# Custom Resource options The Cluster is configured via the [deploy/cr.yaml](https://github.com/percona/percona-postgresql-operator/blob/1.x/deploy/cr.yaml) file. The metadata part of this file contains the following keys: * `name` (`cluster1` by default) sets the name of your Percona Distribution for PostgreSQL Cluster; it should include only [URL-compatible characters](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc3986#section-2.3), not exceed 22 characters, start with an alphabetic character, and end with an alphanumeric character; The spec part of the [deploy/cr.yaml](https://github.com/percona/percona-postgresql-operator/blob/1.x/deploy/cr.yaml) file contains the following sections: | Key | Value type | Default | Description | | -------------- | ------------------------------------------ | ------- | ----------- | | pause | boolean | `false` | Pause/resume: setting it to `true` gracefully stops the cluster, and setting it to `false` after shut down starts the cluster back. | | upgradeOptions | [subdoc](#upgrade-options-section) | | Percona Distribution for PostgreSQL upgrade options section | | pgPrimary | [subdoc](#pgprimary-section) | | PostgreSQL Primary instance options section | | walStorage | [subdoc](#tablespaces-storage-section) | | Tablespaces Storage Section | | walStorage | [subdoc](#write-ahead-log-storage-section) | | Write-ahead Log Storage Section | | backup | [subdoc](#backup-section) | | Section to configure backups and pgBackRest | | pmm | [subdoc](#pmm-section) | | Percona Monitoring and Management section | | pgBouncer | [subdoc](#pgbouncer-section) | | The [pgBouncer](http://pgbouncer.github.io/) connection pooler section | | pgReplicas | [subdoc](#pgreplicas-section) | | Section required to manage the replicas within a PostgreSQL cluster | | pgBadger | [subdoc](#pgbadger-section) | | The [pgBadger](https://github.com/darold/pgbadger) PostgreSQL log analyzer section | | | | |-----------------|-| | **Key** | {{ optionlink('database','spec') }} | | **Value** | string | | **Example** | `pgdb` | | **Description** | The name of a database that the PostgreSQL user can log into after the PostgreSQL cluster is created | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('disableAutofail','spec') }} | | **Value** | boolean | | **Example** | `false` | | **Description** | Turns high availability on or off. By default, every cluster can have high availability if there is at least one replica | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('tlsOnly','spec') }} | | **Value** | boolean | | **Example** | `false` | | **Description** | Enforece Operator to use only Transport Layer Security (TLS) for both internal and external communications | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('sslCA','spec') }} | | **Value** | string | | **Example** | `cluster1-ssl-ca` | | **Description** | The name of the secret with TLS used for both connection encryption (external traffic), and replication (internal traffic) | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('secretsName','spec') }} | | **Value** | string | | **Example** | `cluster1-secrets` | | **Description** | The name of the secret created to store [credentials for system users](users.md) | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('sslSecretName','spec') }} | | **Value** | string | | **Example** | `cluster1-ssl-keypair` | | **Description** | The name of the secret created to encrypt external communications | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('sslReplicationSecretName','spec') }} | | **Value** | string | | **Example** | `cluster1-ssl-keypair"` | | **Description** | The name of the secret created to encrypt internal communications | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('keepData','spec') }} | | **Value** | boolean | | **Example** | `true` | | **Description** | If `true`, PVCs will be kept after the cluster deletion | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('keepBackups','spec') }} | | **Value** | boolean | | **Example** | `true` | | **Description** | If `true`, local backups will be kept after the cluster deletion | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('pgDataSource.restoreFrom') }} | | **Value** | string | | **Example** | `""` | | **Description** | The name of a data source PostgreSQL cluster, which is used to [restore backup to a new cluster](backups.md#backups-restore) | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('pgDataSource.restoreOpts') }} | | **Value** | string | | **Example** | `""` | | **Description** | Custom pgBackRest options to [restore backup to a new cluster](backups.md#backups-restore) | ## Upgrade Options Section The `upgradeOptions` section in the [deploy/cr.yaml](https://github.com/percona/percona-postgresql-operator/blob/1.x/deploy/cr.yaml) file contains various configuration options to control Percona Distribution for PostgreSQL upgrades. | | | |-----------------|-| | **Key** | {{ optionlink('upgradeOptions.versionServiceEndpoint') }} | | **Value** | string | | **Example** | `https://check.percona.com` | | **Description** | The Version Service URL used to check versions compatibility for upgrade | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('upgradeOptions.apply') }} | | **Value** | string | | **Example** | `disabled` | | **Description** | Specifies how [updates are processed](update.md#operator-update-smartupdates) by the Operator. `Never` or `Disabled` will completely disable automatic upgrades, otherwise it can be set to `Latest` or `Recommended` or to a specific version number of Percona Distribution for PostgreSQL to have it version-locked (so that the user can control the version running, but use automatic upgrades to move between them).| | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('upgradeOptions.schedule') }} | | **Value** | string | | **Example** | `0 2 \* \* \*` | | **Description** | Scheduled time to check for updates, specified in the [crontab format](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cron) | ## pgPrimary Section The pgPrimary section controls the PostgreSQL Primary instance. | | | |-----------------|-| | **Key** | {{ optionlink('pgPrimary.image') }} | | **Value** | string | | **Example** | `perconalab/percona-postgresql-operator:main-ppg13-postgres-ha` | | **Description** | The Docker image of the PostgreSQL Primary instance | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('pgPrimary.imagePullPolicy') }} | | **Value** | string | | **Example** | `Always` | | **Description** | This option is used to set the [policy](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/containers/images/#updating-images) for updating pgPrimary and pgReplicas images | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('pgPrimary.resources.requests.memory') }} | | **Value** | int | | **Example** | `256Mi` | | **Description** | The [Kubernetes memory requests](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/manage-compute-resources-container/#resource-requests-and-limits-of-pod-and-container) for a PostgreSQL Primary container | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('pgPrimary.resources.requests.cpu') }} | | **Value** | string | | **Example** | `500m` | | **Description** | [Kubernetes CPU requests](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/manage-compute-resources-container/#resource-requests-and-limits-of-pod-and-container) for a PostgreSQL Primary container | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('pgPrimary.resources.limits.cpu') }} | | **Value** | string | | **Example** | `500m` | | **Description** | [Kubernetes CPU limits](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/manage-compute-resources-container/#resource-requests-and-limits-of-pod-and-container) for a PostgreSQL Primary container | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('pgPrimary.resources.limits.memory') }} | | **Value** | string | | **Example** | `256Mi` | | **Description** | The [Kubernetes memory limits](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/manage-compute-resources-container/#resource-requests-and-limits-of-pod-and-container) for a PostgreSQL Primary container | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('pgPrimary.affinity.antiAffinityType') }} | | **Value** | string | | **Example** | `preferred` | | **Description** | [Pod anti-affinity type](constraints.md#affinity-and-anti-affinity), can be either `preferred` or `required` | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('pgPrimary.affinity.nodeAffinityType') }} | | **Value** | string | | **Example** | `preferred` | | **Description** | [Node affinity type](constraints.md#affinity-and-anti-affinity), can be either `preferred` or `required` | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('pgPrimary.affinity.nodeLabel') }} | | **Value** | label | | **Example** | `kubernetes.io/region: us-central1` | | **Description** | Set [labels](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/labels/) for [PostgreSQL instances Node affinity](constraints.md#simple-approach-configure-node-affinity-based-on-nodelabel) | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('pgPrimary.affinity.advanced') }} | | **Value** | subdoc | | **Example** | | | **Description** | [Allows using standard Kubernetes affinity constraints](constraints.md#advanced-approach-use-standard-kubernetes-constraints) for advanced affinity and anti-affinity tuning | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('pgPrimary.volumeSpec.size') }} | | **Value** | int | | **Example** | `1G` | | **Description** | The [Kubernetes PersistentVolumeClaim](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/persistent-volumes/#persistentvolumeclaims) size for the PostgreSQL Primary storage | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('pgPrimary.tolerations') }} | | **Value** | subdoc | | **Example** | `node.alpha.kubernetes.io/unreachable` | | **Description** | [Kubernetes Pod tolerations](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/taint-and-toleration/) | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('pgPrimary.volumeSpec.size') }} | | **Value** | int | | **Example** | `1G` | | **Description** | The [Kubernetes PersistentVolumeClaim](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/persistent-volumes/#persistentvolumeclaims) size