# Extended mysqldump ## Backup locks support When used together with the –single-transaction option, the lock-for-backup option makes `mysqldump` issue `LOCK TABLES FOR BACKUP` before starting the dump operation to prevent unsafe statements that would normally result in an inconsistent backup. More information can be found on the Backup Locks feature documentation. ## Compressed columns support **mysqldump** supports the Compressed columns with dictionaries feature. More information about the relevant options can be found on the Compressed columns with dictionaries feature page. ## Taking backup by descending primary key order –order-by-primary-desc tells `mysqldump` to take the backup by descending primary key order (`PRIMARY KEY DESC`) which can be useful if the storage engine is using the reverse order column for a primary key. ## RocksDB support **mysqldump** detects when MyRocks is installed and available. If there is a session variable named rocksdb_skip_fill_cache **mysqldump** sets it to **1**. **mysqldump** will now automatically enable session the variable rocksdb_bulk_load if it is supported by the target server. ## Version specific information * 8.0.12-1: The feature was ported from *Percona Server for MySQL* 5.7