# JEC Wildcat Project: Update Release Notes ## **1.0.9** (2018-08-29) ### Bug Fixes - Adding support for `package-lock.json` in test cases - Adding support for the new `JEC-INF` structure in test cases ### Features - Updating all dependencies - Test cases improvements ## **1.0.8** (2018-08-22) ### Bug Fixes ### Features - Dependencies upgrade ## **1.0.7** (2017-12-26) ### Bug Fixes ### Features - Dependencies upgrade - Fixing `jec-commons` module break changes ## **1.0.6** (2017-09-06) ### Bug Fixes ### Features - Dependencies upgrade ## **1.0.5** (2017-08-20) ### Bug Fixes - **postinstall**: removing the post install script ### Features - **dist**: adding binaries to the `dist` folder ## **1.0.4** (2017-08-20) ### Bug Fixes ### Features - Fixing peer dependencies for GlassCat alpha releases integration ## **1.0.3** (2017-08-16) ### Bug Fixes ### Features - JUTA dependencies update - Adding types definition for the "fs-extra" module, used in test suites - **build**: adding build script to npm install process for GlassCat instal optimisation - **index.ts**: refactoring index.ts file for better types generation - Dependencies upgrade ## **1.0.2** (2017-07-14) ### Bug Fixes ### Features - Dependencies update ## **1.0.1** (2017-06-06) ### Bug Fixes ### Features - **JUTA update**: JUTA 1.1.0 dependencies update - **build improvements**: in this release definition types are updated during the build process ## **1.0.0** (2017-05-06) ### Bug Fixes ### Features - Initial release of the JEC Wildcat framework