--8<-- "monitor-db.md" ## Specify additional PMM parameters You can use Custom Resource `pmm.pxcParams` and `pmm.proxysqlParams` keys to specify additional parameters for [pmm-admin add mysql :octicons-link-external-16:](https://www.percona.com/doc/percona-monitoring-and-management/2.x/setting-up/client/mysql.html#adding-mysql-service-monitoring) and [pmm-admin add proxysql :octicons-link-external-16:](https://www.percona.com/doc/percona-monitoring-and-management/2.x/setting-up/client/proxysql.html) commands respectively, if needed. Please take into account that Operator automatically manages common Percona XtraDB Cluster Service Monitoring parameters mentioned in the officiall PMM documentation, such like username, password, service-name, host, etc. Assigning values to these parameters is not recommended and can negatively affect the functionality of the PMM setup carried out by the Operator. ## Update the secrets file The `deploy/secrets.yaml` file contains all values for each key/value pair in a convenient plain text format. But the resulting Secrets Objects contains passwords stored as base64-encoded strings. If you want to *update* the password field, you need to encode the new password into the base64 format and pass it to the Secrets Object. To encode a password or any other parameter, run the following command: === "on Linux" ```{.bash data-prompt="$"} $ echo -n "password" | base64 --wrap=0 ``` === "on macOS" ```{.bash data-prompt="$"} $ echo -n "password" | base64 ``` For example, to set the new PMM API key to `new_key` in the `cluster1-secrets` object, do the following: === "in Linux" ```{.bash data-prompt="$"} $ kubectl patch secret/cluster1-secrets -p '{"data":{"pmmserverkey": "'$(echo -n new_key | base64 --wrap=0)'"}}' ``` === "on macOS" ```{.bash data-prompt="$"} $ kubectl patch secret/cluster1-secrets -p '{"data":{"pmmserverkey": "'$(echo -n new_key | base64)'"}}' ``` ## Add custom PMM prefix to the cluster name When user has several clusters with the same namespace, cluster and Pod names, and a single PMM Server, it is possible to add only one of them to the PMM Server instance because of this names coincidence. For such cases it is possible to specify a custom prefix to the cluster name, which will be visible within PMM, and so names will become unique. You can do it by setting the `PMM_PREFIX` environment variable via the Secret, specified in the `pxc.envVarsSecret` Custom Resource option. Here is an example of the YAML file used to create the Secret with the `my-unique-prefix-` prefix encoded in base64 format: ```yaml apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret metadata: name: my-env-var-secrets type: Opaque data: PMM_PREFIX: bXktdW5pcXVlLXByZWZpeC0= ``` Follow the [instruction](containers-conf.md) on all details needed to create a Secret for environment variables and adding them to the Custom Resource.