# View restore progress !!! admonition "Version added: [2.0.0](../release-notes/2.0.0.md)" You can track the status of both physical and logical restores. This gives you a clear understanding of the restore progress so that you can react accordingly. To view the restore status, run the `pbm describe-restore` command and specify the restore name. To track the progress of a physical restore, also specify the path to the Percona Backup for MongoDB configuration file. Since `mongod` nodes are shut down during a physical restore, Percona Backup for MongoDB uses the configuration file to read the restore status on storage. ```{.bash data-prompt="$"} $ pbm describe-restore 2022-08-15T11:14:55.683148162Z -c pbm_config.yaml ``` The output provides the following information: - Restore name - The name of the backup from which the database was restored - Type - Status - opID - The time of the restore start - Last transition time – the time when the restore process changed its status - The name of every replica set, its restore status and the last transition time For physical backups only, the following additional information is provided: - The node name - Restore status on the node - Last transition time For version 1.8.1 and earlier, tracking restore progress during physical restores is not available. To check the restore status, the options are: - Check the `stderr` logs of the leader `pbm-agent`. The leader ID is printed once the restore has started. - Check the status in the metadata file created on the remote storage for the restore. This file is in the root of the storage path and has the format `.pbm.restore/.json`.