# Backup and restore types You can use several types of database backups and restores to develop your backup strategy. ![image](../_images/backups-infographic.png) Not sure what exactly backup you need? The following diagram helps you decide: ![image](../_images/backup-matrix.png) The following table provides an overview of each type: | Type | Version added | When to use | Supported deployments | Percona Server for MongoDB | MongoDB Community /Enterprise Edition | | ---------------| ------------ | ----------------------| ------------------ | ---------------------------------------| ----------| | [Logical](logical.md)
GA| 1.0.0 | - Selective restore of a specific database or a collection in a cluster (starting with version 2.0.0)
- Resilient to major / minor version changes in MongoDB and can be used for migration
- Both MongoDB and PBM run in Docker| Sharded clusters and non-sharded replica sets | Yes | Yes | | [Physical](physical.md)
GA | 2.0.0 | - Full restore of a very large (e.g. Terabytes of data) dataset to a specific point in time with guaranteed data consistency
- Faster restores compared to logical ones | Sharded clusters and non-sharded replica sets | Yes (starting with 4.2.15-16, 4.4.6-8 and higher, 5.0.x, 6.0.x and higher) | No | | [Selective](selective-backup.md)
[Tech preview](../reference/glossary.md#technical-preview-feature) | 2.0.0 | Restore of the desired subset of data without disrupting the operations of your whole cluster| Sharded clusters starting with version 2.0.3. Sharded collections starting with version 2.1.0. | Yes | Yes | | [Incremental](incremental-backup.md)
GA | 2.1.0 (For PSMDB versions 4.2.24-24, 4.4.18-18, 5.0.2-1, 6.0.2-1 and higher) | Save on disk space for large backups where the data needs to be frequently backed up | Sharded clusters and non-sharded replica sets | Yes | No | | [Point-in-time recovery](point-in-time-recovery.md)
GA | 1.3.0 (logical)
2.0.0 (physical manually)
2.2.0 (physical automated) | Full restore of a database to a specific point in time with guaranteed data consistency | Sharded clusters and non-sharded replica sets | Yes | Yes | | [Snapshot-based](snapshots.md)
[Tech preview](../reference/glossary.md#technical-preview-feature) | 2.2.0 | Restore of a very large data set (e.g. Terabytes of data) with almost immediate access to data. A drawback is no guarantee for data consistency in your cluster | Sharded clusters and non-sharded replica sets | Yes | No |