# React Native public developer API documentation > [!IMPORTANT] >The `setup` API must be called before the `startSession`, `WithPendoReactNavigation` and `WithPendoModal` APIs.
> All other APIs must be called after both the `setup` and `startSession` APIs, otherwise they will be ignored.
>The `setDebugMode` API is the exception to that rule and may be called anywhere in the code. > [!TIP] >Checkout out these sample apps integrated with Pendo: >- [RN sample app](https://github.com/pendo-io/RN-demo-app-React-Navigation) >- [RNN sample app](https://github.com/pendo-io/RN-demo-app-React-Native-Navigation) ### Pendo React Components [WithPendoReactNavigation](#withpendoreactnavigation)
### PendoSDK APIs [setup](#setup) ⇒ `void`
[startSession](#startsession) ⇒ `void`
[setVisitorData](#setvisitordata) ⇒ `void`
[setAccountData](#setaccountdata) ⇒ `void`
[endSession](#endsession) ⇒ `void`
[track](#track) ⇒ `void`
[screenContentChanged](#screencontentchanged) ⇒ `void`
[sendClickAnalytics](#sendclickanalytics) ⇒ `void`
[pauseGuides](#pauseguides) ⇒ `void`
[resumeGuides](#resumeguides) ⇒ `void`
[dismissVisibleGuides](#dismissvisibleguides) ⇒ `void`
[getDeviceId](#getdeviceid) ⇒ `String`
[getVisitorId](#getvisitorid) ⇒ `String`
[getAccountId](#getaccountid) ⇒ `String`
[setDebugMode](#setdebugmode) ⇒ `void`
### Navigation [NavigationOptions](#navigationoptions)
## Pendo React Components ### `WithPendoReactNavigation` ```typescript WithPendoReactNavigation(NavigationContainer) ``` >Only for apps that use React Navigation library. This function wraps the navigation container to track the navigation state.
Details - Click to expand or collapse
Class: React.FunctionComponent

| Param | Type | Description | | :---: | :---: | :--- | | navigationContainer | NavigationContainer | The app NavigationContainer, required by Pendo to track the app navigation states | Example: ```typescript // In the file where the NavigationContainer is created import {WithPendoReactNavigation} from 'rn-pendo-sdk' const PendoNavigationContainer = WithPendoReactNavigation(NavigationContainer); // replace the NavigationContainer tag with PendoNavigationContainer tag {/* Rest of your app code */} ```

### `WithPendoExpoRouter` ```typescript WithPendoExpoRouter(RootLayout) ``` >Only for apps that use Expo Router library. This function wraps the root layout container to track the navigation state.
Details - Click to expand or collapse
Class: React.FunctionComponent

| Param | Type | Description | |:----------:| :---: |:------------------------------------------------------------| | RootLayout | ReactNode | The app's root layout containing the expo router components | Example: In the file where your **Root Layout** is created import `WithPendoExpoRouter`, `usePathname` and `useGlobalSearchParams`: ```typescript import {WithPendoExpoRouter} from 'rn-pendo-sdk' import {useGlobalSearchParams, usePathname} from 'expo-router'; ``` Add the following code to the method building your **Root Layout** component. Make sure to pass **props** to your Root Layout method. ```typescript function RootLayout(props: any): ReactNode { ... let pathname = usePathname(); const params = useGlobalSearchParams(); useEffect(() => { props.onExpoRouterStateChange(pathname, params); }, [pathname, params, props]); ... } ``` Wrap your **Root Layout** component with **WithPendoExpoRouter**: ```typescript export default WithPendoExpoRouter(RootLayout); ```

### `WithPendoModal` ```typescript WithPendoModal(ModalComponent) ``` >Only for apps that use React Navigation library. This function wraps the modal component so the SDK can track the modal.
Details - Click to expand or collapse
Class: React.FunctionComponent

| Param | Type | Description | | :---: | :---: | :--- | | modalComponent | ModalComponent | The ModalComponent required by Pendo to track the modal | Example: ```typescript // In the file where the Modal is created import {WithPendoModal} from 'rn-pendo-sdk' const PendoModal = WithPendoModal(Modal); // replace the Modal tag with PendoModal tag {/* Rest of your app code */} ```

