''' AceProxy configuration scrip Edit this file. ''' import acedefconfig, logging from aceclient.acemessages import AceConst class AceConfig(acedefconfig.AceDefConfig): # ---------------------------------------------------- # Ace Stream Engine configuration # ---------------------------------------------------- # # Spawn Ace Stream Engine automatically acespawn = False # Ace Stream cmd line (use `--log-file filepath` to write log) # You need to set it only on Linux based systems. Autodetect for Windows! acecmd = '/opt/acestream/start-engine --client-console --live-buffer 25 --vod-buffer 10' # Ace Stream API key # You probably shouldn't touch this acekey = 'n51LvQoTlJzNGaFxseRK-uvnvX-sD4Vm5Axwmc4UcoD-jruxmKsuJaH0eVgE' # By default Ace Stream Engine listens only Localhost IP, so if you want to use a running # somewhere (remotely) AceEngine - start it with --bind-all parameter, set acespawn=False # and enter your settings below ace = { 'aceHostIP': '', 'aceAPIport': '62062', 'aceHTTPport': '6878' } # Ace Stream age parameter (LT_13, 13_17, 18_24, 25_34, 35_44, 45_54, # 55_64, GT_65) aceage = AceConst.AGE_35_44 # Ace Stream sex parameter (MALE or FEMALE) acesex = AceConst.SEX_MALE # Ace Stream Engine startup timeout # On Windows Ace Engine refreshes acestream.port file only after loading GUI # Loading takes about ~10-15 seconds and we need to wait before taking port out of it # Set this to 0 if you don't use proxy at startup or don't need to wait acestartuptimeout = 15 # Ace Stream Engine connection timeout aceconntimeout = 5 # Ace Stream Engine authentication result & API port answers timeout aceresulttimeout = 10.0 # ---------------------------------------------------- # Ace Stream Engine stream type hls or http # ---------------------------------------------------- # For HLS transcode options is avalible: # Transcode All audio to AAC (transcode_audio=1) # Transcode MP3 (use only when transcode_audio=1) # Transcode only AC3 to AAC (use only when transcode_audio=0) acestreamtype = {'output_format': 'http'} #acestreamtype = {'output_format': 'hls', 'transcode_audio': 0, 'transcode_mp3': 0, 'transcode_ac3': 0, 'preferred_audio_language': 'rus'} # ---------------------------------------------------- # Seek back feature. # Seeks stream back for specified amount of seconds. # Greatly helps fighing AceSteam lags, but introduce video stream delay. # Set it to 30 or so. Works only with the newest versions of AceEngine! # !!!!! Don't use with streamtype = 'hls' !!!!! videoseekback = 0 # Waiting time response in seconds from AceEngine server for playable url or data. videotimeout = 60 # ---------------------------------------------------- # HTTP AceProxy configuration # ---------------------------------------------------- # # HTTP Server host. # 'auto' - autodetect # '' - listen on all addresses # Or change to whatever IP you want to listen on this IP only httphost = 'auto' # HTTP Server port (8081 is recommended when using the plugin p2pproxy with TTV widget on SmartTV) httpport = 8000 # If started as root, drop privileges to this user. # Leave empty to disable. aceproxyuser = '' # Enable firewall firewall = False # Firewall mode. True for blackilst, False for whitelis firewallblacklistmode = False # Network ranges. Please don't forget about comma in the end # of every range, especially if there is only one. firewallnetranges = ( '', '', ) # Maximum concurrent connections (video clients) maxconns = 10 # Use 'Transfer-encoding: chunked' in HTTP AceProxy responses use_chunked = True # # ---------------------------------------------------- # Transcoding configuration for HTTP AceProxy # (Lnux based OS Only!!! This solution didn't work on Windows OS) # !!!!!! Ffmpeg or VLC instaled is required !!!!!! # ---------------------------------------------------- # # Transcoding Dictionary