-- -- pprntfN.e -- ========= -- -- The Phix sprintf() function. -- This file is automatically included by the compiler if (and only if) needed. -- Compared to the C version, this is just over twice as slow, which is rather -- surprising (I expected it would be around 8 to 10 times slower). I suspect -- the biggest overhead is allocating space for the result (string), which is -- pretty much going to be the same for the C and Phix routines. This may be -- converted to asm at a later date, but not until it has been completely -- bug- and enhancement- free for at least six months. -- -- -- ************************************** -- **** WARNING: FRAGILE CODE AHEAD! **** -- ************************************** -- Test changes exhaustively before rebuilding p.exe! -- In particular, take care with type string; subtle changes (such as a -- missing floor()) can make the back-end expand a string to a sequence -- (which is something prepend, as opposed to append, /always/ does) -- which causes a fatal error, eg see 'elsif fmt[i]='s' then'. --!/**/without debug -- remove to debug (just keeps ex.err clutter-free) --!/**/with debug -- NB the "without debug" in both pdiag.e and ppp.e overshadow the one -- here; use "with debug" and/or "-nodiag" to get a listing. --without trace -- ditto, plus important this be off when running trace(3) --with trace -- Bugfix history: -- 14/01/06. Did not handle negative numbers ("sgn" added). -- 09/03/06. printed 2700000000 as "27". -- 22/05/06. precision errors on big numbers. -- 19/08/07. nzdigitprinted flag added. [ummm?] -- 19/06/08. bug with trailing 0s in 'g'. -- 20/03/09. moved exp to end for K_noclr reasons. -- 05/03/12. made thread-safe (no file-level vars) [DEV multiple returns rqd?] --include builtins\VM\pUnassigned.e -- :%pRTErn (DEV/temp) include builtins\VM\pPower.e --/* Not required for Phix (string is builtin): type string(object o) return sequence(o) end type --*/ function round_str(string result, atom f, integer exponent, integer charflag, integer digit)--, integer minfieldwidth) -- -- Apply rounding to partially printed float, if required -- integer tmp integer dot, dotm1 --?result --DOH, infinite loop! (use puts(1,) instead!) --1/11/22: --integer one = iff(result[1]='-'?2:1) integer one = iff(find(result[1],"-+")?2:1) if exponent>=1 then f /= power(10,exponent) end if --2/12/18: -- if f>5 or (f=5 and remainder(digit,2)=1) then if f>5 or (f=5 and remainder(digit,2)=1) or digit=10 then for i=length(result) to one by -1 do dot = result[i] if dot='9' then result[i] = '0' elsif dot!='.' then -- result[i] += 1 --DEV 26/9/9: try dot += 1 result[i] = dot... (better type info) dot += 1 result[i] = dot exit end if if i=one then --DEV: (oldschool, from when prepend string did not work) [prepend always yields T_Seq now anyways] [DEV: lies, 28/3/2014] -- result = prepend(result,'1') if one=1 then -- result = "1"&result result = '1'&result else -- result = "-1"&result[2..$] result = '-'&'1'&result[2..$] end if if charflag!='f' then dot = find('.',result) if dot then dotm1 = dot-1 result[dot] = result[dotm1] -- result[dotm1] = '.' result[dotm1] = '!' --DEV gives bounds error... --DEV I suppose we should check it is a '0' as well. -- result = result[1..length(result)-1] -- exponent += 1 end if end if end if end for end if -- if charflag='g' then -- if charflag='g' and find('.',result) then -- find '.' added 9/3/6 if charflag='g' and (find('.',result) or find('!',result)) then tmp = length(result) --14/1/15: -- while tmp>1 and tmp>minfieldwidth do while tmp>1 do dot = result[tmp] -- 20/10/15: sprintf("%g",1e-14) was yielding "1e-15"!! It now keeps the the trailing '!' to adjust exponent. -- if dot='.' -- or dot='!' then if dot='!' then exit end if if dot='.' then tmp -= 1 exit end if if dot!