## PendoSDK APIs ### `setup` ```typescript static setup(appKey: string, navigationOptions: NavigationOptions, pendoOptions?: PendoOptions): void ``` >Establishes a connection with Pendo’s server. Call this API in your application’s main file (App.js/.ts/.tsx). The setup method can only be called once during the application lifecycle. Calling this API is required before tracking sessions or invoking session-related APIs.
Details - Click to expand or collapse
Class: PendoSDK
Kind: static method
Returns: void
| Param | Type | Description | | :---: | :---: | :--- | | appKey | string | The App Key is listed in your Pendo Subscription Settings in App Details | | navigationOptions | NavigationOptions | Convey the navigation library used by your app | | pendoOptions | PendoOptions | PendoOptions should be `null` unless instructed otherwise by Pendo Support | Example: ```typescript // example using React Navigation const navigationOptions = {library: NavigationLibraryType.ReactNavigation}; PendoSDK.setup('your.app.key', navigationOptions); ```
### `startSession` ```typescript static startSession(visitorId?: string, accountId?: string, visitorData?: object, accountData?: object): void ``` >Starts a mobile session with the provided visitor and account information. If a session is already in progress, the current session will terminate and a new session will begin. The termination of the app will also terminate the session. >To generate an anonymous visitor, pass 'nil' as the visitorId. Visitor data and Account data are optional. > No action will be taken if the visitor and account IDs do not change when calling the startSession API during an ongoing session.
Details - Click to expand or collapse
Class: PendoSDK
Kind: static method
Returns: void
| Param | Type | Description | | :---: | :---: | :--- | | visitorId | string | The session visitor ID. For an anonymous visitor set to `null` | | accountId | string | The session account ID | | visitorData | object | Additional visitor metadata | | accountData | object | Additional account metadata | Example: ```typescript const visitorData = {'age': '21', 'country': 'USA'}; const accountData = {'Tier': '1', 'Size': 'Enterprise'}; PendoSDK.startSession('John Doe', 'ACME', visitorData, accountData); ```
### `setVisitorData` ```typescript static setVisitorData(visitorData: object): void ``` >Updates the visitor metadata of the ongoing session.
Details - Click to expand or collapse
Class: PendoSDK
Kind: static method
Returns: void
| Param | Type | Description | | :---: | :---: | :--- | | visitorData | object | The visitor metadata to be updated | Example: ```typescript const visitorData = {'age': '25', 'country': 'UK', 'birthday': '01-01-1990'}; PendoSDK.setVisitorData(visitorData); ```
### `setAccountData` ```typescript static setAccountData(accountData: object): void ``` >Updates the account metadata of the ongoing session.
Details - Click to expand or collapse
Class: PendoSDK
Kind: static method
Returns: void
| Param | Type | Description | | :---: | :---: | :--- | | accountData | object | The account metadata to be updated | Example: ```typescript const accountData = {'Tier': '2', 'size': 'Mid-Market', 'signing-date': '01-01-2020'}; PendoSDK.setAccountData(accountData); ```
### `endSession` ```typescript static endSession(): void ``` >Ends the active session and stops collecting analytics or showing guides to the user. A new session can be started by calling the startSession API. >This API is commonly used when the user logs out of your application.
Details - Click to expand or collapse
Class: PendoSDK
Kind: static method
Returns: void
Example: ```typescript PendoSDK.endSession(); ```
### `track` ```typescript static track(name: string, params?: object): void ``` >Sends a track event with the specified properties.
Details - Click to expand or collapse
Class: PendoSDK
Kind: static method
Returns: void

| Param | Type | Description | | :---: | :---: | :--- | | event | string | The track event name | | properties | object | Additional metadata to be sent as part of the track event | Example: ```typescript // optional additional properties const additionalProperties = {'Theme': 'Dark Mode'}; PendoSDK.track('App Opened', additionalProperties); ```
### `screenContentChanged` ```java static screenContentChanged(): void ``` >This method manually triggers a rescan of the current screen layout hierarchy by the SDK. This API should be called on rare occasions where the delayed appearance of some elements on the screen is not recognized by the SDK. >If multiple page captures were used to tag all features in the page (where some features exist only in some state of the page), verify that all of the page captures of the screen are configured with identical page rules and page identifiers for correct analytics and guide behavior.
Details - Click to expand or collapse
Class: Pendo
Kind: static method
Returns: void

Example: ```java PendoSDK.screenContentChanged(); ```
### `sendClickAnalytics` ```java static sendClickAnalytic(nativeID: string): void ``` >The API manually sends an RAClick analytic for the view during the ongoing session. Use the API only when Pendo does not automatically recognize a clickable feature by passing in the nativeID of the view. Call the API in your code as part of the action implementation (ex. onTouchListener, onClickListener, etc). >This API’s logic is only relevant for handling issues encountered in your Android app (similar edge cases are not known to us in iOS). Calling this API will not resolve issues in your iOS app.
Details - Click to expand or collapse
Class: Pendo
Kind: static method
Returns: boolean

| Param | Type | Description | | :---: | :---: | :--- | | nativeID | string | The nativeID of the view to be used by the manual triggered RAClick analytic event | Example: ```java PendoSDK.sendClickAnalytics(myButton.nativeID); ```
### `pauseGuides` ```typescript static pauseGuides(dismissGuides: boolean): void ``` >Pauses any guides from appearing during an active session. If the `dismissGuides` value is set to `true`, then any visible guide will be dismissed. Calling this API affects the current session. Starting a new session reverts this logic, enabling guides to be presented.
Details - Click to expand or collapse
Class: PendoSDK
Kind: static method
Returns: void

| Param | Type | Description | | :---: | :---: | :--- | | dismissGuides | boolean | Determines whether the displayed guide, if one is visible, is dismissed when pausing the display of the further guides | Example: ```typescript PendoSDK.pauseGuides(false); ```
### `resumeGuides` ```typescript static resumeGuides(): void ``` >Resumes displaying guides during the ongoing session. This API reverses the logic of the `pauseGuides` API.
Details - Click to expand or collapse
Class: PendoSDK
Kind: static method
Returns: void

Example: ```typescript PendoSDK.resumeGuides(); ```
### `dismissVisibleGuides` ```typescript static dismissVisibleGuides(): void ``` >Dismisses any visible guide.
Details - Click to expand or collapse
Class: PendoSDK
Kind: static method
Returns: void

Example: ```typescript PendoSDK.dismissVisibleGuides(); ```
### `getDeviceId` ```typescript static async getDeviceId(): Promise ``` >Returns the device's unique Pendo-generated ID.
Details - Click to expand or collapse
Class: PendoSDK
Kind: static method
Returns: Promise < string | null >

Example: ```typescript const deviceId = PendoSDK.getDeviceId(); deviceId.then((val) => { // success code }).catch((err) => { // error code }); ```
### `getVisitorId` ```typescript static async getVisitorId(): Promise ``` >Returns the ID of the visitor in the active session.
Details - Click to expand or collapse
Class: PendoSDK
Kind: static method
Returns: Promise < string | null >

Example: ```typescript const visitorId = PendoSDK.getVisitorId(); visitorId.then((val) => { // success code }).catch((err) => { // error code }); ```
### `getAccountId` ```typescript static async getAccountId(): Promise ``` >Returns the ID of the account in the active session.
Class: PendoSDK
Kind: static method
Returns: Promise < string | null >

Example: ```typescript const accountId = PendoSDK.getAccountId(); accountId.then((val) => { // success code }).catch((err) => { // error code }); ```
### `setDebugMode` ```typescript static setDebugMode(isDebugEnabled: boolean): void ``` >Enable/disable debug logs from Pendo SDK. To debug the Pendo SDK we recommend calling this API before calling the setup API. >Debug logs are turned off by default. Releasing your production app with the debug logs enabled is not recommended and may have performance repercussions on your app.
Details - Click to expand or collapse
Class: PendoSDK
Kind: static method
Returns: void
| Param | Type | Description | | :---: | :---: | :--- | | isDebugEnabled | boolean | Set to `true` to enable debug logs, `false` to disable | Example: ```typescript PendoSDK.setDebugMode(true); // example using React Navigation const navigationOptions = {library: NavigationLibraryType.ReactNavigation}; PendoSDK.setup('your.app.key', navigationOptions); ```

## Navigation ### `NavigationOptions` ```typescript NavigationOptions(library: NavigationLibraryType, navigation?: any) ``` >A NavigationOptions instance is required to call the setup API and establish a connection to Pendo’s server.
Details - Click to expand or collapse
| Param | Type | Description | | :---: | :---: | :--- | | library | NavigationLibraryType | The navigation library used by the app | | navigation | any? | The navigation property is required if and only if the React Native Navigation library is used for navigation. | Example using React Navigation: ```typescript const navigationOptions = {library: NavigationLibraryType.ReactNavigation}; PendoSDK.setup('your.app.key', navigationOptions); ``` Example using React Native Navigation: ```typescript import { Navigation } from "react-native-navigation"; const navigationOptions = { library: NavigationLibraryType.ReactNativeNavigation, navigation: Navigation }; PendoSDK.setup('your.app.key', navigationOptions); ```
### `NavigationLibraryType` ```typescript enum NavigationLibraryType ``` >The navigation library used in you app. The available enum options include: > - ReactNativeNavigation > - ReactNavigation > - Other