with a set of transcoding commands. Transcoding command is an executable commandline expression # that reads an input stream from STDIN and writes a transcoded stream to STDOUT. The commands are selected # according to the value of the 'fmt' request parameter. For example, the following url: # http://loclahost:8000/channels/?type=m3u&fmt=mp2 # contains the fmt=mp2. It means that the 'mp2' command will be used for transcoding. You may add any number # of commands to this dictionary. Commands must have unique names in dictionary ! # transcodecmd = {} #----------------------------------------------------- # Using ffmpeg #----------------------------------------------------- #transcodecmd['100k'] = 'ffmpeg -i - -c:a copy -b 100k -f mpegts -'.split() #transcodecmd['mp2'] = 'ffmpeg -i - -c:a mp2 -c:v mpeg2video -f mpegts -qscale:v 2 -'.split() #transcodecmd['mkv'] = 'ffmpeg -i - -map 0 -c:v copy -c:a copy -f matroska -'.split() transcodecmd['default'] = 'ffmpeg -i - -map 0 -c:a copy -c:v copy -f mpegts -'.split() #----------------------------------------------------- # Using VLC (if cvlc is not installed use 'vlc -I dummy' instead) #----------------------------------------------------- #transcodecmd['mp4'] = 'cvlc --rc-fake-tty - --sout-all --sout=#transcode{vcodec=h264,vb=1024,acodec=mp4a,ab=192,channels=2,deinterlace}:std{access=file,mux=ts{use-key-frames},dst=-}'.split() #transcodecmd['default'] = 'cvlc - --sout-all --sout=#std{access=file,mux=ts{use-key-frames},dst=-}'.split() # # ---------------------------------------------------- # Other settings # ---------------------------------------------------- # # Logging configuration # # Log level (DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL) loglevel = logging.INFO # Log message format logfmt = '%(filename)-15.15s [LINE:%(lineno)-4s]# %(levelname)-8s [%(asctime)s] %(message)s' #logfmt = '%(filename)s - %(name)s - %(threadName)s - [LINE:%(lineno)s]# - %(levelname)s - [%(asctime)s] - %(message)s' # for debug #logfmt = '%(asctime)s{%(name)s}%(filename)s[line:%(lineno)d]<%(funcName)s> pid:%(process)d %(threadName)s %(levelname)s : %(message)s' # Log date format logdatefmt = '%d.%m %H:%M:%S' # Full path to a log file # For Windows OS something like that logfile = "c:\\Python27\\log_AceHttp.txt" logfile = None # # This method is used to detect fake requests. Some players send such # requests in order to detect the MIME type and/or check the stream availability. # Some video players (mostly STBs and Smart TVs) can generate dummy requests # to detect MIME-type or something before playing which Ace Stream handles badly. # We send them 200 OK and do nothing. # We add their User-Agents/query/path logic here # @staticmethod def isFakeRequest(path, params, headers): ''' Filter for client request path/query/headers ''' useragent = headers.get('User-Agent') if not useragent: return False # Samsung ES series elif useragent == 'Lavf/55.33.100' and headers.get('Range') != 'bytes=0-': return True # Samsung H series elif useragent == 'Lavf52.104.0' and headers.get('Range') != 'bytes=0-': return True # LG Netacast 2013 year series elif useragent == 'GStreamer souphttpsrc (compatible; LG NetCast.TV-2013) libsoup/2.34.2' and headers.get('icy-metadata') != '1': return True # Samsung K series elif useragent == 'Mozilla/5.0 (SMART-TV; Linux; Tizen 2.4.0) AppleWebKit/538.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/2.4.0 TV Safari/538.1' and 'Range' in headers and not 'accept-encoding' in headers: return True elif useragent == 'samsung-agent/1.1' and 'Range' in headers and not 'accept-encoding' in headers: return True # Dune 301 elif useragent == 'DuneHD/1.0' and headers.get('Range') != 'bytes=0-': return True # MX Player 1.10.xx for Android elif 'MXPlayer/1.10.' in useragent and 'Accept-Encoding' in headers: return True