## On-Demand Kubernetes Clusters for deploying PMM Percona Platform now enables you to spin up a temporary Kubernetes cluster, on demand. Use the **Launch a new cluster** option on the new **Free Kubernetes** tab to deploy a Kubernetes cluster with 3 nodes, 4 CPUs, 8 GB of RAM, and a three-hours lifespan. These short-lived clusters are perfect for testing PMM with DBaaS and Percona Operators, without an initial database and Kubernetes setup. For more information, see [Launch free Kubernetes clusters](../create-free-k8.md). ## Option to delete your organization Administrator users can now delete their own organizations. User members of the organization can still use their Percona Accounts to log into Percona Platform and join or create other organizations. !!! hint alert alert-success "Tip" Deleted organizations and their data cannot be restored, so be careful when performing this action. ## Enhanced tickets view and pagination We have made it easier to navigate long lists of tickets open for your organization. The **List of tickets open by Customer** section on the **Dashboard** page now includes pagination and the table is now sortable. ## Optimized account activation Users invited to join an organization now receive all the relevant invite information in a single email. Previously, we would send an email for activating a Percona account and a separate one with information about the sender. ## Follow-up on new user invitations Administrators can now resend invitations to join their organization. The new option is available under **Organization > Members** tab and is useful for resending invitation that expired after seven days, or for reminding users about their pending invitation. ## Subscribe for updates straight from Percona Platform We want you to know more about all of the work we do for you and share some important news from time to time. If you have registered for a Percona Platform account via Google or GitHub, you can opt-in for communications about Percona Platform and Services via the **Welcome to Percona Portal** message that now pops-up the home page. You can, of course, unsubscribe from these updates at any time, via the Unsubscribe link at the bottom of any Percona notification email.