# List of features available in Percona Server for MySQL releases | Percona Server for MySQL 5.7 | Percona Server for MySQL 8.0 | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Improved Buffer Pool Scalability | Improved Buffer Pool Scalability | | Improved InnoDB I/O Scalability | Improved InnoDB I/O Scalability | | Multiple Adaptive Hash Search Partitions | Multiple Adaptive Hash Search Partitions | | Atomic write support for Fusion-io devices | Atomic write support for Fusion-io devices | | Query Cache Enhancements | Feature not implemented | | Improved NUMA support | Improved NUMA support | | Thread Pool | Thread Pool | | Suppress Warning Messages | Suppress Warning Messages | | Ability to change the database for mysqlbinlog | Ability to change the database for mysqlbinlog | | Fixed Size for the Read Ahead Area | Fixed Size for the Read Ahead Area | | Improved MEMORY Storage Engine | Improved MEMORY Storage Engine | | Restricting the number of binlog files | Restricting the number of binlog files | | Ignoring missing tables in mysqldump | Ignoring missing tables in mysqldump | | Too Many Connections Warning | Too Many Connections Warning | | Handle Corrupted Tables | Handle Corrupted Tables | | Lock-Free SHOW SLAVE STATUS | Lock-Free SHOW REPLICA STATUS | | Expanded Fast Index Creation | Expanded Fast Index Creation | | Percona Toolkit UDFs | Percona Toolkit UDFs | | Support for Fake Changes | Support for Fake Changes | | Kill Idle Transactions | Kill Idle Transactions | | XtraDB changed page tracking | XtraDB changed page tracking | | Enforcing Storage Engine | Replaced with upstream implementation | | Utility user | Utility user | | Extending the secure-file-priv server option | Extending the secure-file-priv server option | | Expanded Program Option Modifiers | Feature not implemented | | PAM Authentication Plugin | PAM Authentication Plugin | | Log Archiving for XtraDB | Log Archiving for XtraDB | | User Statistics | User Statistics | | Slow Query Log | Slow Query Log | | Count InnoDB Deadlocks | Count InnoDB Deadlocks | | Log All Client Commands (syslog) | Log All Client Commands (syslog) | | Response Time Distribution | Feature not implemented | | Show Storage Engines | Show Storage Engines | | Show Lock Names | Show Lock Names | | Process List | Process List | | Misc. INFORMATION_SCHEMA Tables | Misc. INFORMATION_SCHEMA Tables | | Extended Show Engine InnoDB Status | Extended Show Engine InnoDB Status | | Thread Based Profiling | Thread Based Profiling | | XtraDB Performance Improvements for I/O-Bound Highly-Concurrent Workloads | XtraDB Performance Improvements for I/O-Bound Highly-Concurrent Workloads | | Page cleaner thread tuning | Page cleaner thread tuning | | Statement Timeout | Statement Timeout | | Extended SELECT INTO OUTFILE/DUMPFILE | Extended SELECT INTO OUTFILE/DUMPFILE | | Per-query variable statement | Per-query variable statement | | Extended mysqlbinlog | Extended mysqlbinlog | | Slow Query Log Rotation and Expiration | Slow Query Log Rotation and Expiration | | Metrics for scalability measurement | Feature not implemented | | Audit Log | Audit Log | | Backup Locks | Backup Locks | | CSV engine mode for a standard-compliant quote and comma parsing | CSV engine mode for a standard-compliant quote and comma parsing | | Super read-only | Super read-only | ## Other reading * [What Is New in MySQL 5.7](https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/mysql-nutshell.html) * [What Is New in MySQL 8.0](https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/mysql-nutshell.html)