use Test; use lib $?FILE.IO.parent(2).add("packages/Test-Helpers"); use Test::Util; # L # system is renamed to run, so link there. plan 41; my $res; $res = run($*EXECUTABLE.absolute,'-e', ''); ok($res,"run() to an existing program does not die (and returns something true)"); isa-ok($res, Proc, 'run() returns a Proc'); is($res.exitcode, 0, 'run() exit code when successful is zero'); is($res.signal, 0, 'run() signal after completion is zero'); is-deeply($res.command, ($*EXECUTABLE.absolute, '-e', ''), 'Proc returned from .run has correct command'); $res = shell("$*EXECUTABLE -e \"\""); ok($res, "shell() to an existing program does not die (and returns something true)"); isa-ok($res, Proc, 'shell() returns a Proc'); is($res.exitcode, 0, 'shell() exit code when successful is zero'); is($res.signal, 0, 'shell() signal after completion is zero'); is($res.command, "$*EXECUTABLE -e \"\"", 'Proc returned from shell() has correct command'); $res = run("program_that_does_not_exist_ignore_this_error_please.exe"); ok(!$res, "run() to a nonexisting program does not die (and returns something false)"); isa-ok($res, Proc, 'run() returns a Proc even when not successful'); ok($res.exitcode != 0, 'run() exit code is not zero on failure'); $res = run("program_that_does_not_exist_ignore_errors_please.exe","a","b"); ok(!$res, "run() to a nonexisting program with an argument list does not die (and returns something false)"); $res = shell("program_that_does_not_exist_ignore_this_error_please.exe"); ok(!$res, "shell() to a nonexisting program does not die (and returns something false)"); isa-ok($res, Proc, 'shell() returns a Proc even when not successful'); ok($res.exitcode != 0, 'shell() exit code is not zero on failure'); # throws-like { run("program_that_does_not_exist_ignore_errors_please.exe") }, X::Proc::Unsuccessful, 'run in sink context throws on unsuccessful exit'; throws-like { shell("program_that_does_not_exist_ignore_errors_please.exe") }, X::Proc::Unsuccessful, 'shell in sink context throws on unsuccessful exit'; # { is_run 'my $a = qx{echo woot>&2}; say "___ $a ___"', { out => "___ ___\n", err => / ^ "woot" [\r]? \n $ /, }, 'qx{} does not capture stderr'; } # { my $rt115390; for 1..100 -> $i { $rt115390 += $i.raku; run "$*EXECUTABLE", "-v"; 1; } is $rt115390, 5050, 'no crash with run() in loop; run() in sink context'; $rt115390 = 0; for 1..100 -> $i { $rt115390 += $i.raku; my $var = run "$*EXECUTABLE", "-v"; 1; } is $rt115390, 5050, 'no crash with run() in loop; run() not in sink context'; } # { for ^10 { is_run q{run("non-existent-program-RT128594", :merge).out.slurp}, { status => 0 }, ":merge with run on non-existent program does not crash [attempt $_]"; } } # #?rakudo.jvm skip 'hangs' { my $p = :w, $*EXECUTABLE, "-ne", Q!last if /2/; .say; LAST { say "test worked" }!; my $stdout = ''; $p.stdout.tap: { $stdout ~= $^a }; my $prom = $p.start; await $p.write: "1\n2\n3\n4\n".encode; await $prom; #?rakudo.moar todo 'RT 128398' is $stdout, "1\ntest worked\n", 'LAST phaser gets triggered when using -n command line switch'; } subtest "run and shell's :cwd" => { plan 4; my @run-cmd = $* ?? ('cmd.exe', '/C', 'echo %CD%') !! ('/bin/sh', '-c', 'echo $PWD'); my $shell-cmd = $* ?? 'echo %CD%' !! 'echo $PWD'; indir (my $cwd = make-temp-dir.absolute), { (my $p = run @run-cmd, :!err, :out) ?? is $p.out.slurp(:close).trim, $cwd, 'run() defaults to $*CWD' !! skip "could not run @run-cmd[]"; (my $s = shell $shell-cmd, :!err, :out) ?? is $s.out.slurp(:close).trim, $cwd, 'shell() defaults to $*CWD' !! skip "could not shell $shell-cmd"; } (my $p = run @run-cmd, :!err, :out, :$cwd) ?? is $p.out.slurp(:close).trim, $cwd, 'run() accepts :cwd' !! skip "could not run :cwd, @run-cmd[]"; (my $s = shell $shell-cmd, :!err, :out, :$cwd) ?? is $s.out.slurp(:close).trim, $cwd, 'shell() accepts :cwd' !! skip "could not shell :cwd, $shell-cmd"; } subtest "run and shell's :env" => { plan 4; my $script = (make-temp-file :content('%*ENV.print')).absolute; my @run-cmd = $*EXECUTABLE, $script; my $shell-cmd = ~@run-cmd; my $test-str = 'meows'; { (my $env := %*ENV.clone) = $test-str; (my $p = run @run-cmd, :!err, :out, :$env) ?? is $p.out.slurp(:close).trim, $test-str, 'run() accepts :env' !! skip "could not run :env, @run-cmd[]"; (my $s = shell $shell-cmd, :!err, :out, :$env) ?? is $s.out.slurp(:close).trim, $test-str, 'shell() accepts :env' !! skip "could not shell :env, $shell-cmd"; } { temp %*ENV = $test-str; (my $p = run @run-cmd, :!err, :out) ?? is $p.out.slurp(:close).trim, $test-str, 'run() defaults to %*ENV' !! skip "could not run @run-cmd[]"; (my $s = shell $shell-cmd, :!err, :out) ?? is $s.out.slurp(:close).trim, $test-str, 'shell() defaults to %*ENV' !! skip "could not shell $shell-cmd"; } } subtest '.out/.err proc pipes on failed command' => { plan 4; throws-like { run(:out, "meooooooows").out.close; Nil }, X::Proc::Unsuccessful, '.out.close Proc explodes when sunk'; throws-like { run(:err, "meooooooows").err.close; Nil }, X::Proc::Unsuccessful, '.err.close Proc explodes when sunk'; is-deeply run(:out, "meooooooows").out.slurp(:close), '', '.out.slurp is empty'; is-deeply run(:err, "meooooooows").err.slurp(:close), '', '.err.slurp is empty'; } subtest 'all Proc pipes return Proc on .close' => { plan 3; my $p = run :in, :out, :err, «$*EXECUTABLE -e 'exit 42'»; cmp-ok $ .close, '===', $p, 'in'; cmp-ok $p.out.close, '===', $p, 'out'; cmp-ok $p.err.close, '===', $p, 'err'; } # subtest 'Proc.encoding is set correctly' => { plan 2; my $p = run :out, $*EXECUTABLE, '-e', 'print 42'; is $p.out.encoding, 'utf8', '.encoding set correctly to utf8'; is $p.out.split(0.chr, :skip-empty), (“42”,), '.out is read correctly'; } # subtest ' is set correctly' => { plan 4; my $p = run $*EXECUTABLE, '-e', "print 42", :out; my $pid = $; cmp-ok $, '~~', Int:D, '.pid property exists with run()'; $ qq/$*EXECUTABLE -e "print 42"/; cmp-ok $, '~~', Int:D, '.pid property exists with shell()'; $pid = $; $p.spawn: 'meooooooows', :err; is $pid, $, '.pid property does not update on failed run()'; $pid = $; $ 'meooooooows', :err; isnt $pid, $, ".pid property updates with shell's PID on failed shell()"; } # { my $proc = run $*EXECUTABLE, ‘-e’, ‘use NativeCall; sub strdup(int64) is native(Str) {*}; strdup(0)’; throws-like { sink $proc }, X::Proc::Unsuccessful, 'Exit with a segfault makes the Proc throw in sink context'; nok $proc, 'Exit with a segfault makes the Proc false'; } # vim: expandtab shiftwidth=4