for the PostgreSQL Primary storage | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('pgPrimary.volumeSpec.accessmode') }} | | **Value** | string | | **Example** | `ReadWriteOnce` | | **Description** | The [Kubernetes PersistentVolumeClaim](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/persistent-volumes/#persistentvolumeclaims) access modes for the PostgreSQL Primary storage | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('pgPrimary.volumeSpec.storagetype') }} | | **Value** | string | | **Example** | `dynamic` | | **Description** | Type of the PostgreSQL Primary storage provisioning: `create` (the default variant; used if storage is provisioned, e.g. using hostpath) or `dynamic` (for a dynamic storage provisioner, e.g. via a StorageClass) | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('pgPrimary.volumeSpec.storageclass') }} | | **Value** | string | | **Example** | `""` | | **Description** | Optionally sets the [Kubernetes storage class](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/storage-classes/) to use with the PostgreSQL Primary storage [PersistentVolumeClaim](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/persistent-volumes/#persistentvolumeclaims) | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('pgPrimary.volumeSpec.matchLabels') }} | | **Value** | string | | **Example** | `""` | | **Description** | A PostgreSQL Primary storage [label selector](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/persistent-volumes/#selector) | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('pgPrimary.imagePullPolicy') }} | | **Value** | string | | **Example** | `Always` | | **Description** | This option is used to set the [policy](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/containers/images/#updating-images) for updating pgPrimary and pgReplicas images | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('pgPrimary.expose.serviceType') }} | | **Value** | string | | **Example** | `ClusterIP` | | **Description** | Specifies the type of [Kubernetes Service](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/service/#publishing-services-service-types) for pgPrimary | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('pgPrimary.expose.loadBalancerIP') }} | | **Value** | string | | **Example** | `` | | **Description** | The static IP-address for the load balancer | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('pgPrimary.expose.loadBalancerSourceRanges') }} | | **Value** | string | | **Example** | `""` | | **Description** | The range of client IP addresses from which the load balancer should be reachable (if not set, there is no limitations) | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('pgPrimary.expose.annotations') }} | | **Value** | label | | **Example** | `pg-cluster-annot: cluster1` | | **Description** | The [Kubernetes annotations](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/annotations/) metadata for pgPrimary | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('pgPrimary.expose.labels') }} | | **Value** | label | | **Example** | `pg-cluster-label: cluster1` | | **Description** | Set [labels](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/labels/) for the pgPrimary Service | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('pgPrimary.customconfig') }} | | **Value** | string | | **Example** | `""` | | **Description** | Name of the [Custom configuration options ConfigMap](options.md#operator-configmaps) for PostgreSQL cluster | ## Tablespaces Storage Section The `tablespaceStorages` section in the [deploy/cr.yaml](https://github.com/percona/percona-postgresql-operator/blob/1.x/deploy/cr.yaml) file contains configuration options for PostgreSQL [Tablespace](https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/manage-ag-tablespaces.html). | | | |-----------------|-| | **Key** | {{ optionlink('tablespaceStorages.<storage-name>.volumeSpec.size') }} | | **Value** | int | | **Example** | `1G` | | **Description** | The [Kubernetes PersistentVolumeClaim](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/persistent-volumes/#persistentvolumeclaims) size for the PostgreSQL Tablespaces storage | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('tablespaceStorages.<storage-name>.volumeSpec.accessmode') }} | | **Value** | string | | **Example** | `ReadWriteOnce` | | **Description** | The [Kubernetes PersistentVolumeClaim](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/persistent-volumes/#persistentvolumeclaims) access modes for the PostgreSQL Tablespaces storage | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('tablespaceStorages.<storage-name>.volumeSpec.storagetype') }} | | **Value** | string | | **Example** | `dynamic` | | **Description** | Type of the PostgreSQL Tablespaces storage provisioning: `create` (the default variant; used if storage is provisioned, e.g. using hostpath) or `dynamic` (for a dynamic storage provisioner, e.g. via a StorageClass) | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('tablespaceStorages.