# Auditing Auditing allows administrators to track and log user activity on a MongoDB server. With auditing enabled, the server will generate an audit log file. This file contains information about different user events including authentication, authorization failures, and so on. To enable audit logging, specify where to send audit events using the [`--auditDestination`](#-auditdestination) option on the command line or the `auditLog.destination` variable in the configuration file. If you want to output events to a file, also specify the format of the file using the [`--auditFormat`](#-auditformat) option or the `auditLog.format` variable, and the path to the file using the [`--auditPath`](#-auditpath) option or the `auditLog.path` variable. To filter recorded events, use the [`--auditFilter`](#-auditfilter) option or the `auditLog.filter` variable. For example, to log only events from a user named **tim** and write them to a JSON file `/var/log/psmdb/audit.json`, start the server with the following parameters: ```{.bash data-prompt="$"} $ mongod \ --dbpath data/db --auditDestination file \ --auditFormat JSON \ --auditPath /var/log/psmdb/audit.json \ --auditFilter '{ "users.user" : "tim" }' ``` The options in the previous example can be used as variables in the MongoDB configuration file: ```yaml storage: dbPath: data/db auditLog: destination: file format: JSON path: /var/log/psmdb/audit.json filter: '{ "users.user" : "tim" }' ``` This example shows how to send audit events to the `syslog`. Specify the following parameters: ```{.bash data-prompt="$"} mongod \ --dbpath data/db --auditDestination syslog \ ``` Alternatively, you can edit the MongoDB configuration file: ```yaml storage: dbPath: data/db auditLog: destination: syslog ``` !!! note If you start the server with auditing enabled, you cannot disable auditing dynamically during runtime. ## Audit options The following options control audit logging: | Command line | Configuration file | Type | Description | | --------------------- | ---------------------- | ------ | ------------ | | `--auditDestination()`| `auditLog.destination` | string | Enables auditing and specifies where to send audit events:
- `console`: Output audit events to `stdout`.
- `file`: Output audit events to a file specified by the `--auditPath` option in a format specified by the `--auditFormat` option.
- `syslog`: Output audit events to `syslog`| | `--auditFilter()` | `auditLog.filter` | string | Specifies a filter to apply to incoming audit events, enabling the administrator to only capture a subset of them. The value must be interpreted as a query object with the following syntax:

`{ : , ... }`

Audit log events that match this query will be logged. Events that do not match this query will be ignored.
For more information, see [Audit filter examples](#audit-file-examples)| | `--auditFormat()` | `auditLog.format` | string | Specifies the format of the audit log file, if you set the `--auditDestination` option to `file`.
The default value is `JSON`. Alternatively, you can set it to `BSON`| | `--auditPath()` | `auditLog.path` | string | Specifies the fully qualified path to the file where audit log events are written, if you set the `--auditDestination` option to `file`.
If this option is not specified, then the `auditLog.json` file is created in the server’s configured log path. If log path is not configured on the server, then the `auditLog.json` file is created in the current directory (from which `mongod` was started).

