# Details - [Architecture](architecture.md): High-level architecture and main components. - [User interface components](interface.md): Descriptions of the main menus and icons. - [PMM components and versions](pmm_components_and_versions.md): PMM components and their version used in PMM. - [Data handling in PMM](personal_data_handling): Personal and confidential data handling in PMM. - [Developing Advisor checks](develop-checks/index.md): Database health assessments. - [Dashboards reference](dashboards/index.md): A complete list of dashboards by category, with screenshots. - Commands: - [pmm-admin](commands/pmm-admin.md): The manual page for the PMM administration tool. - [pmm-agent](commands/pmm-agent.md): The manual page for the PMM Client agent program. - [API](api.md): How to access the Swagger API. - [VictoriaMetrics](victoria-metrics.md): The monitoring solution and time-series database that replaced Prometheus in [PMM 2.12.0](../release-notes/2.12.0.md). - [ClickHouse](clickhouse.md): A third-party column-oriented database management system (DBMS) that facilitates the Query Analytics functionality. - [PostgreSQL](postgresql.md): An open source object-relational database management system used as the primary data store. - [Glossary](glossary.md): A list of obscure terms and definitions.