# Install Percona Server for MySQL Before installing, review the [Percona Server for MySQL 8.0 Release notes](release-notes/release-notes_index.md). We gather [Telemetry data] in the Percona packages and Docker images. We recommend using the repositories that Percona provides to simplify the installation process. The `percona-release` tool makes installing and updating your software and its dependencies easy using your operating system package manager. The Percona Software repositories contain YUM (`RPM` packages for Red Hat Enterprise Linux and derivatives) and APT (`DEB` packages for Ubuntu and Debian) for Percona software such as Percona Server for MySQL, Percona XtraBackup, and Percona Toolkit. For more information, see [Percona Software repositories and the percona-release tool]. To get started quickly, use the [Quickstart guide]. You can find instructions for either Docker or installing with a package manager. The following guides describe the installation procedures for using the official Percona Software repositories. * [Install Percona Server for MySQL on Debian and Ubuntu](apt-repo.md) * [Install Percona Server for MySQL on Red Hat Enterprise Linux and derivatives](yum-repo.md) ## Install Percona Server for MySQL Pro [Install Percona Server for MySQL Pro](install-pro.md){.md-button} ## Upgrade to Percona Server for MySQL Pro If you already use Percona Server for MySQL, you can [Upgrade to Percona Server for MySQL Pro](upgrade-pro.md) [Telemetry data]: telemetry.md [Percona Software repositories and the percona-release tool]:percona-release.md [Quickstart guide]: quickstart-overview.md