**NOTE**: This file will rotate in the same manner as the system log path, either on server reboot or using the `logRotate` command. The time of rotation will be added to the old file’s name. ## Audit message syntax Audit logging writes messages in JSON format with the following syntax: ```javascript { atype: , ts : { "$date": }, local: { ip: , port: }, remote: { ip: , port: }, users : [ { user: , db: }, ... ], roles: [ { role: , db: }, ... ], param: , result: } ``` | Parameter | Description | | --------- | ---------------------- | | `atype` | Event type | | `ts` | Date and UTC time of the event| | `local` | Local IP address and port number of the instance | | `remote` | Remote IP address and port number of the incoming connection associated with the event | | `users` | Users associated with the event | | `roles` | Roles granted to the user | | `param` | Details of the event associated with the specific type | | `result` | Exit code (`0` for success) | ## Audit filter examples The following examples show the flexibility of audit log filters. ```yaml auditLog: destination: file filter: '{atype: {$in: [ "authenticate", "authCheck", "renameCollection", "dropCollection", "dropDatabase", "createUser", "dropUser", "dropAllUsersFromDatabase", "updateUser", "grantRolesToUser", "revokeRolesFromUser", "createRole", "updateRole", "dropRole", "dropAllRolesFromDatabase", "grantRolesToRole", "revokeRolesFromRole", "grantPrivilegesToRole", "revokePrivilegesFromRole", "replSetReconfig", "enableSharding", "shardCollection", "addShard", "removeShard", "shutdown", "applicationMessage" ]}}' ``` ### Standard query selectors You can use query selectors, such as `$eq`, `$in`, `$gt`, `$lt`, `$ne`, and others to log multiple event types. For example, to log only the `dropCollection` and `dropDatabase` events: === "Command line" ```bash --auditDestination file --auditFilter '{ atype: { $in: [ "dropCollection", "dropDatabase" ] } }' ``` === "Config file" ```yaml auditLog: destination: file filter: '{ atype: { $in: [ "dropCollection", "dropDatabase" ] } }' ``` ### Regular expressions Another way to specify multiple event types is using regular expressions. For example, to filter all `drop` operations: === "Command line" ```bash --auditDestination file --auditFilter '{ "atype" : /^drop.*/ }' ``` === "Config file" ```yaml auditLog: destination: file filter: '{ "atype" : /^drop.*/ }' ``` ### Read and write operations By default, operations with successful authorization are not logged, so for this filter to work, enable `auditAuthorizationSuccess` parameter, as described in [Enabling auditing of authorization success](#enabling-auditing-of-authorization-success). For example, to filter read and write operations on all the collections in the `test` database: !!! note The dot (`.`) after the database name in the regular expression must be escaped with two backslashes (`\\\\`). === "Command line" ```bash --setParameter auditAuthorizationSuccess=true --auditDestination file --auditFilter '{ atype: "authCheck", "param.command": { $in: [ "find", "insert", "delete", "update", "findandmodify" ] }, "param.ns": /^test\\./ } }' ``` === "Config file" ```yaml auditLog: destination: file filter: '{ atype: "authCheck", "param.command": { $in: [ "find", "insert", "delete", "update", "findandmodify" ] }, "param.ns": /^test\\./ } }' setParameter: { auditAuthorizationSuccess: true } ``` ## Enabling auditing of authorization success By default, the audit system logs only authorization failures for the `authCheck` action. The `authCheck` action refers to the operations a user is or is not authorized to perform on the server according to the privileges outlined in the roles assigned to the user. To enable logging of authorization successes, set the `auditAuthorizationSuccess` parameter to `true`. Audit events will then be triggered by every command that requires authorization, including CRUD ones. !!! warning Enabling the `auditAuthorizationSuccess` parameter heavily impacts the performance compared to logging only authorization failures. You can enable it on a running server using the following command: ```javascript db.adminCommand( { setParameter: 1, auditAuthorizationSuccess: true } ) ``` To enable it on the command line, use the following option when running `mongod` or `mongos` process: ```javascript --setParameter auditAuthorizationSuccess=true ``` You can also add it to the configuration file as follows: ```yaml setParameter: auditAuthorizationSuccess: true ``` ??? example "Example of the audit message" ```json { "atype": "authCheck", "ts": { "$date": "2024-03-13T06:28:04.631-04:00" }, "local": { "ip": "", "port": 20040 }, "remote": { "ip": "", "port": 52128 }, "users": [ { "user": "admin", "db": "admin" } ], "roles": [ { "role": "clusterAdmin", "db": "admin" }, { "role": "readWriteAnyDatabase", "db": "admin" }, { "role": "userAdminAnyDatabase", "db": "admin" } ], "param": { "command": "insert", "ns": "audit_authz_insert.foo", "args": { "insert": "foo", "ordered": true, "lsid": { "id": { "$binary": "nfnnHQo0RDOtI6722FlP5w==", "$type": "04" } }, "$db": "audit_authz_insert" } }, "result": 0 } ```