# Introduction to Database as a service (DBaaS) !!! caution alert alert-primary "Do not use for mission-critical workloads" - DBaaS feature is deprecated. We encourage you to use [Percona Everest](http://per.co.na/pmm-to-everest) instead. Check our [Migration guide](http://per.co.na/pmm-to-everest-guide). - DBaaS feature is available for PMM Admin users. Database as a service (DBaaS) feature of Percona Monitoring and Management (PMM) is an open source solution to run MySQL and MongoDB clusters on Kubernetes. It allows you to utilize the benefits of Kubernetes and Percona's operators to run and manage database clusters. ## Start here - [Architecture and how DBaaS works](architecture.html) - [Setting up](get-started.html) - [Getting started with DBaaS](get-started.html) - [Registering and managing Kubernetes clusters](get-started.html) - [Creating and managing database clusters](get-started.html) - [Creating or updating a database cluster from a DBaaS template](DBaaS_tepmplate.html)