use File::Directory::Tree; use IRC::Client; use Test; my regex sha is export { <.xdigit>**7..10 } my regex me($t) is export { $($t.our-nick) } sub bot-gist-dir($bot) { “/tmp/whateverable/tist/$bot”.IO } class Testable { has $.bot; has $.our-nick; has $.bot-nick; has $!server-proc; has $!bot-proc; has $!irc-client; has $!bridge-client; has $.messages; has $!first-test; has $!delay-channel; submethod BUILD(:$bot, :$our-nick = ‘testable’) { $!bot = $bot; my $ready =; $!messages =; my $sig-compat = SIGUSR1; # ↓ Fragile platform-specific hack $sig-compat = SIGBUS if v2018.04 ≤ $*PERL.compiler.version ≤ v2018.05; $!delay-channel = signal($sig-compat).Channel; use Whateverable::Config; ensure-config ‘config-default.json’; use Whateverable::Builds; ensure-cloned-repos; my $self = self; my $host = ‘localhost’; my $port = (1024..65535).pick; # will do for now $!server-proc = <3rdparty/miniircd/miniircd>, “--listen=$host”, “--ports=$port”; END .kill with $!server-proc; %*ENV = $port; %*ENV = bot-gist-dir $!bot; my $started = $!server-proc.start; sleep 1; if $started.status ~~ Broken { die “Can't start miniircd, did you clone with --recurse-submodules ?\n” ~ ‘if not, you can do that now with: git submodule update --init --recursive’ } note “# IRC test server on $host:$port”; $!irc-client = :nick($our-nick ~ (^999999 .pick)) :host<> :$port :channels(“#whateverable_{$}6”) :plugins( class { method irc-privmsg-channel($m) { $self.messages.send: $m.args[1] if $m.nick eq $; Nil } method irc-join($m) { $ready.send: $m.nick if $++ == 1 } } ) ); start $!; # The bridge client might be needed later. We don't start it yet. $!bridge-client = :nick :host<> :$port :channels(“#whateverable_{$}6”) ); my $executable = ‘./xbin/’ ~ $bot ~ ‘.p6’; run :env(|%*ENV, PERL6LIB => ‘lib’), , $executable; # precompahead $!bot-proc = , $executable; END .kill with $!bot-proc; $!bot-proc.bind-stdin: ‘config.json’ || ‘config-default.json’; start react { whenever $!bot-proc.start(:ENV(|%*ENV, PERL6LIB => ‘lib’)) { note “# Bot process finished (exit code={.exitcode}, signal={.signal})” } } my $bot-pid = await $!bot-proc.ready; note “# Bot pid: $bot-pid”; start { sleep 20; $ready.send: False } $!bot-nick = $ready.receive; $!our-nick = $!irc-client.servers.values[0].current-nick; ok ?$!bot-nick, ‘bot joined the channel’; is $!bot-nick, “{$}6”, ‘bot nickname is expected’ } method !start-bridge { my Promise $connected .= new; $!bridge-client.plugins.push: class { method irc-connected (|c) { $connected.keep } } start $!; await Promise.anyof: $connected,; ok $connected.status ~~ Kept, ‘bridge client connected’; } method test(|c ($description, :$both = True, |rest)) { $!first-test = c without $!first-test; self!do-test($description, |rest); self!do-test($description ~ " (bridged)", :bridge, |rest) if $both; } method !do-test(|c ($description, $command, *@expected, :$timeout is copy = 25, :$delay = 0.5, :$bridge = False)) { $timeout ×= 1.5 if %*ENV; # expect some load (relevant for parallelized tests) my $gists-path = bot-gist-dir $!bot; rmtree $gists-path if $gists-path.IO ~~ :d; my @got; my $start = now; state $started-bridge = 0; if $bridge { self!start-bridge