# Percona Distribution for MySQL 8.0.32 using Percona Server for MySQL (2023-03-20) | Release date | March 20, 2023 | | :-------------- | :--------------- | | Install instructions | [Installing Percona Distribution for MySQL](installing.md)| Percona Distribution for MySQL is the most stable, scalable, and secure open-source MySQL distribution, with two download options: one based on Percona Server for MySQL and one based on Percona XtraDB Cluster. This release is focused on the Percona Server for MySQL-based deployment variation. It is based on [Percona Server for MySQL 8.0.32-24](https://www.percona.com/doc/percona-server/8.0/release-notes/8.0.32-24.html). ## Release highlights Percona decided to revert the following MySQL bug fix: The data and the GTIDs backed up by mysqldump were inconsistent when the options `--single-transaction` and `--set-gtid-purged=ON` were both used. It was because in between the transaction started by mysqldump and the fetching of `GTID_EXECUTED`, GTIDs on the server could have increased already. With this fixed, a `FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK` is performed before the fetching of `GTID_EXECUTED` to ensure its value is consistent with the snapshot taken by `mysqldump`. The MySQL fix also added a requirement when using [--single-transaction](https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/mysqldump.html#option_mysqldump_single-transaction) and executing FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK for the [RELOAD](https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/privileges-provided.html#priv_reload) privilege. (Bug #33630199, Bug #105761) The current Percona decision also provides a solution for [MySQL bug #33630199](https://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=109701). The Percona Server version of the `mysqldump` utility, in some modes, can be used with MySQL Server. This utility provides a temporary workaround for the `additional RELOAD privilege` limitation introduced by Oracle MySQL Server 8.0.32. Improvements and bug fixes introduced by Oracle for MySQL 8.0.32 and included in Percona Server for MySQL are the following: * A replica can add a Generated Invisible Primary Keys(GIPK) to any InnoDB table. To achieve this behavior, the `GENERATE` value is added as a possible value for the `CHANGE REPLICATION SOURCE TO` statement’s `REQUIRE_TABLE_PRIMARY_KEY_CHECK` option. * The `REQUIRE_TABLE_PRIMARY_KEY_CHECK = GENERATE` option can be used on a per-channel basis. * Setting `sql_generate_invisible_primary_key` on the source is ignored by a replica because this variable is not replicated. This behavior is inherited from the previous releases. * An upgrade from 8.0.28 caused undetectable problems, such as server exit and corruption. * A fix for after an upgrade, all columns added with `ALGORITHM=INSTANT` materialized and have version=0 for any new row inserted. Now, a column added with `ALGORITHM=INSTANT` fails if the maximum possible size of a row exceeds the row size limit so that all new rows with materialized `ALGORITHM=INSTANT` columns are within the row size limit. (Bug #34558510) * After a drop, adding a specific column using the `INSTANT` algorithm could cause a data error and a server exit. (Bug #34122122) * An online rebuild DDL no longer crashes after a column is added with `ALGORITHM=INSTANT`. Thank you, Qingda Hu, for reporting this bug. (Bug #33788578, Bug #106279) Find the full list of bug fixes and changes in the [MySQL 8.0.32 Release Notes](https://dev.mysql.com/doc/relnotes/mysql/8.0/en/news-8-0-32.html). ## Supplied components Review each component’s release notes for What’s new, improvements, or bug fixes. The following is a list of the components supplied with the Percona Server for MySQL-based variation of the Percona Distribution for MySQL: | Component | Version | Description | | ------------------- | --------- | -------------------------------------------| | Orchestrator | [3.2.6-8](https://github.com/percona/orchestrator/releases/tag/v3.2.6-8) | The replication topology manager for Percona Server for MySQL| | ProxySQL | [2.4.8](https://docs.percona.com/proxysql/2.4.8.html) | A high performance, high-availability, protocol-aware proxy for MySQL| | Percona XtraBackup | [8.0.32-25](https://docs.percona.com/percona-xtrabackup/8.0/release-notes/8.0/8.0.32-25.0.html)| An open-source hot backup utility for MySQL-based servers| | Percona Toolkit | [3.5.1](https://www.percona.com/doc/percona-toolkit/LATEST/release_notes.html#v3-5-1-released-2022-11-28) | The set of scripts to simplify and optimize database operation| | MySQL Shell | [8.0.32](https://dev.mysql.com/doc/relnotes/mysql-shell/8.0/en/news-8-0-32.html) | An advanced client and code editor for MySQL Server| | MySQL Router | [8.0.32](https://dev.mysql.com/doc/relnotes/mysql-router/en/news-8-0-32.html) | Lightweight middleware that provides transparent routing between your application and back-end MySQL servers|