# Migrate from key file encryption to HashiCorp Vault encryption The steps below describe how to migrate from the key file encryption to using HashiCorp Vault. !!! note This is a simple guideline and it should be used for testing purposes only. We recommend to contact [Percona Consulting Services](https://www.percona.com/services/consulting) to assist you with migration in production environment. ### Assumptions We assume that you have installed and configured the vault server and enabled the KV Secrets Engine as the secrets storage for it. 1. Stop `mongod`. ```{.bash data-prompt="$"} $ sudo systemctl stop mongod ``` 2. Insert the key from keyfile into the HashiCorp Vault server to the desired secret path. * Retrieve the key value from the keyfile ```{.bash data-prompt="$"} $ sudo cat /data/key/mongodb.key d0JTFcePmvROyLXwCbAH8fmiP/ZRm0nYbeJDMGaI7Zw= ``` * Insert the key into vault ```{.bash data-prompt="$"} $ vault kv put secret/dc/psmongodb1 value=d0JTFcePmvROyLXwCbAH8fmiP/ZRm0nYbeJDMGaI7Zw= ``` !!! note Vault KV Secrets Engine uses different read and write secrets paths. To insert data to Vault, specify the secret path without the `data/` prefix. 3. Edit the configuration file to provision the HashiCorp Vault configuration options instead of the key file encryption options. ```yaml security: enableEncryption: true vault: serverName: port: 8200 secret: secret/data/dc/psmongodb1 tokenFile: /etc/mongodb/token serverCAFile: /etc/mongodb/vault.crt ``` 4. Start the `mongod` service ```{.bash data-prompt="$"} $ sudo systemctl start mongod ```