Changelog ========= Next ---- - Fully ported to TypeScript (#549) - Fully React16 compliant (#549) - Removed Mixin (#549) - Removed Toolbar (#549) v1.3.4 ------ - Bump Quill to 1.3.7 to close a security vulnerability (#575) v1.3.3 ------ - Pin Quill types version (#420 @daggmano) v1.3.2 ------ - Add preserveWhitespace prop (#407 @royshouvik) v1.3.1 ------ - Add back default export (#374, #384 one19) v1.3.0 ------ - Add scrollingContainer prop - Fix Typescript exports - Fix tabindex prop v1.2.6 ------ Replaced React.DOM with react-dom-factories (#319 thienanle) v1.2.5 ------ - Fix issue with unnecessary editor focus on mount (#321 jetzhou) - Switch to Quill's clipboard.convert from the paste API that now grabs focus automatically v1.2.4 ------ - Only restore focus if editor had focus (#312 @MattKunze) v1.2.2 ------ - Add Typescript definitions (#277 @Charrondev) - Fixes for TS definitions (#294 @jdhungtington, #296 @ajaska) v1.1.0 ------ - Add support for React 16 and onwards by depending on `prop-types` and `create-react-class` (#181 @mikecousins) - Allow setting contents with a Quill Delta via the `value` prop (#101) - Add onFocus/onBlur props (#110) - Add tabindex support (#232) v1.0.0 ------ This release supports Quill v1.0.0+. ⚠️ There are many breaking changes, so refer to the documentation for information on how to migrate your application. - Updated to support Quill v1.0.0+ (@clemmy, @alexkrolick) - Bundling Quill with ReactQuill (@clemmy) - Deprecated `toolbar` property and component - Deprecated the `styles` property - Deprecated custom formats via the `formats` property - Deprecated the `pollInterval` property - Rerendering on `style` property change (@lavrton) - Improved docs for `bounds`, which now rerenders on change - Performing deep props comparison to avoid rerenders - Fixed the unprivileged editor not returning values - Restoring selection event after text change - Fixed the order of parameters in change events (@webcarrot) - Using 'core' instead of 'base' CSS (@alexkrolick) - Added support for the `placeholder` property (@alexkrolick) - Enable/disable editor using top-level Quill API (@alexkrolick) - Prevent whitespace issues when initializing the editor (@bobrafie) - Using buttons instead of spans for toolbar actions (@clemmy) - Removed getHtml from unprivileged editor (@clemmy) - Fixed calculations for range fields (@clemmy) - Removed deprecated destroy functionality (@clemmy) - Added return statement to proxy editor methods (@druti) - Inline styles support for Quill Toolbar (@e-jigsaw) - Fixed custom font size definitions (@clemmy) - Support for bullet and ordered lists in toolbar (@clemmy) - Updated the toolbar alignment section (@clemmy) - Updated rendering of toolbar actions (@clemmy) - Improved toolbar renderChoices implementation (@zhang-z) - Fixed use of `defaultValue` in Toolbar selects - Fixed bounds validation in setEditorSelection (@wouterh) - Exposed Quill in exports (@tdg5) - Added unhook function to clean up event listeners on unmount (@alexkrolick, @jrmmnr) - Fixed documentation typos (@l3kn) - Started testing with Enzyme (@alexkrolick) - Fixed issue where changing props caused re-render artifacts (#147) - Fixed bounds validation in setEditorSelection (@wouterh) - Updated to reference core.css instead of base.css (@sandbochs) - Updated React peerDependency (@rpellerin) - Removed inline Parchment formats for font-size and font-family (#217) v0.4.1 ------ - Added contents of `dist` to NPM package. v0.4.0 ------ This release finally adds support for React 0.14. ⚠️ Shims to support older versions of React have been removed. - React 0.14 support (@jacktrades, #49) - Removed shims for React 0.12 and 0.13 - Bumped Quill.js to v0.20.1 - _Normal_ and _smaller_ sizes are not swapped anymore. (#63) - Various toolbar choice items are now correctly ordered. - Added image tooltips to the default set of modules (@kairxa, #54) - Fixed extra white-space in classnames (@asiniy, #67) - Published the Quill namespace on ReactQuill (@Sajam, #60) - Quill stylesheets are now linked to `dist/` for convenience. (#70) - Exposed editor accessor methods in change events. (#33) v0.3.0 ------ - Bumped Quill.js to v0.2.0 - Exposed `focus` and `blur` public methods from component. - Exposed `getEditor` public method to retrieve the backing Quill instance from the component. - Added callbacks for listening to keyboard events. - Added tooltips for toolbar choice controls (@bird512). - Added support for child nodes in toolbar items (@1000hz). - Added support for custom formats in the configuration (@csk157). - Added an option to disable the toolbar entirely by passing `false` to `toolbar`. - Added an option to disable styles entirely by passing `false` to `style` (@kkerr1). - Fixed an issue where the Quill would duplicate React IDs inside the toolbar leading to errors. Fixes #15. - Fixes an issue where the editor could be used while null (@brucedlukens). - Fixes an issue where null would be set on the editor. Fixes #48. - Fixes an issue where the editor would be instantiated with the wrong value. Fixes #50. - Avoiding parsing Quill's `dist` directory with webpack. v0.2.2 ------ - Added missing `modules` propType and documentation. - Children are now cloned so ReactQuill can own their refs. Fixes #20. v0.2.1 ------ - Link toolbar button and module are now enabled by default. Fixes #19. v0.2.0 ------ - Fix React warnings about unique `key` props in toolbar (@Janekk). - Sending `delta` and `source` from editor change events. Fixes #17. - Rewritten uncontrolled and semi-controlled operation. Should fix #9, #10 and #14. - Editor props can now be changed after mounting. - Added callback for selection change event. Closes #12. v0.1.1 ------ - The pre-compiled distributable is not shipped with the NPM package anymore. Should fix #2. - Sourcemaps are now emitted for both distributables, as separate files. - Avoiding parsing Quill as it ships with a pre-built main. v0.1.0 ------ - Added support for toolbar separators. - Added support for font family selectors. - Updated the default toolbar to match Quill's. - Updated Quill to v0.19.12. v0.0.6 ------ - Added keywords for inclusion in []( v0.0.5 ------ - Default empty content for components with no value. - Fixes wrong `QuillToolbar` propType. v0.0.4 ------ - Added color toggle to toolbar (@chrismcv) - Exporting default item sets on `QuillToolbar` - Fixed `QuillComponent` only accepting a single child. v0.0.3 ------ - Switched from `quilljs` package to `quill`. - Using the new `destroy()` from Quill. v0.0.2 ------ - Compatible with React 0.12. v0.0.1 ------ - Initial version.