# Percona Backup for MongoDB documentation Percona Backup for MongoDB (PBM) is an open source and distributed solution for consistent backups and restores of [MongoDB sharded clusters and replica sets](details/deployments.md) to a specific point in time. Check [supported MongoDB versions](details/versions.md). Here's how you can make backups on a running server and/or restore your database to a specific point in time: * using the [PBM command line interface](reference/pbm-commands.md). * from a web interface [with PBM and Percona Monitoring and Management :octicons-link-external-16:](https://docs.percona.com/percona-monitoring-and-management/get-started/backup/index.html). Read [how PBM works](intro.md). !!! note "" This is the documentation for the latest release, **PBM {{release}}** ([Release Notes](release-notes/{{release}}.md)). ## What's in it for you? * Data consistency across clusters and replica sets with [every supported backup type](features/backup-types.md) * No notable performance nor operating degradation associated with PBM * A variety of [supported storage types](details/storage-configuration.md) means no vendor lock-in * Open source solution with [enterprise-grade features](features/comparison.md)
## :material-progress-download: Installation guides { .title } Ready to try out PBM? Get started quickly with the step-by-step installation instructions. [Quickstart guides :material-arrow-right:](installation.md){ .md-button }
### :material-backup-restore: Backup management { .title } Learn what you can do to maintain your backup strategy. [Backup management :material-arrow-right:](usage/start-backup.md){ .md-button }
### :fontawesome-solid-gears: Administration { .title } Tweak PBM to effectively perform your day-to-day operations. [Administration :material-arrow-right:](manage/overview.md){.md-button}
### :material-frequently-asked-questions: Diagnostics and FAQ { .title } Our comprehensive resources will help you overcome challenges, from everyday issues to specific doubts. [Run diagnostics :material-arrow-right:](troubleshoot/index.md){.md-button}