# The Operator installation options When installing The Operator, you can customize additional configuration options. These options are specified in `deploy/operator.yaml` file and already have reasonable defaults, so most users have no need modifying them. ## General Configuration These variables affect the general configuration of the PostgreSQL Operator. | Name | Default | Required | Description | |:-------------------------------|:-----------|:------------------:|:------------| | archive_mode | `true` | :heavy_check_mark: | If `true`, enables archive logging on all newly created clusters | | archive_timeout | `60` | :heavy_check_mark: | Set to a value in seconds to configure the timeout threshold for archiving | | ccp_image_pull_secret | `""` | | Name of a Secret with credentials for the container image registries for the PostgreSQL cluster | | ccp_image_pull_secret_manifest | `""` | | A path to the Secret manifest to be installed in each namespace (optional) | | create_rbac | `true` | :heavy_check_mark: | Set to `true` if the installer should create the RBAC resources required to run the PostgreSQL Operator | | delete_operator_namespace | `false` | | If `true`, the Operator namespace (one defined using the `pgo_operator_namespace` variable) will be deleted when uninstalling the Operator | | delete_watched_namespaces | `false` | | If `true`, the Operator watched namespaces (ones defined using the `namespace` variable) will be deleted when uninstalling the Operator | | disable_telemetry | `false` | | If `true`, [gathering telemetry by the Operator](telemetry.md) will be disabled | | namespace | `pgo` | | A comma delimited string of all the namespaces [the Operator should manage](cluster-wide.md#install-the-operator-cluster-wide) | | namespace_mode | `disabled` | | Determines which namespace permissions are assigned to the PostgreSQL Operator using a ClusterRole; can be `dynamic`, `readonly`, and `disabled` | | pgo_image_prefix | `percona/percona-postgresql-operator` | :heavy_check_mark: | The image prefix used when creating containers for the Operator (apiserver, operator, scheduler, etc.) | | pgo_image_pull_policy | `Always` | | The [policy](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/containers/images/#updating-images) for updating the Operator images | | pgo_image_pull_secret | `""` | | Name of a Secret with credentials for the Operator's container image registries | | pgo_image_pull_secret_manifest | `""` | | Optionally provides a path to the Secret manifest to be installed in each namespace | | pgo_image_tag | `{{ release }}` | :heavy_check_mark: | Configures the image tag used when creating the Operator's containers (apiserver, operator, scheduler, etc.) | | pgo_operator_namespace | `pgo` | :heavy_check_mark: | The namespace where the Operator will be deployed |