# Install the data masking component Percona Server for MySQL 8.0.34 adds the data masking component. Percona Server for MySQL also has the [Data Masking plugin](install-data-masking-plugin.md). !!! admonition "Useful link" Compare the [data masking component and the data masking plugin](data-masking-comparison.md) Before installing the component, you must [uninstall the data masking plugin and all of the functions](install-data-masking-plugin.md#uninstall-the-plugin). The removal avoids conflicts. The component has the following parts: * A database server system table used to store the terms and dictionaries * A `component_masking_functions` component that contains the loadable functions The `MASKING_DICTIONARIES_ADMIN` privilege may be required by some functions. ## Install the component The following steps install the component: 1. Create `masking_dictionaries`. ```{.bash data-prompt="mysql>"} mysql> CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS mysql.masking_dictionaries( Dictionary VARCHAR(256) NOT NULL, Term VARCHAR(256) NOT NULL, UNIQUE INDEX dictionary_term_idx (Dictionary, Term) ) ENGINE = InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; ``` 2. Install the data masking components and the loadable functions. ```{.bash data-prompt="mysql>"} mysql> INSTALL COMPONENT 'file://component_masking_functions'; ``` 3. The `MASKING_DICTIONARIES_ADMIN` is required to use the the following functions: * `masking_dictionary_term_add` * `masking_dictionary_term_remove` * `masking_dictionary_remove` ```{.bash data-prompt="mysql>"} mysql> GRANT MASKING_DICTIONARIES_ADMIN ON *.* TO ; ``` ## Useful links [Uninstall the data masking component](uninstall-data-masking-component.md) [Data masking component functions](data-masking-function-list.md)