<storage-name>.volumeSpec.storageclass') }} | | **Value** | string | | **Example** | `""` | | **Description** | Optionally sets the [Kubernetes storage class](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/storage-classes/) to use with the PostgreSQL Tablespaces storage [PersistentVolumeClaim](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/persistent-volumes/#persistentvolumeclaims) | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('tablespaceStorages.<storage-name>.volumeSpec.matchLabels') }} | | **Value** | string | | **Example** | `""` | | **Description** | A PostgreSQL Tablespaces storage [label selector](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/persistent-volumes/#selector) | ## Write-ahead Log Storage Section The `walStorage` section in the [deploy/cr.yaml](https://github.com/percona/percona-postgresql-operator/blob/1.x/deploy/cr.yaml) file contains configuration options for PostgreSQL [write-ahead logging](https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/wal-intro.html). | | | |-----------------|-| | **Key** | {{ optionlink('walStorage.volumeSpec.size') }} | | **Value** | int | | **Example** | `1G` | | **Description** | The [Kubernetes PersistentVolumeClaim](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/persistent-volumes/#persistentvolumeclaims) size for the PostgreSQL Write-ahead Log storage | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('walStorage.volumeSpec.accessmode') }} | | **Value** | string | | **Example** | `ReadWriteOnce` | | **Description** | The [Kubernetes PersistentVolumeClaim](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/persistent-volumes/#persistentvolumeclaims) access modes for the PostgreSQL Write-ahead Log storage | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('walStorage.volumeSpec.storagetype') }} | | **Value** | string | | **Example** | `dynamic` | | **Description** | Type of the PostgreSQL Write-ahead Log storage provisioning: `create` (the default variant; used if storage is provisioned, e.g. using hostpath) or `dynamic` (for a dynamic storage provisioner, e.g. via a StorageClass) | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('walStorage.volumeSpec.storageclass') }} | | **Value** | string | | **Example** | `""` | | **Description** | Optionally sets the [Kubernetes storage class](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/storage-classes/) to use with the PostgreSQL Write-ahead Log storage [PersistentVolumeClaim](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/persistent-volumes/#persistentvolumeclaims) | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('walStorage.volumeSpec.matchLabels') }} | | **Value** | string | | **Example** | `""` | | **Description** | A PostgreSQL Write-ahead Log storage [label selector](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/persistent-volumes/#selector) | ## Backup Section The `backup` section in the [deploy/cr.yaml](https://github.com/percona/percona-postgresql-operator/blob/1.x/deploy/cr.yaml) file contains the following configuration options for the regular Percona Distribution for PostgreSQL backups. | | | |-----------------|-| | **Key** | {{ optionlink('backup.image') }} | | **Value** | string | | **Example** | `perconalab/percona-postgresql-operator:main-ppg13-pgbackrest` | | **Description** | The Docker image for [pgBackRest](backups.md#backups-pgbackrest) | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('backup.backrestRepoImage') }} | | **Value** | string | | **Example** | `perconalab/percona-postgresql-operator:main-ppg13-pgbackrest-repo` | | **Description** | The Docker image for the [BackRest repository](backups.md#backups-pgbackrest-repository) | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('backup.resources.requests.cpu') }} | | **Value** | string | | **Example** | `500m` | | **Description** | [Kubernetes CPU requests](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/manage-compute-resources-container/#resource-requests-and-limits-of-pod-and-container) for a pgBackRest container | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('backup.resources.requests.memory') }} | | **Value** | int | | **Example** | `48Mi` | | **Description** | The [Kubernetes memory requests](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/manage-compute-resources-container/#resource-requests-and-limits-of-pod-and-container) for a pgBackRest container | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('backup.resources.limits.cpu') }} | | **Value** | int | | **Example** | `1` | | **Description** | [Kubernetes CPU limits](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/manage-compute-resources-container/#resource-requests-and-limits-of-pod-and-container) for a pgBackRest container | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('backup.resources.limits.memory') }} | | **Value** | int | | **Example** | `64Mi` | | **Description** | The [Kubernetes memory limits](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/manage-compute-resources-container/#resource-requests-and-limits-of-pod-and-container) for a pgBackRest container | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('backup.affinity.antiAffinityType') }} | | **Value** | string | | **Example** | `preferred` | | **Description** | [Pod anti-affinity type](constraints.md#affinity-and-anti-affinity), can be either `preferred` or `required` | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('backup.volumeSpec.size') }} | | **Value** | int | | **Example** | `1G` | | **Description** | The [Kubernetes PersistentVolumeClaim](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/persistent-volumes/#persistentvolumeclaims) size for the pgBackRest Storage | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('backup.volumeSpec.accessmode') }} | | **Value** | string | | **Example** | `ReadWriteOnce` | | **Description** | The [Kubernetes PersistentVolumeClaim](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/persistent-volumes/#persistentvolumeclaims) access modes for the pgBackRest Storage | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('backup.volumeSpec.storagetype') }} | | **Value** | string | | **Example** | `dynamic` | | **Description** | Type of the pgBackRest storage provisioning: `create` (the default variant; used if storage is provisioned, e.g. using hostpath) or `dynamic` (for a dynamic storage provisioner, e.g. via a StorageClass) | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('backup.volumeSpec.storageclass') }} | | **Value** | string | | **Example** | `""` | | **Description** | Optionally sets the [Kubernetes storage class](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/storage-classes/) to use with the pgBackRest Storage [PersistentVolumeClaim](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/persistent-volumes/#persistentvolumeclaims) | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('backup.volumeSpec.matchLabels') }} | | **Value** | string | | **Example** | `""` | | **Description** | A pgBackRest storage [label selector](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/persistent-volumes/#selector) | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('backup.storages.<storage-name>.type') }} | | **Value** | string | | **Example** | `s3` | | **Description** | Type of the storage used for backups | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('backup.storages.<storage-name>.endpointURL') }} | | **Value** | string | | **Example** | `minio-gateway-svc:9000` | | **Description** | The endpoint URL of the S3-compatible storage to be used for backups (not needed for the original Amazon S3 cloud) | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('backup.storages.<storage-name>.bucket') }} | | **Value** | string | | **Example** | `""` | | **Description** | The [Amazon S3 bucket](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/UsingBucket.html) or [Google Cloud Storage bucket](https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/key-terms#buckets) name used for backups | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('backup.storages.<storage-name>.region') }} | | **Value** | boolean | | **Example** | `us-east-1` | | **Description** | The [AWS region](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/rande.html) to use for Amazon and all S3-compatible storages | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('backup.storages.<storage-name>.uriStyle') }} | | **Value** | string | | **Example** | `path` | | **Description** | Optional parameter that specifies if pgBackRest should use the path or host S3 URI style | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('backup.storages.<storage-name>.verifyTLS') }} | | **Value** | boolean | | **Example** | `false` | | **Description** | Enables or disables TLS verification for pgBackRest | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('backup.storageTypes') }} | | **Value** | array | | **Example** | `[ "s3" ]` | | **Description** | The backup storage types for the pgBackRest repository | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('backup.repoPath') }} | | **Value** | string | | **Example** | `""` | | **Description** | Custom path for pgBackRest repository backups | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('backup.schedule.name') }} | | **Value** | string | | **Example** | `sat-night-backup` | | **Description** | The backup name | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('backup.schedule.schedule') }} | | **Value** | string | | **Example** | `0 0 \* \* 6` | | **Description** | Scheduled time to make a backup specified in the [crontab format](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cron) | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('backup.schedule.keep') }} | | **Value** | int | | **Example** | `3` | | **Description** | The amount of most recent backups to store. Older backups are automatically deleted. Set `keep` to zero or completely remove it to disable automatic deletion of backups | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('backup.schedule.type') }} | | **Value** | string | | **Example** | `full` | | **Description** | The [type](backups.md#backups-pgbackrest-backup-type) of the pgBackRest backup | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('backup.schedule.storage') }} | | **Value** | string | | **Example** | `local` | | **Description** | The [type](backups.md#backups-pgbackrest-repo-type) of the pgBackRest repository | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('backup.schedule.backrestOpts') }} | | **Value** | string | | **Example** | `--annotation=source=scheduled-backup` | | **Description** | Custom pgBackRest configuration options for scheduled backups | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('backup.customconfig') }} | | **Value** | string | | **Example** | `""` | | **Description** | Name of the [ConfigMap](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/configmap/) to pass custom pgBackRest configuration options | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('backup.imagePullPolicy') }} | | **Value** | string | | **Example** | `Always` | | **Description** | This option is used to set the [policy](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/containers/images/#updating-images) for updating pgBackRest images | ## PMM Section The `pmm` section in the [deploy/cr.yaml](https://github.com/percona/percona-postgresql-operator/blob/1.x/deploy/cr.yaml) file contains configuration options for Percona Monitoring and Management. | | | |-----------------|-| | **Key** | {{ optionlink('pmm.enabled') }} | | **Value** | boolean | | **Example** | `false` | | **Description** | Enables or disables [monitoring Percona Distribution for PostgreSQL cluster with PMM](https://docs.percona.com/percona-monitoring-and-management/2/setting-up/client/postgresql.html) | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('pmm.image') }} | | **Value** | string | | **Example** | `percona/pmm-client:{{ pmm2recommended }}` | | **Description** | [Percona Monitoring and Management (PMM) Client](https://docs.percona.com/percona-monitoring-and-management/2/details/architecture.html#pmm-client) Docker image | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('pmm.serverHost') }} | | **Value** | string | | **Example** | `monitoring-service` | | **Description** | Address of the PMM Server to collect data from the cluster | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('pmm.serverUser') }} | | **Value** | string | | **Example** | `admin` | | **Description** | The PMM Server User. The PMM Server password should be configured using Secrets | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('pmm.pmmSecret') }} | | **Value** | string | | **Example** | `cluster1-pmm-secret` | | **Description** | Name of the [Kubernetes Secret object](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/secret/#using-imagepullsecrets) for the PMM Server password | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('pmm.resources.requests.memory') }} | | **Value** | string | | **Example** | `200M` | | **Description** | The [Kubernetes memory requests](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/manage-compute-resources-container/#resource-requests-and-limits-of-pod-and-container) for a PMM container | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('pmm.resources.requests.cpu') }} | | **Value** | string | | **Example** | `500m` | | **Description** | [Kubernetes CPU requests](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/manage-compute-resources-container/#resource-requests-and-limits-of-pod-and-container) for a PMM container | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('pmm.resources.limits.cpu') }} | | **Value** | string | | **Example** | `500m` | | **Description** | [Kubernetes CPU limits](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/manage-compute-resources-container/#resource-requests-and-limits-of-pod-and-container) for a PMM container | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('pmm.resources.limits.memory') }} | | **Value** | string | | **Example** | `200M` | | **Description** | The [Kubernetes memory limits](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/manage-compute-resources-container/#resource-requests-and-limits-of-pod-and-container) for a PMM container | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('pmm.imagePullPolicy') }} | | **Value** | string | | **Example** | `Always` | | **Description** | This option is used to set the [policy](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/containers/images/#updating-images) for updating PMM Client images | ## pgBouncer Section The `pgBouncer` section in the [deploy/cr.yaml](https://github.com/percona/percona-postgresql-operator/blob/1.x/deploy/cr.yaml) file contains configuration options for the [pgBouncer](http://pgbouncer.github.io/) connection pooler for PostgreSQL. | | | |-----------------|-| | **Key** | {{ optionlink('pgBouncer.image') }} | | **Value** | string | | **Example** | `perconalab/percona-postgresql-operator:main-ppg13-pgbouncer` | | **Description** | Docker image for the [pgBouncer](http://pgbouncer.github.io/) connection pooler | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('pgBouncer.exposePostgresUser') }} | | **Value** | boolean | | **Example** | `false` | | **Description** | Enables or disables [exposing postgres user through pgBouncer](users.md#application-users) | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('pgBouncer.size') }} | | **Value** | int | | **Example** | `1G` | | **Description** | The number of the pgBouncer Pods to provide connection pooling | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('pgBouncer.resources.requests.cpu') }} | | **Value** | int | | **Example** | `1` | | **Description** | [Kubernetes CPU requests](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/manage-compute-resources-container/#resource-requests-and-limits-of-pod-and-container) for a pgBouncer container | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('pgBouncer.resources.requests.memory') }} | | **Value** | int | | **Example** | `128Mi` | | **Description** | The [Kubernetes memory requests](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/manage-compute-resources-container/#resource-requests-and-limits-of-pod-and-container) for a pgBouncer container | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('pgBouncer.resources.limits.cpu') }} | | **Value** | int | | **Example** | `2` | | **Description** | [Kubernetes CPU limits](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/manage-compute-resources-container/#resource-requests-and-limits-of-pod-and-container) for a pgBouncer container | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('pgBouncer.resources.limits.memory') }} | | **Value** | int | | **Example** | `512Mi` | | **Description** | The [Kubernetes memory limits](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/manage-compute-resources-container/#resource-requests-and-limits-of-pod-and-container) for a pgBouncer container | | | | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('pgBouncer.affinity.antiAffinityType') }} | | **Value** | string | | **Example** | `preferred` | | **Description** | [Pod anti-affinity type](constraints.md#affinity-and-anti-affinity), can be either `preferred` or `required` | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('pgBouncer.expose.serviceType') }} | | **Value** | string | | **Example** | `ClusterIP` | | **Description** | Specifies the type of [Kubernetes Service](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/service/#publishing-services-service-types) for pgBouncer | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('pgBouncer.expose.loadBalancerIP') }} | | **Value** | string | | **Example** | `` | | **Description** | The static IP-address for the load balancer | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('pgBouncer.expose.loadBalancerSourceRanges') }} | | **Value** | string | | **Example** | `""` | | **Description** | The range of client IP addresses from which the load balancer should be reachable (if not set, there is no limitations) | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('pgBouncer.expose.annotations') }} | | **Value** | label | | **Example** | `pg-cluster-annot: cluster1` | | **Description** | The [Kubernetes annotations](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/annotations/) metadata for pgBouncer | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('pgBouncer.expose.labels') }} | | **Value** | label | | **Example** | `pg-cluster-label: cluster1` | | **Description** | Set [labels](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/labels/) for the pgBouncer Service | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('pgBouncer.imagePullPolicy') }} | | **Value** | string | | **Example** | `Always` | | **Description** | This option is used to set the [policy](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/containers/images/#updating-images) for updating pgBouncer images | ## pgReplicas Section The `pgReplicas` section in the [deploy/cr.yaml](https://github.com/percona/percona-postgresql-operator/blob/1.x/deploy/cr.yaml) file stores information required to manage the replicas within a PostgreSQL cluster. | | | |-----------------|-| | **Key** | {{ optionlink('pgReplicas..size') }} | | **Value** | int | | **Example** | `1G` | | **Description** | The number of the PostgreSQL Replica Pods | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('pgReplicas..resources.requests.cpu') }} | | **Value** | int | | **Example** | `500m` | | **Description** | [Kubernetes CPU requests](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/manage-compute-resources-container/#resource-requests-and-limits-of-pod-and-container) for a PostgreSQL Replica container | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('pgReplicas..resources.requests.memory') }} | | **Value** | int | | **Example** | `256Mi` | | **Description** | The [Kubernetes memory requests](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/manage-compute-resources-container/#resource-requests-and-limits-of-pod-and-container) for a PostgreSQL Replica container | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('pgReplicas..resources.limits.cpu') }} | | **Value** | int | | **Example** | `500m` | | **Description** | [Kubernetes CPU limits](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/manage-compute-resources-container/#resource-requests-and-limits-of-pod-and-container) for a PostgreSQL Replica container | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('pgReplicas..resources.limits.memory') }} | | **Value** | int | | **Example** | `256Mi` | | **Description** | The [Kubernetes memory limits](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/manage-compute-resources-container/#resource-requests-and-limits-of-pod-and-container) for a PostgreSQL Replica container | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('pgReplicas..volumeSpec.accessmode') }} | | **Value** | string | | **Example** | `ReadWriteOnce` | | **Description** | The [Kubernetes PersistentVolumeClaim](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/persistent-volumes/#persistentvolumeclaims) access modes for the PostgreSQL Replica storage | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('pgReplicas..volumeSpec.size') }} | | **Value** | int | | **Example** | `1G` | | **Description** | The [Kubernetes PersistentVolumeClaim](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/persistent-volumes/#persistentvolumeclaims) size for the PostgreSQL Replica storage | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('pgReplicas..volumeSpec.storagetype') }} | | **Value** | string | | **Example** | `dynamic` | | **Description** | Type of the PostgreSQL Replica storage provisioning: `create` (the default variant; used if storage is provisioned, e.g. using hostpath) or `dynamic` (for a dynamic storage provisioner, e.g. via a StorageClass) | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('pgReplicas..volumeSpec.storageclass') }} | | **Value** | string | | **Example** | `standard` | | **Description** | Optionally sets the [Kubernetes storage class](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/storage-classes/) to use with the PostgreSQL Replica storage [PersistentVolumeClaim](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/persistent-volumes/#persistentvolumeclaims) | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('pgReplicas..volumeSpec.matchLabels') }} | | **Value** | string | | **Example** | `""` | | **Description** | A PostgreSQL Replica storage [label selector](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/persistent-volumes/#selector) | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('pgReplicas..labels') }} | | **Value** | label | | **Example** | `pg-cluster-label: cluster1` | | **Description** | Set [labels](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/labels/) for PostgreSQL Replica Pods | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('pgReplicas..annotations') }} | | **Value** | label | | **Example** | `pg-cluster-annot: cluster1-1` | | **Description** | The [Kubernetes annotations](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/annotations/) metadata for PostgreSQL Replica | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('pgReplicas..expose.serviceType') }} | | **Value** | string | | **Example** | `ClusterIP` | | **Description** | Specifies the type of [Kubernetes Service](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/service/#publishing-services-service-types) for for PostgreSQL Replica | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('pgReplicas..expose.loadBalancerSourceRanges') }} | | **Value** | string | | **Example** | `""` | | **Description** | The range of client IP addresses from which the load balancer should be reachable (if not set, there is no limitations) | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('pgReplicas..expose.annotations') }} | | **Value** | label | | **Example** | `pg-cluster-annot: cluster1` | | **Description** | The [Kubernetes annotations](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/annotations/) metadata for PostgreSQL Replica | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('pgReplicas..expose.labels') }} | | **Value** | label | | **Example** | `pg-cluster-label: cluster1` | | **Description** | Set [labels](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/labels/) for the PostgreSQL Replica Service | ## pgBadger Section The `pgBadger` section in the [deploy/cr.yaml](https://github.com/percona/percona-postgresql-operator/blob/1.x/deploy/cr.yaml) file contains configuration options for the [pgBadger PostgreSQL log analyzer](https://github.com/darold/pgbadger). | | | |-----------------|-| | **Key** | {{ optionlink('pgBadger.enabled') }} | | **Value** | boolean | | **Example** | `false` | | **Description** | Enables or disables the [pgBadger PostgreSQL log analyzer](https://github.com/darold/pgbadger) | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('pgBadger.image') }} | | **Value** | string | | **Example** | `perconalab/percona-postgresql-operator:main-ppg13-pgbadger` | | **Description** | [pgBadger PostgreSQL log analyzer](https://github.com/darold/pgbadger) Docker image | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('pgBadger.port') }} | | **Value** | int | | **Example** | `10000` | | **Description** | The port number for pgBadger | | | | | **Key** | {{ optionlink('pgBadger.imagePullPolicy') }} | | **Value** | string | | **Example** | `Always` | | **Description** | This option is used to set the [policy](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/containers/images/#updating-images) for updating pgBadger images |