# Use Docker images from a custom registry Using images from a private Docker registry may required for privacy, security or other reasons. In these cases, Percona Operator for MongoDB allows the use of a custom registry This following example of the Operator deployed in the OpenShift environment demonstrates the process: 1. Log into the OpenShift and create a project. ``` {.bash data-prompt="$" } $ oc login ``` ??? example "Expected output" ``` {.text .no-copy} Authentication required for (openshift) Username: admin Password: Login successful. ``` ``` {.bash data-prompt="$" } $ oc new-project psmdb ``` ??? example "Expected output" ``` {.text .no-copy} Now using project "psmdb" on server "". ``` 2. You need obtain the following objects to configure your custom registry access: * A user token * the registry IP address You can view the token with the following command: ``` {.bash data-prompt="$" } $ oc whoami -t ``` ??? example "Expected output" ``` {.text .no-copy} ADO8CqCDappWR4hxjfDqwijEHei31yXAvWg61Jg210s ``` The following command returns the registry IP address: ``` {.bash data-prompt="$" } $ kubectl get services/docker-registry -n default ``` ??? example "Expected output" ``` {.text .no-copy} NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE docker-registry ClusterIP 5000/TCP 1d ``` 3. Use the user token and the registry IP address to login to the registry: ``` {.bash data-prompt="$" } $ docker login -u admin -p ADO8CqCDappWR4hxjfDqwijEHei31yXAvWg61Jg210s ``` ??? example "Expected output" ``` {.text .no-copy} Login Succeeded ``` 4. Use the Docker commands to pull the needed image by its SHA digest: ``` {.bash data-prompt="$" } $ docker pull docker.io/perconalab/percona-server-mongodb@sha256:991d6049059e5eb1a74981290d829a5fb4ab0554993748fde1e67b2f46f26bf0 ``` ??? example "Expected output" ``` {.text .no-copy} Trying to pull repository docker.io/perconalab/percona-server-mongodb ... sha256:991d6049059e5eb1a74981290d829a5fb4ab0554993748fde1e67b2f46f26bf0: Pulling from docker.io/perconalab/percona-server-mongodb Digest: sha256:991d6049059e5eb1a74981290d829a5fb4ab0554993748fde1e67b2f46f26bf0 Status: Image is up to date for docker.io/perconalab/percona-server-mongodb@sha256:991d6049059e5eb1a74981290d829a5fb4ab0554993748fde1e67b2f46f26bf0 ``` You can find correct names and SHA digests in the [current list of the Operator-related images officially certified by Percona](images.md). 5. The following method can push an image to the custom registry for the example OpenShift `psmdb` project: ``` {.bash data-prompt="$" } $ docker tag \ docker.io/perconalab/percona-server-mongodb@sha256:991d6049059e5eb1a74981290d829a5fb4ab0554993748fde1e67b2f46f26bf0 \{{ mongodb70recommended }} $ docker push{{ mongodb70recommended }} ``` 6. Verify the image is available in the OpenShift registry with the following command: ``` {.bash data-prompt="$" } $ oc get is ``` ??? example "Expected output" ``` {.text .no-copy} NAME DOCKER REPO TAGS UPDATED percona-server-mongodb docker-registry.default.svc:5000/psmdb/percona-server-mongodb {{ mongodb70recommended }} 2 hours ago ``` 7. When the custom registry image is available, edit the the `image:` option in `deploy/operator.yaml` configuration file with a Docker Repo + Tag string (it should look like `docker-registry.default.svc:5000/psmdb/percona-server-mongodb:{{ mongodb70recommended }}`) !!! note If the registry requires authentication, you can specify the `imagePullSecrets` option for all images. 8. Repeat steps 3-5 for other images, and update corresponding options in the `deploy/cr.yaml` file. !!! note Don’t forget to set [upgradeoptions.apply](operator.md#upgradeoptionsapply) option to `Disabled`. Otherwise [Smart Upgrade functionality](update.md#automated-upgrade) will try using the image recommended by the Version Service instead of the custom one. 9. Now follow the standard Percona Operator for MongoDB [installation instruction](System-Requirements.md#installation-guidelines).