# The content of this file is automatically extracted from fip.trig.
# Changes should be made in fip.trig.pre.
@prefix icc: .
@prefix fair: .
@prefix rdf: .
@prefix owl: .
@prefix rdfs: .
@prefix xsd: .
@prefix dct: .
@prefix pav: .
@prefix prov: .
@prefix np: .
@prefix npx: .
@prefix orcid: .
@prefix foaf: .
foaf:member a owl:ObjectProperty .
rdfs:seeAlso a owl:ObjectProperty .
fair:FAIR-Principle-or-SubPrinciple rdfs:label "FAIR Principle or Sub-Principle" .
fair:F1 rdfs:label "F1" .
fair:F2 rdfs:label "F2" .
fair:F3 rdfs:label "F3" .
fair:F4 rdfs:label "F4" .
fair:A1.1 rdfs:label "A1.1" .
fair:A1.2 rdfs:label "A1.2" .
fair:A2 rdfs:label "A2" .
fair:I1 rdfs:label "I1" .
fair:I2 rdfs:label "I2" .
fair:I3 rdfs:label "I3" .
fair:R1.1 rdfs:label "R1.1" .
fair:R1.2 rdfs:label "R1.2" .
npx:NanopubIndex rdfs:label "Nanopublication Index" .
a ;
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"This is an ontology of the FAIR Implementation Profiles (FIP) for the FAIR principles.";
"FAIR Implementation Profile (FIP) Ontology";
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"FIP Question"@en;
"A question communities have to address when declaring their FAIR Implementation Profiles"@en .
"FIP Data-related Question"@en;
"A FIP question that is relevant for the actual data (as compared to just their metadata)"@en .
"FIP Metadata-related Question"@en;
"A FIP question that is relevant for metadata (as compared to the data themselves)"@en .
"FAIR Declaration"@en;
"The statement of a community on how it addresses a FAIR-related question."@en .
"FIP Declaration"@en;
"The expression of a community on how they address a FIP question"@en .
"FSR Declaration"@en;
"The statement of a community on the usage of a FAIR Supporting Resource."@en .
"SIP Declaration"@en;
"The statement of a community on how it addresses a SIP question."@en .
"FAIR interpretation"@en;
"A theoretical and practical explanation of the FAIR Principle by a recognized expert authority."@en .
"FAIR Qualifcation Criteria"@en;
"A proposition on which a qualification of FAIR Supporting Resources is based."@en .
"FAIR case study"@en;
"A description of a real-life situation where FAIR requirements of digital objects play a central role."@en .
"FIP No-Choice Declaration"@en;
"A declaration stating that no choice has been made (yet)"@en .
"FAIR Implementation Community"@en;
"A FAIR Implementation Community (FIC) is a self-identified collection of people and/or organizations with the aim to implement the FAIR Principles"@en .
"Mature community"@en;
"A well-established community interested to implement FAIR in their data and services."@en .
"Emerging community"@en;
"An early-stage community committed to adopting and promoting FAIR principles for its data and services from the outset."@en .
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"has data steward"@en;
"Specifies the data steward for a FAIR implementation community"@en .
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"FAIR Supporting Resource"@en;
"Any resource that supports FAIR Data Stewardship. FSRs are represented as FAIR Digital Objects (using the nanopublication framework) with Globally Unique, Persistent, Resolvable Identifiers (GUPRI) that resolve to machine-readable metadata about the resource."@en .
"Available FAIR Supporting Resource"@en;
"A FAIR Supporting Resource that is available for use."@en .
"FAIR Supporting Resource to be developed"@en;
"A FAIR Supporting Resource that is not yet available but still needs to be developed."@en .
"FAIR-Enabling Resource"@en;
"A service, a specification or a data policy that is essential to the operationalization of the FAIR Principles, i.e., puts FAIR into action. A FAIR-Enabling Resource (FER) provides a function needed to achieve some aspect of FAIR behavior and is explicitly linked to one or more FAIR principles."@en .
"FAIR Implementation Profile"@en;
"A FAIR Implementation Profile (FIP) is a list of declared technology choices intended to implement each of the FAIR Guiding Principles, made as a collective decision by the members of a particular community of practice. "@en .
"Available FAIR-Enabling Resource"@en;
"A FAIR-enabling resource that is available for use"@en .
"FAIR-Enabling Resource to be Developed"@en;
"A FAIR-enabling resource that is not yet available but still needs to be developed"@en .
"FAIR Data Policy"@en;
"A policy that specifies and guides FAIR data practices for a community."@en .
"FAIR data stewardship plan template"@en;
"A template guiding data stewardship including how FAIR Principles should be implemented. The template must be completed with project-specific information in any given instance to outline how data are to be handled in preparation for the project, during the research project, and after the project is completed."@en .
"FAIR data steward professional profile"@en;
"A document stating the accumulated training qualifications and FAIR outputs authored by or contributed to, by that person. The profile may be augmented with additional statements regarding professional roles and skills."@en .
"FAIR data stewardship event"@en;
"A meeting specifically designed for current or aspiring data stewards to provide a rigorous understanding of the FAIR principles from theory to their concrete implementation."@en .
"FAIR training material"@en;
"Any educational resource (such as the content or its published representation in text, presentation graphics, or video) that covers FAIR topics of interest."@en .
"FAIR practice"@en;
"A method description detailing the use of a specific resource or a combination of resources as applied by a community to achieve FAIR processing of information."@en .
"FAIR specification"@en;
"A precise description of features, requirements, constraints and recommendations for a specific implementation of a component, system or service supporting the implementation of the FAIR principles."@en .
"A specification consisting of a set of rules that define how (meta)data elements or attributes from one schema can be aligned and mapped to (meta)data elements or attributes in another schema that share the same constraints and thus share the same semantic role."@en .
"FAIR supporting service"@en;
"Any online accessible software system or component that supports the implementation of the FAIR Principles."@en .
"FAIR Representation Service"@en;
"A transformation service that converts non-FAIR data into a FAIR representation using machine-readable knowledge representation languages."@en .