version: "3.8" services: # When scaling the opal-server to multiple nodes and/or multiple workers, we use # a *broadcast* channel to sync between all the instances of opal-server. # Under the hood, this channel is implemented by encode/broadcaster (see link below). # At the moment, the broadcast channel can be either: postgresdb, redis or kafka. # The format of the broadcaster URI string (the one we pass to opal server as `OPAL_BROADCAST_URI`) is specified here: # broadcast_channel: image: postgres:alpine environment: - POSTGRES_DB=postgres - POSTGRES_USER=postgres - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres opal_server: # by default we run opal-server from latest official image image: permitio/opal-server:latest environment: # the broadcast backbone uri used by opal server workers (see comments above for: broadcast_channel) - OPAL_BROADCAST_URI=postgres://postgres:postgres@broadcast_channel:5432/postgres # number of uvicorn workers to run inside the opal-server container - UVICORN_NUM_WORKERS=4 # the git repo hosting our policy # - if this repo is not public, you can pass an ssh key via `OPAL_POLICY_REPO_SSH_KEY`) # - the repo we pass in this example is *public* and acts as an example repo with dummy rego policy # - for more info, see: - OPAL_POLICY_REPO_URL= # in this example we will use a polling interval of 30 seconds to check for new policy updates (git commits affecting the rego policy). # however, it is better to utilize a git *webhook* to trigger the server to check for changes only when the repo has new commits. # for more info see: - OPAL_POLICY_REPO_POLLING_INTERVAL=30 # configures from where the opal client should initially fetch data (when it first goes up, after disconnection, etc). # the data sources represents from where the opal clients should get a "complete picture" of the data they need. # after the initial sources are fetched, the client will subscribe only to update notifications sent by the server. - OPAL_DATA_CONFIG_SOURCES={"config":{"entries":[{"url":"http://opal_server:7002/policy-data","topics":["policy_data"],"dst_path":"/static"}]}} - OPAL_LOG_FORMAT_INCLUDE_PID=true ports: # exposes opal server on the host machine, you can access the server at: http://localhost:7002 - "7002:7002" depends_on: - broadcast_channel opal_client: # by default we run opal-client from latest official image image: permitio/opal-client:latest environment: - OPAL_SERVER_URL=http://opal_server:7002 - OPAL_LOG_FORMAT_INCLUDE_PID=true - OPAL_INLINE_OPA_LOG_FORMAT=http # Uncomment the following lines to enable storing & loading OPA data from a backup file: # - OPAL_OFFLINE_MODE_ENABLED=true # volumes: # - opa_backup:/opal/backup:rw ports: # exposes opal client on the host machine, you can access the client at: http://localhost:7766 - "7766:7000" # exposes the OPA agent (being run by OPAL) on the host machine # you can access the OPA api that you know and love at: http://localhost:8181 # OPA api docs are at: - "8181:8181" depends_on: - opal_server # this command is not necessary when deploying OPAL for real, it is simply a trick for dev environments # to make sure that opal-server is already up before starting the client. command: sh -c "exec ./ opal_server:7002 --timeout=20 -- ./" volumes: opa_backup: