SublimeRubycritic ================================ ## Installation Before using this plugin, you must ensure that `rubycritic` is installed on your system. To install `rubycritic`, do the following: 1. Install [Ruby]( Sugestion: `rbenv`. 1. Install `rubycritic` by typing the following in a terminal: ``` [sudo] gem install rubycritic ``` 1. If you are using `rbenv`, ensure that they are loaded in your shell’s correct startup file. ``` rbenv rehash ``` 1. test in sublime console (View > show console) ``` import os os.system("rubycritic") ``` 1. If is result 0, then there is no need to do the next steps. 1. If result is 32512, then sublime cannot find rubycritic. Please do these instructions in you command line: ``` which rubycritic ``` 1. copy the output and do this ``` ln -s [OUTPUT] /usr/local/bin/rubycritic # rbenv example: ln -s /Users/YOURUSERNAME/.rbenv/shims/rubycritic /usr/local/bin/rubycritic ``` ## Contributing If you would like to contribute enhancements or fixes, please do the following: 1. Fork the plugin repository. 1. Hack on a separate topic branch created from the latest `master`. 1. Commit and push the topic branch. 1. Make a pull request. 1. Be patient. ;-)