# Encrypt schema or general tablespace Percona Server for MySQL uses the same encryption architecture as *MySQL, a two-tier system consisting of a master key and tablespace keys. The master key can be changed, or rotated in the keyring, as needed. Each tablespace key, when decrypted, remains the same. The feature requires the keyring plugin. ## Set the default for schemas and general tablespace encryption The tables in a general tablespace are either all encrypted or all unencrypted. A tablespace cannot contain a mixture of encrypted tables and unencrypted tables. In versions before Percona Server for MySQL 8.0.16-7, use the variable innodb_encrypt_tables. ### `innodb_encrypt_tables` | Option | Description | |--------------|-------------------------| | Command-line | --innodb-encrypt-tables | | Scope | Global | | Dynamic | Yes | | Data type | Text | | Default | OFF | The variable is **deprecated** and removed in Percona Server for MySQL 8.0.16-7. The default setting is “OFF”. The encryption of a schema or a general tablespace is determined by the default_table_encryption variable unless you specify the ENCRYPTION clause in the CREATE SCHEMA or CREATE TABLESPACE statement. This variable is implemented in Percona Server for MySQL version 8.0.16-7. You can set the `default_table_encryption` variable in an individual connection. ```{.bash data-prompt="mysql>"} mysql> SET default_table_encryption=ON; ``` ### System variable ### `default_table_encryption` Percona Server for MySQL 8.0.31-23 removes the `ONLINE_TO_KEYRING` and `ONLINE_TO_KEYRING_TO_UNENCRYPTED` options. | Option | Description | |--------------|--------------------------| | Command-line | default-table-encryption | | Scope | Session | | Dynamic | Yes | | Data type | Text | | Default | OFF | Defines the default encryption setting for schemas and general tablespaces. The variable allows you to create or alter schemas or tablespaces without specifying the ENCRYPTION clause. The default encryption setting applies only to schemas and general tablespaces and is not applied to the MySQL system tablespace. The variable has the following possible options: | Value | Description | |---|---| | `ON` | New tables are encrypted. Add `ENCRYPTION="N"` to the `CREATE TABLE` or `ALTER TABLE` statement to create unencrypted tables. | | `OFF` | By default, new tables are unencrypted. Add `ENCRYPTION="Y"` to the `CREATE TABLE` or `ALTER TABLE` statement to create encrypted tables. | `ONLINE_TO_KEYRING`| **This option is technical preview quality.**
*Percona Server for MySQL 8.0.31-23 removes this option.**
Converts a tablespace encrypted by a Master Key to use Advanced Encryption Key Rotation. You can only apply the keyring encryption when creating tables or altering tables.| `ONLINE_FROM_KEYRING_TO_UNENCRYPTED` | **This option is technical preview quality.**
*Percona Server for MySQL 8.0.31-23 removes this option.**
Converts a tablespace encrypted by Advanced Encryption Key Rotation to unencrypted. !!! note The `ALTER TABLE` statement changes the current encryption mode only if you use the `ENCRYPTION` clause. !!! admonition "See also" [MySQL Documentation: default_table_encryption](https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/server-system-variables.html) ### Merge-sort-encryption ### `innodb_encrypt_online_alter_logs` | Option | Description | |--------------|------------------------------------| | Command-line | --innodb_encrypt-online-alter-logs | | Scope | Global | | Dynamic | Yes | | Data type | Boolean | | Default | OFF | This variable simultaneously turns on the encryption of files used by InnoDB for full-text search using parallel sorting, building indexes using merge sort, and online DDL logs created by InnoDB for online DDL. Encryption is available for file merges used in queries and backend processes. ### Use ENCRYPTION If you do not set the default encryption setting, you can create general tablespaces with the `ENCRYPTION` setting. ```{.bash data-prompt="mysql>"} mysql> CREATE TABLESPACE tablespace_name ENCRYPTION='Y'; ``` All tables contained in the tablespace are either encrypted or not encrypted. You cannot encrypt only some of the tables in a general tablespace. This feature extends the [CREATE TABLESPACE](https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/create-tablespace.html) statement to accept the `ENCRYPTION='Y/N'` option. !!! note Prior to Percona Server for MySQL 8.0.13, the `ENCRYPTION` option was specific to the `CREATE TABLE` or `SHOW CREATE TABLE` statement. As of Percona Server for MySQL 8.0.13, the option is a tablespace attribute and is not allowed with the `CREATE TABLE` or `SHOW CREATE TABLE` statement except with file-per-table tablespaces. In an encrypted general tablespace, an attempt to create an unencrypted table generates the following error: ```{.bash data-prompt="mysql>"} mysql> CREATE TABLE t3 (a INT, b TEXT) TABLESPACE foo ENCRYPTION='N'; ``` ??? example "Expected output" ```{.text .no-copy} ERROR 1478 (HY0000): InnoDB: Tablespace 'foo' can contain only ENCRYPTED tables. ``` The server diagnoses an attempt to create or move tables, including partitioned ones, to a general tablespace with an incompatible encryption setting and aborts the process. If you must move tables between incompatible tablespaces, create tables with the same structure in another tablespace and run `INSERT INTO SELECT` from each of the source tables into the destination tables. ### Export an encrypted general tablespace You can only export encrypted file-per-table tablespaces