# Percona Server for MongoDB 4.4 Documentation Percona Server for MongoDB is an enhanced, fully compatible, source available, drop-in replacement for MongoDB 4.4 Community Edition with [enterprise-grade features](comparison.md). [To migrate to Percona Server for MongoDB](install/upgrade-from-mongodb.md) requires no changes to MongoDB applications or code. !!! hint "" To see which version of Percona Server for MongoDB you are using check the value of the `psmdbVersion` key in the output of the [buildInfo](https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/command/buildInfo/#dbcmd.buildInfo) database command. If this key does not exist, Percona Server for MongoDB is not installed on the server. [What's new in Percona Server for MongoDB {{release}}](release_notes/{{release}}.md){ .md-button .md-button }
## :material-progress-download: Installation guides { .title } Ready to try out Percona Server for MongoDB? Get started quickly with the step-by-step installation instructions. [Quickstart guides :material-arrow-right:](install/index.md){ .md-button }
### :fontawesome-solid-gears: Control database access { .title } Define who has access to the database and manage their permissions in a single place like LDAP server, ensuring only authorized users have access to resources and operations. [Authentication :material-arrow-right:](authentication.md){.md-button}
### :material-backup-restore: Backup and restore { .title } Make enterprise-level backups and restores with guaranteed data consistency using Percona Backup for MongoDB (PBM). Or, create physical backups on a running server using the built-in [hot backup](hot-backup.md) functionality. [Get started with PBM :material-arrow-right:](https://docs.percona.com/percona-backup-mongodb/installation.html){ .md-button }
### :simple-letsencrypt: Secure access to data { .title } Keep your sensitive data safe, ensuring users only see the data they are authorized to access. [Data-at-rest encryption :material-arrow-right:](data-at-rest-encryption.md){ .md-button }