# Create access roles Roles are a vital part of Access control. Roles provide users with access to specific, role-based metrics. To create access roles in PMM, do the following: 1. From the *Main* menu, navigate to {{icon.configuration}} *Configuration → Access Roles*. *Access Roles* tab opens. ![!](../../_images/PMM_access_control_create_role.png) 2. Click *Create*. Create role page opens. 3. Enter the Role name and Role description. ![!](../../_images/PMM_access_control_role_name.png) 4. Select the following from the drop-downs for metrics access: - Label - Operator - Value of the label. If you want to add more than one label for a role, click *+* and select the values from the drop-down. For information on how the Prometheus selectors work, see [Prometheus selectors](https://prometheus.io/docs/prometheus/latest/querying/basics/#time-series-selectors). 5. Click *Create* role. !!! note alert alert-primary "Note" To create roles, you must have admin privileges. For more information, see [Manage users](../../how-to/manage-users.md).