# pmm-admin - PMM Administration Tool ## NAME `pmm-admin` - Administer PMM ## SYNOPSIS `pmm-admin [FLAGS]` `pmm-admin config [FLAGS] --server-url=server-url` `pmm-admin add DATABASE [FLAGS] [NAME] [ADDRESS]` DATABASE:= [[MongoDB](#mongodb) | [MySQL](#mysql) | [PostgreSQL](#postgresql) | [ProxySQL](#proxysql)] `pmm-admin add --pmm-agent-listen-port=LISTEN_PORT DATABASE [FLAGS] [NAME] [ADDRESS]` `pmm-admin add haproxy [FLAGS] [NAME]` `pmm-admin add external [FLAGS] [NAME] [ADDRESS]` `pmm-admin add external-serverless [FLAGS] [NAME] [ADDRESS]` `pmm-admin remove [FLAGS] service-type [service-name]` `pmm-admin register [FLAGS] [node-address] [node-type] [node-name]` `pmm-admin list [FLAGS] [node-address]` `pmm-admin status [FLAGS] [node-address]` `pmm-admin summary [FLAGS] [node-address]` `pmm-admin annotate [--node|--service] [--tags ] [node-name|service-name]` `pmm-admin help [COMMAND]` ## DESCRIPTION `pmm-admin` is a command-line tool for administering PMM using a set of COMMAND keywords and associated FLAGS. PMM communicates with the PMM Server via a PMM agent process. ## COMMON FLAGS `-h`, `--help` : Show help and exit. `--help-long` : Show extended help and exit. `--help-man` : Generate `man` page. (Use `pmm-admin --help-man | man -l -` to view.) `--debug` : Enable debug logging. `--trace` : Enable trace logging (implies debug). `--log-level` (This parameter is available starting with PMM 2.29.0.) : Set the level for the logs as per your requirement such as INFO, WARNING, ERROR, and FATAL. `--json` : Enable JSON output. `--version` : Show the application version and exit. `--server-url=server-url` : PMM Server URL in `https://username:password@pmm-server-host/` format. `--server-insecure-tls` : Skip PMM Server TLS certificate validation. `--group=` : Group name for external services. Default: `external` `--expose-exporter` (This flag is availble starting with PMM 2.41.0.) : If you enable this flag, any IP address on the local network and anywhere on the internet can access exporter endpoints. If the flag is disabled/not present, exporter endpoints can be accessed only locally. The flag is disabled by default ## COMMANDS ### GENERAL COMMANDS `pmm-admin help [COMMAND]` : Show help for `COMMAND`. ### INFORMATION COMMANDS `pmm-admin list --server-url=server-url [FLAGS]` : Show Services and Agents running on this Node, and the agent mode (push/pull). `pmm-admin status --server-url=server-url [FLAGS]` : Show the following information about a local pmm-agent, and its connected server and clients: - Agent: Agent ID, Node ID. - PMM Server: URL and version. - PMM Client: connection status, time drift, latency, `vmagent` status, `pmm-admin` version. - Agents: Agent ID path and client name. FLAGS: `--wait=` : Time to wait for a successful response from pmm-agent. *period* is an integer. *unit* is one of `ms` for milliseconds, `s` for seconds, `m` for minutes, `h` for hours. `pmm-admin summary --server-url=server-url [FLAGS]` : Creates an archive file in the current directory with default file name `summary_______.zip`. The contents are two directories, `client` and `server` containing diagnostic text files. FLAGS: `--filename="filename"` : The Summary Archive filename. `--skip-server` : Skip fetching `logs.zip` from PMM Server. `--pprof` (This parameter is available starting with PMM 2.29.0) : Include performance profiling data in the summary. ### CONFIGURATION COMMANDS #### `pmm-admin config` `pmm-admin config [FLAGS] [node-address] [node-type] [node-name]` : Configure a local `pmm-agent`. FLAGS: `--node-id=node-id` : Node ID (default is auto-detected). `--node-model=node-model` : Node model. `--region=region` : Node region. `--az=availability-zone` : Node availability zone. `--metrics-mode=mode` : Metrics flow mode for agents node-exporter. Allowed values: - `auto`: chosen by server (default). - `push`: agent will push metrics. - `pull`: server scrapes metrics from agent. `--paths-base=dir` : Base path where all binaries, tools and collectors of PMM client are located `--agent-password=password` (This parameter i available starting with PMM 2.29.0.) : Custom agent password. #### `pmm-admin register` `pmm-admin register [FLAGS] [node-address] [node-type] [node-name]` : Register the current Node with the PMM Server. `--server-url=server-url` : PMM Server URL in `https://username:password@pmm-server-host/` format. `--machine-id="/machine_id/9812826a1c45454a98ba45c56cc4f5b0"` : Node machine-id (default is auto-detected). `--distro="linux"` : Node OS distribution (default is auto-detected). `--container-id=container-id` : Container ID. `--container-name=container-name` : Container name. `--node-model=node-model` : Node model. `--region=region` : Node region. `--az=availability-zone` : Node availability zone. `--custom-labels=labels` : Custom user-assigned labels. `--agent-password=password` (This parameter is available starting with PMM 2.29.0.) : Custom agent password. #### `pmm-admin add --pmm-agent-listen-port=LISTEN_PORT` `pmm-admin add --pmm-agent-listen-port=LISTEN_PORT DATABASE [FLAGS] [NAME] [ADDRESS]` : Configure the PMM agent with a listen port. ` --pmm-agent-listen-port=LISTEN_PORT` : The PMM agent listen port. DATABASE:= [[MongoDB](#mongodb) | [MySQL](#mysql) | [PostgreSQL](#postgresql) | [ProxySQL](#proxysql)] #### `pmm-admin remove` `pmm-admin remove [FLAGS] service-type [service-name]` : Remove Service from monitoring. `--service-id=service-id` : Service ID. `--force` : Remove service with that name or ID and all dependent services and agents. When you remove a service, collected data remains on PMM Server for the specified [retention period](../../faq.md). #### `pmm-admin annotate` `pmm-admin annotate [--node|--service] [--tags ] [--node-name=] [--service-name=]` : Annotate an event. ([Read more](../../how-to/annotate.md)) `` : The annotation string. If it contains spaces, it should be quoted. `--node` : Annotate the current node or that specified by `--node-name`. `--service` : Annotate all services running on the current node, or that specified by `--service-name`. `--tags` : A quoted string that defines one or more comma-separated tags for the annotation. Example: `"tag 1,tag 2"`. `--node-name` : The node name being annotated. `--service-name` : The service name being annotated. **Combining flags** Flags may be combined as shown in the following examples. `--node` : Current node. `--node-name` : Node with name. `--node --node-name=NODE_NAME` : Node with name. `--node --service-name` : Current node and service with name. `--node --node-name --service-name` : Node with name and service with name. `--node --service` : Current node and all services of current node. `-node --node-name --service --service-name` : Service with name and node with name. `--service` : All services of the current node. `--service-name` : Service with name. `--service --service-name` : Service with name. `--service --node-name` : All services of current node and node with name. `--service-name --node-name` : Service with name and node with name. `--service --service-name -node-name` : Service with name and node with name. !!! hint alert alert-success "Tip" If node or service name is specified, they are used instead of other parameters. ### DATABASE COMMANDS #### MongoDB `pmm-admin add mongodb [FLAGS] [node-name] [node-address]` : Add MongoDB to monitoring. FLAGS: `--node-id=node-id` : Node ID (default is auto-detected). `--pmm-agent-id=pmm-agent-id` : The pmm-agent identifier which runs this instance (default is auto-detected). `--username=username` : MongoDB username. `--password=password` : MongoDB password. `--agent-password=password` : Override the default password for accessing the `/metrics` endpoint. (Username is `pmm` and default password is the agent ID.) !!! caution "" Avoid using special characters like '\', ';' and '$' in the custom password. `--query-source=profiler` : Source of queries, one of: `profiler`, `none` (default: `profiler`). `--environment=environment` : Environment name. `--cluster=cluster` : Cluster name. `--replication-set=replication-set` : Replication set name. `--custom-labels=custom-labels` : Custom user-assigned labels. `--skip-connection-check` : Skip connection check. `--tls` : Use TLS to connect to the database. `--tls-skip-verify` : Skip TLS certificates validation. `--tls-certificate-key-file=PATHTOCERT` : Path to TLS certificate file. `--tls-certificate-key-file-password=IFPASSWORDTOCERTISSET` : Password for TLS certificate file. `--tls-ca-file=PATHTOCACERT` : Path to certificate authority file. `--metrics-mode=mode` : Metrics flow mode for agents node-exporter. Allowed values: - `auto`: chosen by server (default). - `push`: agent will push metrics. - `pull`: server scrapes metrics from agent. `--max-query-length=NUMBER` (This parameter is available starting with PMM 2.32.0.) : Limit query length in QAN. Allowed values: - -1: No limit. - 0: Default value. The default value is 2048 chars. - >0: Query will be truncated after chars. !!! caution "" Ensure you do not set the value of `max-query-length` to 1, 2, or 3. Otherwise, the PMM agent will get terminated. ##### Advanced Options PMM starts the MongoDB exporter by default only with `diagnosticdata` and `replicasetstatus` collectors enabled. FLAGS: `--enable-all-collectors` : Enable all collectors. `--disable-collectors` : Comma-separated list of collector names to exclude from exporter. `--max-collections-limit=-1` : Disable collstats, dbstats, topmetrics and indexstats if there are more than collections. 