# Pause/resume PostgreSQL cluster There may be external situations when it is needed to pause your Cluster for a while and then start it back up (some works related to the maintenance of the enterprise infrastructure, etc.). The `deploy/cr.yaml` file contains a special `spec.pause` key for this. Setting it to `true` gracefully stops the cluster: ```yaml spec: ....... pause: true ``` To start the cluster after it was paused just revert the `spec.pause` key to `false`. !!! note There is an option also to put the cluster into a [standby :octicons-link-external-16:](https://www.postgresql.org/docs/12/warm-standby.html) (read-only) mode instead of completely shutting it down. This is done by a special `spec.standby` key, which should be set to `true` for read-only state or should be set to `false` for normal cluster operation: ```yaml spec: ....... standby: false ```