# Use the xbcloud binary with Swift ## Create a full backup with Swift For details on the command-line options, see the [xbcloud command-line options] The following example shows how to make a full backup and upload it to Swift. ```{.bash data-prompt="$"} $ xtrabackup --backup --stream=xbstream --extra-lsndir=/tmp --target-dir=/tmp | \ xbcloud put --storage=swift \ --swift-container=test \ --swift-user=test:tester \ --swift-auth-url= \ --swift-key=testing \ --parallel=10 \ full_backup ``` The following [OpenStack](https://docs.openstack.org/2023.2/) environment variables are also recognized and mapped automatically to the corresponding swift parameters (`--storage=swift`): * OS_AUTH_URL * OS_TENANT_NAME * OS_TENANT_ID * OS_USERNAME * OS_PASSWORD * OS_USER_DOMAIN * OS_USER_DOMAIN_ID * OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN * OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_ID * OS_REGION_NAME * OS_STORAGE_URL * OS_CACERT ## Restore with Swift ```{.bash data-prompt="$"} $ xbcloud get [options] [] | xbstream -x ``` The following example shows how to fetch and restore the backup from Swift: ```{.bash data-prompt="$"} $ xbcloud get --storage=swift \ --swift-container=test \ --swift-user=test:tester \ --swift-auth-url= \ --swift-key=testing \ full_backup | xbstream -xv -C /tmp/downloaded_full $ xbcloud delete --storage=swift --swift-user=xtrabackup \ --swift-password=xtrabackup123! --swift-auth-version=3 \ --swift-auth-url=http://openstack.ci.percona.com:5000/ \ --swift-container=mybackup1 --swift-domain=Default ``` [xbcloud command-line options]: xbcloud-options.md