0: No limit. Default is -1, PMM automatically sets this value. !!! caution "" A very high limit of `max-collections-limit` could impact the CPU and Memory usage. Check `--stats-collections` to limit the scope of collections and DB's metrics to be fetched. `--stats-collections=db1,db2.col1` : Collections for collstats & indexstats. ###### Enable all collectors To enable all collectors, pass the parameter `--enable-all-collectors` in the `pmm-admin add mongodb` command. This will enable `collstats`, `dbstats`, `indexstats`, and `topmetrics` collectors. ###### Disable some collectors To enable only some collectors, pass the parameter `--enable-all-collectors` along with the parameter `--disable-collectors`. For example, if you want all collectors except `topmetrics`, specify: ``` --enable-all-collectors --disable-collectors=topmetrics ``` ###### Limit `dbStats`, `collStats` and `indexStats` By default, PMM decides the limit for the number of collections to monitor the `collStats` and `indexStats` collectors. You can also set an additional limit for the `collStats`, `indexStats`, `dbStats`, and `topmetrics` collectors with the `--max-collections-limit` parameter. Set the value of the parameter `--max-collections-limit` to: - 0: which indicates that `collStats` and `indexStats` can handle unlimited collections. - n, which indicates that `collStats` and `indexStats` can handle <=n collections. If the limit is crossed - exporter stops collecting monitoring data for the `collStats` and `indexStats` collectors. - -1 (default) doesn't need to be explicitly set. It indicates that PMM decides how many collections it would monitor, currently <=200 (subject to change). To further limit collections to monitor, enable `collStats` and `indexStats` for some databases or collections: - Specify the databases and collections that `collStats` and `indexStats` will use to collect data using the parameter `--stats-collections`. This parameter receives a comma-separated list of name spaces in the form `database[.collection]`. ###### Examples To add MongoDB with all collectors (`diagnosticdata`, `replicasetstatus`, `collstats`, `dbstats`, `indexstats`, and `topmetrics`) with default limit detected by PMM (currently <=200 collections, but subject to change): `pmm-admin add mongodb --username=admin --password=admin_pass --enable-all-collectors mongodb_srv_1` To add MongoDB with all collectors (`diagnosticdata`, `replicasetstatus`, `collstats`, `dbstats`, `indexstats`, and `topmetrics`) with `max-collections-limit` set to 1000: `pmm-admin add mongodb --username=admin --password=admin_pass --enable-all-collectors --max-collections-limit=1000 mongodb_srv_1` To enable all the collectors with an unlimited number of collections monitored: `pmm-admin add mongodb --username=admin --password=admin_pass --enable-all-collectors --max-collections-limit=0 mongodb_srv_1` To add MongoDB with default collectors (`diagnosticdata` and `replicasetstatus`): `pmm-admin add mongodb --username=admin --password=admin_pass mongodb_srv_1` Disable `collstats` collector and enable all the others without limiting `max-collections-limit`: `pmm-admin add mongodb --username=admin --password=admin_pass --enable-all-collectors --max-collections-limit=0 --disable-collectors=collstats mongodb_srv_1` If `--stats-collections=db1,db2.col1` then the collectors are run as follows: | Database | Collector is run on | |----------|--------------------------------| | `db1` | All the collections | | `db2` | **Only** for collection `col1` | Enable all collectors and limit monitoring for `dbstats`, `indexstats`, `collstats` and `topmetrics` for all collections in `db1` and `col1` collection in `db2`, without limiting `max-collections-limit` for a number of collections in `db1`: `pmm-admin add mongodb --username=admin --password=admin_pass --enable-all-collectors --max-collections-limit=0 --stats-collections=db1,db2.col1 mongodb_srv_1` ##### Resolutions PMM collects metrics in two [resolutions](../../how-to/configure.md#metrics-resolution) to decrease CPU and Memory usage: high and low resolutions. In high resolution we collect metrics from collectors which work fast: - `diagnosticdata` - `replicasetstatus` - `topmetrics` In low resolution we collect metrics from collectors which could take some time: - `dbstats` - `indexstats` - `collstats` #### MySQL `pmm-admin add mysql [FLAGS] node-name node-address | [--name=service-name] --address=address[:port] | --socket` : Add MySQL to monitoring. FLAGS: `--address` : MySQL address and port (default: `--socket=socket` : Path to MySQL socket. (Find the socket path with `mysql -u root -p -e "select @@socket"`.) `--node-id=node-id` : Node ID (default is auto-detected). `--pmm-agent-id=pmm-agent-id` : The pmm-agent identifier which runs this instance (default is auto-detected). `--username=username` : MySQL username. `--password=password` : MySQL password. `--agent-password=password` : Override the default password for accessing the `/metrics` endpoint. (Username is `pmm` and default password is the agent ID.) !!! caution "" Avoid using special characters like '\', ';' and '$' in the custom password. `--query-source=slowlog` : Source of SQL queries, one of: `slowlog`, `perfschema`, `none` (default: `slowlog`). For `slowlog` query source, you need change permissions for specific files. Root permissions are needed for this. `--size-slow-logs=N` : Rotate slow log file at this size. If `0`, use server-defined default. Negative values disable log rotation. A unit suffix must be appended to the number and can be one of: - `KiB`, `MiB`, `GiB`, `TiB` for base 2 units (1024, 1048576, etc). `--disable-queryexamples` : Disable collection of query examples. `--disable-tablestats` : Disable table statistics collection. Excluded collectors for low-resolution time intervals: - `--collect.auto_increment.columns` - `--collect.info_schema.tables` - `--collect.info_schema.tablestats` - `--collect.perf_schema.indexiowaits` - `--collect.perf_schema.tableiowaits` - `--collect.perf_schema.file_instances` Excluded collectors for medium-resolution time intervals: - `--collect.perf_schema.tablelocks` `--disable-tablestats-limit=disable-tablestats-limit` : Table statistics collection will be disabled if there are more than specified number of tables (default: server-defined). 0=no limit. Negative value disables collection. `--environment=environment` : Environment name. `--cluster=cluster` : Cluster name. `--replication-set=replication-set` : Replication set name. `--custom-labels=custom-labels` : Custom user-assigned labels. `--skip-connection-check` : Skip connection check. `--tls` : Use TLS to connect to the database. `--tls-skip-verify` : Skip TLS certificates validation. `--tls-cert-file=PATHTOCERT` : Path to TLS client certificate file. `--tls-key=PATHTOCERTKEY` : Key for TLS client certificate file. `--tls-ca-file=PATHTOCACERT` : Path to certificate authority file. `--ssl-ca=PATHTOCACERT` : The path name of the Certificate Authority (CA) certificate file. If used, must specify the same certificate used by the server. (-ssl-capath is similar, but specifies the path name of a directory of CA certificate files.) `--ssl-cert=PATHTOCERTKEY` : The path name of the client public key certificate file. `--ssl-key` : The path name of the client private key file. `--ssl-skip-verify` : Skip SSL certificate verification. `--metrics-mode=mode` : Metrics flow mode for agents node-exporter. Allowed values: - `auto`: chosen by server (default). - `push`: agent will push metrics. - `pull`: server scrapes metrics from agent. `--max-query-length=NUMBER` (This parameter is available starting with PMM 2.32.0.) : Limit query length in QAN. Allowed values: - -1: No limit. - 0: Default value. The default value is 2048 chars. - >0: Query will be truncated after chars. !!! caution "" Ensure you do not set the value of `max-query-length` to 1, 2, or 3. Otherwise, the PMM agent will get terminated. `--comments-parsing=off/on` : Enable/disable parsing comments from queries into QAN filter groups: - off: Disabled. - on: Enabled. #### PostgreSQL `pmm-admin add postgresql [FLAGS] [node-name] [node-address]` : Add PostgreSQL to monitoring. FLAGS: `--node-id=` : Node ID (default is auto-detected). `--pmm-agent-id=` : The