='0' then exit end if tmp -= 1 end while result = result[1..tmp] end if return result end function integer init2 init2 = 0 atom inf,nan -- do we still need these?? (yes) function Nan() -- thread-safe alternative to "nan" string res = repeat('n',3) res[2] = 'a' return res end function function Inf() -- thread-safe alternative to "inf" string res = repeat('i',3) res[2] = 'n' res[3] = 'f' return res end function function sprintf2(atom pf, integer charflag, integer showplus, integer minfieldwidth, integer precision) integer dotdone, nzdigitprinted string reve integer revelen integer expadj integer capE -- 'e' or 'E' integer ewk integer tmp integer digit atom f, fwk, epwr string result integer exponent, k --?result --DOH, infinite loop! (use puts(1,) instead!) f = pf -- result = "" result = repeat(' ',0) dotdone = 0 nzdigitprinted = 0 if f=nan then --DEV not thread safe -- return "nan" return Nan() end if if f<0 then -- result = "-" result = repeat('-',1) f = -f elsif showplus then -- result = "+" -- result = repeat('+',1) result = repeat(showplus,1) -- '+' or ' ' end if exponent = 0 if f=nan then -- return result&"nan" return result&Nan() end if if f=inf then -- return result&"inf" return result&Inf() end if if f>=10 then fwk = f while fwk>=10 do exponent += 1 fwk /= 10 end while else while f<1 and f!=0 do exponent -= 1 f *= 10 end while end if capE = 'e' if charflag<'a' then charflag += 32 capE = 'E' end if -- if charflag='e' or (charflag='g' and (exponent>9 or exponent<-4)) then --1/11/15: -- if charflag='e' or (charflag='g' and (exponent>precision or exponent<-4)) then if charflag='e' or (charflag='g' and (exponent>=precision or exponent<-4)) then ewk = exponent if exponent>0 then --DEV problems on 64bit: (opPow needs improvement!) -- epwr = power(10,exponent) epwr = 10 for i=2 to exponent do epwr *= 10 end for fwk = 0--epwr digit = 0 while f>=fwk+epwr do fwk += epwr digit += 1 end while --24/2/24: f -= fwk else digit = floor(f) --21/2/24: f = (f-digit)*10 end if result &= digit+'0' expadj = 1 if precision>0 then result &= '.' dotdone = 1 --24/2/24: -- atom fadj = 0 --1/11/15 -- for i=1 to precision do for i=1 to precision-(charflag='g') do if ewk>0 then --24/2/24: -- f -= fwk ewk -= 1 epwr = power(10,ewk) fwk = 0--epwr digit = 0 while f>=fwk+epwr do fwk += epwr digit += 1 end while --24/2/24: --30/10/21 -- fadj = fwk f -= fwk --26/2/24: if ewk=0 then f *= 10 end if else --21/2/24 -- f = (f-digit)*10 digit = floor(f) f = (f-digit)*10 --24/2/24: -- fadj = 0 end if --12/7/16: if digit=10 then exit end if result &= digit+'0' expadj += 1 end for --24/2/24: -- f -= fadj else if ewk>0 then f -= fwk else f = (f-digit)*10 end if end if exponent -= expadj result = round_str(result,f,exponent,charflag,digit)--,minfieldwidth) k = find('!',result) if k then -- if k=length(result) then -- result = result[1..-2] -- else result[k] = '.' --24/3/23! result = result[1..-2] -- end if exponent += 1 end if exponent += expadj result &= capE if exponent<0 then result &= '-' exponent = 0-exponent else result &= '+' end if if exponent=0 then -- reve = "0" reve = repeat('0',1) else -- reve = "" reve = repeat(' ',0) while exponent do reve = append(reve,floor(remainder(exponent,10)+'0')) exponent = floor(exponent/10) end while revelen = length(reve) for j=1 to revelen do if j>=revelen then exit end if tmp = reve[j] reve[j] = reve[revelen] reve[revelen] = tmp revelen -= 1 end for end if result &= reve else digit = 0 if exponent<-1 then --DEV not thread safe -- result &= "0." result &= '0' if charflag!='g' or f!=0 then result &= '.' dotdone = 1 while exponent<-1 and (charflag!='g' or f!=0) do exponent += 1 if precision then result &= '0' --24/5/20 (check removed) --28/12/21 (check restored... [can no longer remember why it was removed, nowt in the release notes...]) --06/02/22 (removed again, for demo/pGUI/graph1.exw ["%.1f", -5.55e-17 printing as "-0.00000000000000006"]) -- (can't be absolutely sure, but I probably made that change for the approximate equality task..) -- if minfieldwidth>0 then precision -= 1 -- end if else f /= 10 end if end while end if end if while true do if exponent=-1 then if precision>0 then if not dotdone then if charflag='g' then if f=0 then exit end if end if -- if find(result,{"","-","+"}) then if length(result)=0 -- or (length(result)=1 and (result[1]='-' or result[1]='+')) then or (length(result)=1 and find(result[1],"-+ ")) then result &= '0' end if result &= '.' end if for j=1 to precision do digit = floor(f) result &= digit+'0' f = (f-digit)*10 if charflag='g' then if f=0 then exit end if end if end for end if exit end if if exponent>=1 then epwr = power(10,exponent) fwk = 0--epwr digit = 0 while f>=fwk+epwr do fwk += epwr digit += 1 end while f -= fwk --epwr else digit = floor(f) f = (f-digit)*10 end if --2/12/18! if digit=10 then exit end if result &= digit+'0' if digit then nzdigitprinted = 1 end if exponent -= 1 if charflag='g' then if length(result)>=minfieldwidth and f=0 then exit end if --DEV: try printf(1,"%6.2f\n%6.2g\n",96.5) -- (same results as RDS Eu, but that does not necessarily make it right!) -- Possible fix is to remove this line...