# MongoDB journal enabled ## Description This advisor warns if the journal is not enabled. Disabled journal is dangerous because you could have a serious issue for data durability in case of a failure. For Production systems, enable journal to ensure that data files are valid/recoverable. It is always recommended to enable the journal. In recent versions (starting with versions 4.0 +), MongoDB enables journaling by default and doesn't allow turning it off. For more information, see the [Journaling section](https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/core/journaling/) in the MongoDB documentation. ## Rule ``` storage_journal = parsed.get("storage.journal", {}) journal_enabled = (storage_journal.get("enabled") == "true") ``` ## Resolution Follow the steps below to enable journaling: 1. Enable journal. 2. Edit **mongod.conf** and set the following parameter: ``` storage: journal: enabled: true ``` 3. Roll-restart your `mongod` (data bearing) nodes. ## Need more support from Percona? Subscribe to Percona Platform to get database support with guaranteed SLAs or proactive database management services from the Percona team. [Learn more :fontawesome-solid-paper-plane:](https://per.co.na/subscribe){ .md-button }