# *Percona Kubernetes Operator for Percona Server for MongoDB* 1.0.0 Percona announces the general availability of *Percona Kubernetes Operator for Percona Server for MongoDB* 1.0.0 on May 29, 2019. This release is now the current GA release in the 1.0 series. [Install the Kubernetes Operator for Percona Server for MongoDB by following the instructions](../kubernetes.md). Please see the [GA release announcement :octicons-link-external-16:](https://www.percona.com/blog/2019/05/29/percona-kubernetes-operators/). All of Percona’s software is open-source and free. The Percona Kubernetes Operator for Percona Server for MongoDB automates the lifecycle of your Percona Server for MongoDB environment. The Operator can be used to create a Percona Server for MongoDB replica set, or scale an existing replica set. The Operator creates a Percona Server for MongoDB replica set with the needed settings and provides a consistent Percona Server for MongoDB instance. The Percona Kubernetes Operators are based on best practices for configuration and setup of the Percona Server for MongoDB. The Kubernetes Operators provide a consistent way to package, deploy, manage, and perform a backup and a restore for a Kubernetes application. Operators deliver automation advantages in cloud-native applications and may save time while providing a consistent environment. The advantages are the following: * Deploy a Percona Server for MongoDB environment with no single point of failure and environment can span multiple availability zones (AZs). * Deployment takes about six minutes with the default configuration. * Modify the Percona Server for MongoDB size parameter to add or remove Percona Server for MongoDB replica set members * Integrate with Percona Monitoring and Management (PMM) to seamlessly monitor your Percona Server for MongoDB * Automate backups or perform on-demand backups as needed with support for performing an automatic restore * Supports using Cloud storage with S3-compatible APIs for backups * Automate the recovery from failure of a Percona Server for MongoDB replica set member * TLS is enabled by default for replication and client traffic using Cert-Manager * Access private registries to enhance security * Supports advanced Kubernetes features such as pod disruption budgets, node selector, constraints, tolerations, priority classes, and affinity/anti-affinity * You can use either PersistentVolumeClaims or local storage with hostPath to store your database * Supports a replica set Arbiter member * Supports Percona Server for MongoDB versions 3.6 and 4.0 ## Installation Installation is performed by following the documentation installation instructions [for Kubernetes](../kubernetes.md) and [OpenShift](../openshift.md).