# Google Cloud Platform PMM can monitor MySQL or PostgreSQL instances hosted on the [Google Cloud Platform][GOOGLE_CLOUD]. The connection can be direct, or indirect using [Cloud SQL Proxy][GOOGLE_CLOUD_SQL_PROXY]. ## MySQL 1. [Set up a MySQL instance on Google Cloud][GOOGLE_CLOUD_MYSQL]. 2. The database server must be accessible by PMM Client. If PMM Client is not also hosted on GCP, you will need to add a network interface with a public interface. 3. Configure *Performance Schema* on the MySQL server. Using the GCP console's *Cloud Shell* or your own `gcloud` installation, run: ```sh gcloud sql instances patch --database-flags performance_schema=on ``` 4. Log into the PMM user interface. 5. Select {{icon.configuration}} *Configuration* → {{icon.inventory}} *PMM Inventory* → {{icon.addinstance}} *Add Instance*. 6. Click *MySQL Add a remote instance*. 7. Fill in the details for the remote MySQL instance. - Ensure *Use performance schema* is selected. 8. Click *Add service*. 9. Check for values in the *MySQL Instance Overview* dashboard and in *Query Analytics*. ## PostgreSQL 1. [Set up a PostgreSQL instance on Google Cloud][GOOGLE_CLOUD_POSTGRESQL]. 2. The database server must be accessible by PMM Client. If PMM Client is not also hosted on GCP, you will need to add a network interface with a public interface. 3. Configure `pg_stat_statements`. Open an interactive SQL session with your GCP PostgreSQL server and run: ```sql CREATE EXTENSION pg_stat_statements; ``` 4. Log into the PMM user interface. 5. Select {{icon.configuration}} *Configuration* → {{icon.inventory}} *PMM Inventory* → {{icon.addinstance}} *Add Instance*. 6. Select *PostgreSQL Add a remote instance*. 7. Fill in the details for the remote PostgreSQL instance: - In *Stat tracking options*, select *PG Stat Statements*. 8. Click *Add service*. 9. Check for values in the *PostgreSQL Instance Overview* dashboard and *Query Analytics*. ## Cloud SQL Proxy ### MySQL 1. Create instance on GCP. 2. Note connection as `::`. 3. [Enable Admin API][GOOGLE_CLOUD_ADMIN_API] and download the JSON credential file. 4. Enable *Performance Schema*. 5. Run Cloud SQL Proxy (runs on PMM Client node). - As a Docker container: ```sh docker run -d \ -v ~/path/to/admin-api-file.json:/config \ -p \ gcr.io/cloudsql-docker/gce-proxy:1.19.1 \ /cloud_sql_proxy \ -instances=example-project-NNNN:us-central1:mysql-for-pmm=tcp: \ -credential_file=/config ``` - On Linux: ```sh wget https://dl.google.com/cloudsql/cloud_sql_proxy.linux.amd64 -O cloud_sql_proxy chmod +x cloud_sql_proxy ./cloud_sql_proxy -instances=example-project-NNNN:us-central1:mysql-for-pmm=tcp:3306 \ -credential_file=/path/to/credential-file.json ``` 6. Add instance. ```sh pmm-admin add mysql --host= --port=3306 \ --username=root --password=secret \ --service-name=MySQLGCP --query-source=perfschema ``` ### PostgreSQL 1. Create instance on GCP. 2. Note connection as `::`. 3. [Enable Admin API][GOOGLE_CLOUD_ADMIN_API] and download the JSON credential file. 4. Run Cloud SQL Proxy. ```sh ./cloud_sql_proxy -instances=example-project-NNNN:us-central1:pg-for-pmm=tcp:5432 \ -credential_file=/path/to/credential-file.json ``` 5. Log into PostgreSQL. 6. Load extension: ```sql CREATE EXTENSION pg_stat_statements; ``` 7. Add service: ```sh pmm-admin add postgresql --host= --port=5432 \ --username="postgres" --password=secret --service-name=PGGCP ``` [GOOGLE_CLOUD_SQL]: https://cloud.google.com/sql [GOOGLE_CLOUD]: https://cloud.google.com/ [GOOGLE_CLOUD_MYSQL]: https://cloud.google.com/sql/docs/mysql/quickstart [GOOGLE_CLOUD_POSTGRESQL]: https://cloud.google.com/sql/docs/postgres/quickstart [GOOGLE_CLOUD_SQL_PROXY]: https://cloud.google.com/sql/docs/mysql/connect-overview#cloud_sql_proxy [GOOGLE_CLOUD_ADMIN_API]: https://cloud.google.com/sql/docs/mysql/admin-api#console