# Query spatial data After you [installed and configured PostGIS](postgis-deploy.md) and [loaded the spatial data to PostgreSQL](postgis-deploy.md#upload-spatial-data-to-postgresql), let’s find answers to the following questions by querying the database: ## *What is the population of the New York City?* ```sql SELECT Sum(popn_total) AS population FROM nyc_census_blocks; ``` Output: ```{.sql .no-copy} population ------------ 8175032 (1 row) ``` ## *What is the area of Central Park?* To get the answer we will use the `ST_Area` function that returns the areas of polygons. ```sql SELECT ST_Area(geom) / 1000000 FROM nyc_neighborhoods WHERE name = 'Central Park'; ``` Output: ```{.sql .no-copy} st_area -------------------- 3.5198365965413293 (1 row) ``` By default, the output is given in square meters. To get the value in square kilometers, divide it by 1 000 000. ## *How long is Columbus Circle?* ```sql SELECT ST_Length(geom) FROM nyc_streets WHERE name = 'Columbus Cir'; ``` Output: ```{.sql .no-copy} st_length ------------------- 308.3419936909855 (1 row) ```