# Remote backup storage configuration examples Provide the remote backup storage configuration as a YAML config file. The following are the examples of config files for [supported remote storages](storage-configuration.md#supported-storage-types). For how to insert the config file, see [Insert the whole Percona Backup for MongoDB config from a YAML file](../reference/config.md). ## S3-compatible remote storage ### Amazon Simple Storage Service ```yaml storage: type: s3 s3: region: us-west-2 bucket: pbm-test-bucket prefix: data/pbm/backup credentials: access-key-id: secret-access-key: serverSideEncryption: sseAlgorithm: aws:kms kmsKeyID: ``` ### GCS ```yaml storage: type: s3 s3: region: us-east1 bucket: pbm-testing prefix: pbm/test endpointUrl: https://storage.googleapis.com credentials: access-key-id: secret-access-key: ``` ### MinIO ```yaml storage: type: s3 s3: endpointUrl: "http://localhost:9000" region: my-region bucket: pbm-example prefix: data/pbm/test credentials: access-key-id: secret-access-key: ``` ## Remote filesystem server storage ```yaml storage: type: filesystem filesystem: path: /data/local_backups ``` ## Microsoft Azure Blob Storage ```yaml storage: type: azure azure: account: container: prefix: pbm credentials: key: ``` For the description of configuration options, see [Configuration file options](../reference/configuration-options.md).