pmm-agent identifier which runs this instance (default is auto-detected). `--username=` : PostgreSQL username. `--password=` : PostgreSQL password. `--database=` : PostgreSQL database (default: postgres). `--agent-password=password` : Override the default password for accessing the `/metrics` endpoint. (Username is `pmm` and default password is the agent ID.) !!! caution "" Avoid using special characters like '\', ';' and '$' in the custom password. `--query-source=` : Source of SQL queries, one of: `pgstatements`, `pgstatmonitor`, `none` (default: `pgstatements`). `--disable-queryexamples` : Disable collection of query examples. Applicable only if `query-source` is set to `pgstatmonitor`. `--environment=` : Environment name. `--cluster=` : Cluster name. `--replication-set=` : Replication set name. `--custom-labels=` : Custom user-assigned labels. `--skip-connection-check` : Skip connection check. `--tls` : Use TLS to connect to the database. `--tls-skip-verify` : Skip TLS certificates validation. `--tls-ca-file` : TLS CA certificate file. `--tls-cert-file` : TLS certificate file. `--tls-key-file` : TLS certificate key file. `--metrics-mode=mode` : Metrics flow mode for agents node-exporter. Allowed values: - `auto`: chosen by server (default). - `push`: agent will push metrics. - `pull`: server scrapes metrics from agent. `--max-query-length=NUMBER` (This parameter is available starting with PMM 2.32.0.) : Limit query length in QAN. Allowed values: - -1: No limit. - 0: Default value. The default value is 2048 chars. - >0: Query will be truncated after chars. !!! caution "" Ensure you do not set the value of `max-query-length` to 1, 2, or 3. Otherwise, the PMM agent will get terminated. `--comments-parsing=off/on` : Enable/disable parsing comments from queries into QAN filter groups: - off: Disabled. - on: Enabled. #### ProxySQL `pmm-admin add proxysql [FLAGS] [node-name] [node-address]` : Add ProxySQL to monitoring. FLAGS: `--node-id=node-id` : Node ID (default is auto-detected). `--pmm-agent-id=pmm-agent-id` : The pmm-agent identifier which runs this instance (default is auto-detected). `--username=username` : ProxySQL username. `--password=password` : ProxySQL password. `--agent-password=password` : Override the default password for accessing the `/metrics` endpoint. (Username is `pmm` and default password is the agent ID.) !!! caution "" Avoid using special characters like '\', ';' and '$' in the custom password. `--environment=environment` : Environment name. `--cluster=cluster` : Cluster name. `--replication-set=replication-set` : Replication set name. `--custom-labels=custom-labels` : Custom user-assigned labels. `--skip-connection-check` : Skip connection check. `--tls` : Use TLS to connect to the database. `--tls-skip-verify` : Skip TLS certificates validation. `--metrics-mode=mode` : Metrics flow mode for agents node-exporter. Allowed values: - `auto`: chosen by server (default). - `push`: agent will push metrics. - `pull`: server scrapes metrics from agent. `--disable-collectors` : Comma-separated list of collector names to exclude from exporter. #### HAProxy `pmm-admin add haproxy [FLAGS] [NAME]` : Add HAProxy to monitoring. FLAGS: `--server-url=SERVER-URL` : PMM Server URL in `https://username:password@pmm-server-host/` format. `--server-insecure-tls` : Skip PMM Server TLS certificate validation. `--username=USERNAME` : HAProxy username. `--password=PASSWORD` : HAProxy password. `--scheme=SCHEME` : Scheme to generate URI to exporter metrics endpoints (http or https). `--metrics-path=METRICS-PATH` : Path under which metrics are exposed, used to generate URI (default: /metrics). `--listen-port=LISTEN-PORT` : Listen port of haproxy exposing the metrics for scraping metrics (Required). `--service-node-id=SERVICE-NODE-ID` : Node ID where service runs (default is auto-detected). `--environment=ENVIRONMENT` : Environment name like 'production' or 'qa'. `--cluster=CLUSTER` : Cluster name. `--replication-set=REPLICATION-SET` : Replication set name. `--custom-labels=CUSTOM-LABELS` : Custom user-assigned labels. Example: region=east,app=app1. `--metrics-mode=MODE` : Metrics flow mode for agents node-exporter. Allowed values: - `auto`: chosen by server (default). - `push`: agent will push metrics. - `pull`: server scrapes metrics from agent. `--skip-connection-check` : Skip connection check. ### OTHER COMMANDS `pmm-admin add external [FLAGS]` : Add External source of data (like a custom exporter running on a port) to be monitored. FLAGS: `--service-name="current-hostname"` : Service name (autodetected defaults to the hostname where `pmm-admin` is running). `--agent-node-id=AGENT-NODE-ID` : Node ID where agent runs (default is autodetected). `--username=USERNAME` : External username. `--password=PASSWORD` : External password. `--scheme=http or https` : Scheme to generate URI to exporter metrics endpoints. `--metrics-path=/metrics` : Path under which metrics are exposed, used to generate URI. `--listen-port=LISTEN-PORT` : Listen port of external exporter for scraping metrics. (Required.) `--service-node-id=SERVICE-NODE-ID` : Node ID where service runs (default is autodetected). `--environment=prod` : Environment name like 'production' or 'qa'. `--cluster=east-cluster` : Cluster name. `--replication-set=rs1` : Replication set name. `--custom-labels=CUSTOM-LABELS` : Custom user-assigned labels. Example: `region=east,app=app1`. `--metrics-mode=auto` : Metrics flow mode, can be `push`: agent will push metrics, `pull`: server scrape metrics from agent or `auto`: chosen by server. `--group="external"` : Group name of external service. (Default: `external`.) `pmm-admin add external-serverless [FLAGS]` : Add External Service on Remote node to monitoring. Usage example: `pmm-admin add external-serverless --url=`. Also, individual parameters can be set instead of `--url` like: `pmm-admin add external-serverless --scheme=http --host= --listen-port=9093 --metrics-path=/metrics --container-name=ddd --external-name=e125`. Note that some parameters are mandatory depending on the context. For example, if you specify `--url`, `--schema` and other related parameters are not mandatory. But if you specify `--host` you must provide all other parameters needed to build the destination URL, or you can specify `--address` instead of host and port as individual parameters. FLAGS: `--url=URL` : Full URL to exporter metrics endpoints. `--scheme=https` : Scheme to generate URL to exporter metrics endpoints. `--username=USERNAME` : External username. `--password=PASSWORD` : External password. `--address=` : External exporter address and port. `--host=` : External exporters hostname or IP address. `--listen-port=9999` : Listen port of external exporter for scraping metrics. `--metrics-path=/metrics` : Path under which metrics are exposed, used to generate URL. `--environment=testing` : Environment name. `--cluster=CLUSTER` : Cluster name. `--replication-set=rs1` : Replication set name. `--custom-labels='app=myapp,region=s1'` : Custom user-assigned labels. `--group="external"` : Group name of external service. (Default: `external`.) `--machine-id=MACHINE-ID` : Node machine-id. `--distro=DISTRO` : Node OS distribution. `--container-id=CONTAINER-ID` : Container ID. `--container-name=CONTAINER-NAME` : Container name. `--node-model=NODE-MODEL` : Node model. `--region=REGION` : Node region. `--az=AZ` : Node availability zone. ## EXAMPLES ```sh pmm-admin add mysql --query-source=slowlog --username=pmm --password=pmm sl-mysql ``` ```txt MySQL Service added. Service ID : /service_id/a89191d4-7d75-44a9-b37f-a528e2c4550f Service name: sl-mysql ``` ```sh pmm-admin add mysql --username=pmm --password=pmm --service-name=ps-mysql --host= --port=3306 ``` ```sh pmm-admin status pmm-admin status --wait=30s ``` ```txt Agent ID: /agent_id/c2a55ac6-a12f-4172-8850-4101237a4236 Node ID : /node_id/29b2cc24-3b90-4892-8d7e-4b44258d9309 PMM Server: URL : https://x.x.x.x:443/ Version: 2.5.0 PMM Client: Connected : true Time drift: 2.152715ms Latency : 465.658µs pmm-admin version: 2.5.0 pmm-agent version: 2.5.0 Agents: /agent_id/aeb42475-486c-4f48-a906-9546fc7859e8 mysql_slowlog_agent Running ``` ### Disable collectors ```sh pmm-admin add mysql --disable-collectors='heartbeat,global_status,info_schema.innodb_cmp' --username=pmm --password=pmm --service-name=db1-mysql --host= --port=3306 ``` For other collectors that you can disable with the `--disable-collectors` option, please visit the official repositories for each exporter: - [`node_exporter`](https://github.com/percona/node_exporter) - [`mysqld_exporter`](https://github.com/percona/mysqld_exporter) - [`mongodb_exporter`](https://github.com/percona/mongodb_exporter) - [`postgres_exporter`](https://github.com/percona/postgres_exporter) - [`proxysql_exporter`](https://github.com/percona/proxysql_exporter) [inventory]: ../dashboards/dashboard-inventory.md