unless $started-bridge++; $!bridge-client.send: :where(“#whateverable_$!bot-nick”) :text("<$!our-nick> $command"); } else { $!irc-client.send: :where(“#whateverable_$!bot-nick”) :text($command); } sleep $delay if @expected == 0; # make it possible to check for no replies my $lock-delay = 0; for ^@expected { my $message = $!messages.poll; if not defined $message { $lock-delay += 0.5 while $!delay-channel.poll; if now - $start - $lock-delay > $timeout { diag “Failed to get expected result in {now - $start} seconds ($timeout nominal)”; last } sleep 0.1; redo } @got.push: $message } cmp-ok @got, &[~~], @expected, $description } method test-gist($description, %files) { for %files.kv -> $file, $tests { my $path = bot-gist-dir($!bot).add: $file; ok $path.IO ~~ :f, “gist file $file exists”; cmp-ok slurp($path), &[~~], $_, “gist file {$file}: $description” for @$tests; } } method last-test { self.test(|$!first-test); my $answer; self.test(‘total uptime’, “{$.bot-nick}: uptime”, {$answer=$_; True}); mkdir ‘logs/tests’; my $logfile = sprintf “%s_uptime_%04d-%02d-%02d_%02d%02d.log”, $, .year, .month, .day, .hour, .minute with now.DateTime; “logs/tests/$logfile”.IO.spurt: $answer; } method end { $!bot-proc.kill; $!irc-client.quit; sleep 2; $!server-proc.kill; sleep 1 } method common-tests(:$help) { temp $!first-test; self.test(‘source link’, “$.bot-nick: Source ”, “$.our-nick,”); self.test(‘source link’, “$.bot-nick: sourcE? ”, “$.our-nick,”); self.test(‘source link’, “$.bot-nick: URl ”, “$.our-nick,”); self.test(‘source link’, “$.bot-nick: urL? ”, “$.our-nick,”); self.test(‘source link’, “$.bot-nick: wIki”, “$.our-nick,$.bot”); self.test(‘source link’, “$.bot-nick: wiki? ”, “$.our-nick,$.bot”); self.test(‘help message’, “$.bot-nick, helP”, “$.our-nick, $help # See wiki for more examples: ” ~ “$.bot”); self.test(‘help message’, “$.bot-nick, HElp? ”, “$.our-nick, $help # See wiki for more examples: ” ~ “$.bot”); self.test(‘usage message’, “$.bot-nick, usage”, “$.our-nick, $help # See wiki for more examples: ” ~ “$.bot”); self.test(‘usage message’, “$.bot-nick, usage? ”, “$.our-nick, $help # See wiki for more examples: ” ~ “$.bot”); self.test(‘typoed name’, “z{$.bot-nick.substr: 1}: source”, # mangle it just a little bit “$.our-nick,”); self.test(‘no space after name (semicolon delimiter)’, “{$.bot-nick}:url”, “$.our-nick,”); self.test(‘no space after name (comma delimiter)’, “$.bot-nick,url”, “$.our-nick,”); use Whateverable; self.test(‘thank you (directly)’, “$.bot-nick: thank you!”, /^“{$.our-nick}, ”@(you're-welcome)/); self.test(‘thank you (indirectly)’, “thanks, $.bot-nick!”, /^“{$.our-nick}, ”@(you're-welcome)/); self.test(‘uptime’, “{$.bot-nick}: uptime”, /^“{$.our-nick}”‘, ’\d+‘ second’s?‘, ’\d+[‘.’\d+]? ‘MiB maxrss. This is Rakudo version ’ <[\dabcdefg.-]>+‘ built on MoarVM version ’ <[\dabcdefg.-]>+‘ implementing ’[Perl|Raku]‘ 6.’\w‘.’$/); } method shortcut-tests(@yes, @no) { temp $!first-test; for @yes { self.test(““$_” shortcut”, “{$_}url”, “$.our-nick,”); self.test(““$_ ” shortcut”, “$_ url”, “$.our-nick,”); } for @no { self.test(““$_” shortcut does not work”, “$_ url”); } } } # vim: expandtab shiftwidth=4 ft=perl6