# Percona Distribution for PostgreSQL 11.6 (2020-01-23) Percona is happy to announce the release of Percona Distribution for PostgreSQL 11.6 on January 23, 2020. Percona Distribution for PostgreSQL is a collection of tools to assist you in managing PostgreSQL. Percona Distribution for PostgreSQL installs PostgreSQL and complements it by a selection of extensions that enable solving essential practical tasks efficiently: * [Pg_repack](https://github.com/reorg/pg_repack) rebuilds PostgreSQL database objects. * [Pgaudit](https://www.pgaudit.org/) provides detailed session or object audit logging via the standard logging facility provided by PostgreSQL * [pgBackRest](https://pgbackrest.org/) - a backup and restore solution for PostgreSQL * [Patroni](https://patroni.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) - an HA (High Availability) solution for PostgreSQL * A collection of [additional PostgreSQL contrib extensions](https://www.postgresql.org/docs/11/contrib.html) Percona Distribution for PostgreSQL is also shipped with the [libpq](https://www.postgresql.org/docs/11/libpq.html) library. It contains “a set of library functions that allow client programs to pass queries to the PostgreSQL backend server and to receive the results of these queries.” [^1] This release of Percona Distribution for PostgreSQL is based on PostgreSQL 11.6. !!! important On Debian and other systems that use the `apt` package manager, such as Ubuntu, components of Percona Distribution for PostgreSQL 11 can only be installed together with the server shipped by Percona (`percona-postgresql-11`). If you wish to use Percona Distribution for PostgreSQL, uninstall the PostgreSQL package provided by your distribution (postgresql-11) and then install the chosen components from Percona Distribution for PostgreSQL. ## Bugs Fixed * [DISTPG-34](https://jira.percona.com/browse/DISTPG-34): Components shipped with Percona Distribution for PostgreSQL could not be installed alongside PostgreSQL. [^1]: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/11/libpq.html