# DBaaS backup and restore !!! caution alert alert-primary "Do not use for mission-critical workloads" DBaaS feature is deprecated. We encourage you to use [Percona Everest](http://per.co.na/pmm-to-everest) instead. Check our [Migration guide](http://per.co.na/pmm-to-everest-guide). You can add a backup schedule while creating DB clusters in DBaaS. This feature is a fusion of backup management and DBaaS in PMM. Currently, DBaaS only supports scheduled backups, which can only be enabled when a database cluster is created. To create a scheduled backup do the following: **Prerequisites** 1. Enable Backup management: From the main menu, navigate to {{icon.configuration}} *Configuration* → *Settings* → *Advanced Settings* → *Backup Management* to enable *Backup management*. 2. Add a backup storage location: !!! note alert alert-primary "Note" Currently, only S3 is supported. From the main menu, navigate to *Backups → Storage Locations → Add storage location* and enter all the required information to add a backup storage location. For details, see [Prepare a storage location](../get-started/backup/prepare_storage_location.md). ## Create a backup schedule To create a backup schedule do the following: 1. From the main menu navigate to *DBaaS* → *DB Cluster*. 2. Click toggle in the *Enable backups* panel. ![!](../_images/PMM_DBaaS_Backup.png) 3. In the *Backup Information* panel, enter the backup details. 4. Set the schedule for when scheduled backups should take place: From the drop-down select the *Scheduled time* when you want the backup to take place. 5. Click *Create*. ## Restore backup You can create a DBaaS cluster from a backup stored on S3. You can use backups from an existing cluster to spin up a new database cluster from this backup. To restore backup, do the following: 1. From the main menu navigate to *DBaaS* → *DB Cluster*. 2. Click toggle in the *Enable restore* panel. ![!](../_images/PMM_DBaaS_restore.png) 3. Enter the information on the *Enable restore* panel. 4. Click *Create*.