# Percona Distribution for PostgreSQL 11.11 Second Update (2021-05-10)
Date: May 10, 2021
Installation: Installing Percona Distribution for PostgreSQL
This update of Percona Distribution for PostgreSQL includes the latest version of [pg_stat_monitor](https://github.com/percona/pg_stat_monitor) 0.9.0 - the statistics collection tool for PostgreSQL. `pg_stat_monitor` is available as the Tech Preview Feature [^1] and is supplied in the set of extensions within Percona Distribution for PostgreSQL. We welcome your feedback on your experience with `pg_stat_monitor` in the [public JIRA project](https://jira.percona.com/projects/DISTPG). [^1]: Tech Preview Features are not yet ready for enterprise use and are not included in support via SLA. They are included in this release, so that users can provide feedback prior to the full release of the feature in a future GA release (or removal of the feature if it is deemed not useful). This functionality can change (APIs, CLIs, etc.) from tech preview to GA.