not passed (https://github.com/pearcec/Invoke-Terraform/issues/10) - Add stock contributing guidelines - Add stock pull request template ## [0.3.0] ### Changed - BREAKING: Refactor to use Configuration Module. Existing configurations are ignored. - Fix PSAnalyzer complaints ### Added - Add ShouldProcess on Set cmdlets - Add GH Actions testing and publishing - Adopt PowerShellBuild. - Add pester testd - Add .gitignore. - Add standard build.ps1, psakeFile.ps1 and requirements.psd1. ## [0.2.0] ## Changed - Moved TFPreferences to HashMap, only set preferences passed to Set-TerraformPreference - Require PowerShellVersion 6.0 for ConvertFrom-Json -AsHashtable - Platform independent Get-TerraformPath - Add SkipCodeSignature and SkipChecksum preferences and parameters globally, with better error handling on gpg ## [0.1.0] ### Added - Initial release