# Making scheduled backups Backups schedule is defined in the `backup` section of the Custom Resource and can be configured via the [deploy/cr.yaml :octicons-link-external-16:](https://github.com/percona/percona-xtradb-cluster-operator/blob/main/deploy/cr.yaml) file. 1. The `backup.storages` subsection should contain at least one [configured storage](backups-storage.md). 2. The `backup.schedule` subsection allows to actually schedule backups: * set the `backup.schedule.name` key to some arbitray backup name (this name will be needed later to [restore the bakup](backups-restore.md)). * specify the `backup.schedule.schedule` option with the desired backup schedule in [crontab format :octicons-link-external-16:](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cron). * set the `backup.schedule.storageName` key to the name of your [already configured storage](backups-storage.md). * you can optionally set the `backup.schedule.keep` key to the number of backups which should be kept in the storage. Here is an example of the `deploy/cr.yaml` with a scheduled Saturday night backup kept on the Amazon S3 storage: ```yaml ... backup: storages: s3-us-west: type: s3 s3: bucket: S3-BACKUP-BUCKET-NAME-HERE region: us-west-2 credentialsSecret: my-cluster-name-backup-s3 schedule: - name: "sat-night-backup" schedule: "0 0 * * 6" keep: 3 storageName: s3-us-west ... ```