# Glossary ## Annotation A way of showing a mark on dashboards signifying an important point in time. ## Dimension In the Query Analytics dashboard, to help focus on the possible source of performance issues, you can group queries by *dimension*, one of: Query, Service Name, Database, Schema, User Name, Client Host ## EBS Amazon's Elastic Block Store. ## Fingerprint A *normalized statement digest*---a query string with values removed that acts as a template or typical example for a query. ## IAM Identity and Access Management (for Amazon AWS). ## MM Metrics Monitor. ## NUMA Non-Uniform Memory Access. ## PEM Privacy Enhanced Mail. ## QPS Queries Per Second. A measure of the rate of queries being monitored. ## Query Analytics Component of PMM Server that enables you to analyze MySQL query performance over periods of time. ## Advisors Automated checks that you can run against connected databases to identify any potential security threats, configuration problems, performance concerns, policy non-compliance issues etc. ## Technical Preview Releases intended for public preview and feedback, but with no support or service level agreement (SLA). Should not be used on production or business-critical systems. May contain breaking changes to UI, API, CLI. ([Read more](https://www.percona.com/services/policies/percona-release-lifecycle-overview).) ## VG Volume Group.