(19/8 put the new flag test round it instead) if nzdigitprinted then precision -= 1 end if end if end while if length(result)=0 then -- result = "0" result = repeat('0',1) end if result = round_str(result,f,exponent,charflag,digit)--,minfieldwidth) k = find('!',result) if k then if k=length(result) then result = result[1..-2] else result[k] = '.' end if exponent += 1 end if if exponent>-1 then while exponent>-1 do result &= '0' exponent -= 1 end while -- kludge 24/9/2020: elsif dotdone and result[$]='.' then result = result[1..$-1] end if if result="-0" or result="-" then result = "0" end if end if return result end function procedure ueofmt() crash("unexpected end of format string",{},4) end procedure function useFlatString(sequence args, integer nxt, sequence fmt, integer i) -- permit printf(1,"%s","Hello") to work as {"Hello"} - but only if: -- 1) this is the first % (nxt=1) -- 2) there are no more %'s in the fmt, except for %% -- 3) args is a flat string object o if nxt!=1 then return 0 end if for j=i+1 to length(fmt) do if fmt[j]='%' then if j=length(fmt) or fmt[j+1]!='%' then return 0 end if end if end for for j=1 to length(args) do o = args[j] if not integer(o) then return 0 end if if o<1 or o>255 then return 0 end if end for return 1 end function bool prefer_backtick = false --constant tnr = "tnr" --constant tnr = "tnr\\\"\'\0" --constant tnr = "tnr\\\"\'0e" --function allascii(string x, bool withquotes) function allascii(string x, integer enquote='q') -- Phix allows "strings" to hold binary data, so double check -- before printing it as a string. integer c bool backtick = (enquote='q') --sequence bsi = {} sequence bsi = repeat(0,0) for i=length(x) to 1 by -1 do c = x[i] --31/1/15: -- if c<' ' then -- if c<' ' or c>#FF or find(c,"\\\"\'") then if c='\\' or c='\"'or c='\'' then if backtick then bsi &= i else x[i..i] = '\\'&c -- NB does not work on RDS Eu/OpenEuphoria end if elsif c<' ' or c>#FF then -- c = find(c,"\t\n\r") -- c = find(c,"\t\n\r\\\"\'\0\e") if c='\t' then c='t' elsif c='\n' then c='n' elsif c='\r' then c='r' elsif c='\0' then c='0' elsif c='\e' then c='e' else --DEV or crash? return 0 end if if backtick then for j=1 to length(bsi) do -- (still "last first", btw/iyswim) integer k = bsi[j] x[k..k] = '\\'&x[k] end for backtick = false end if x[i..i] = '\\'&c -- NB does not work on RDS Eu/OpenEuphoria end if end for -- if withquotes then -- if backtick then -- if backtick and enquote='q' and length(bsi)!=0 then if backtick and (prefer_backtick or length(bsi)!=0) then x = '`'&x&'`' else x = '"'&x&'"' end if return x end function string hexchar, dxoetc sequence bases --integer r_len = 0 bool unicode_align = false --forward function sprint(object x, integer asCh=false, maxlen=-1, nest=0) procedure init_2() -- [DEV] technically this isn't thread safe... (code shown commented out should be enough, once those routines work) -- (uncommented 25/11/16) enter_cs() if not init2 then --DEV make INF a builtin (like PI), ditto NAN: -- inf = 1e300*1e300 #ilASM{ fld1 fldz fdivp [32] lea edi,[inf] [64] lea rdi,[inf] [] call :%pStoreFlt } -- Erm, this one is a bit bizarre... -- On the one hand it seems RDS Eu does not support nan properly, but then it somehow does... -- If you try testing for nan, it seems to go all pear-shaped, but avoiding the tests -- seems to make it happy again, and yet print "nan" and "inf" like a good little boy... -- Of course, you shouldn't be using this code on RDS Eu anyway. -- --/**/ nan = -(inf/inf) --/* Phix nan = 3.245673689e243 -- RDS --*/ bases = {10,16,8,2} -- hexchar = "0123456789ABCDEFabcdef" -- hexchar = tagset('9','0') & tagset('Z','A') & tagset('z','a') hexchar = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" -- ?hexchar -- ?hexchar[1+10]&"" -- 'A' -- ?hexchar[1+10+26]&"" -- 'a' -- dxoetc = "dxobscvefgEXG" -- dxoetc = "dxobstncvVefgEXG" dxoetc = "dxobstncvVRefgEXG" init2 = 1 end if leave_cs() end procedure local function toRoman(integer n, bool lowercase) assert(n>=1 and n<=3999,"roman numerals must be 1..3999",4) string res = "" integer idx = 1, -- (..7, to "MDCLXVI") rn = 1000, -- 500,100,50,10,5,1 tenth = 100 -- 100, 10,10, 1,1,0 while n>0 do while n>=rn do res &= "MDCLXVI"[idx]; n -= rn; end while if n+tenth>=rn then res &= "CXI"[floor((idx+1)/2)]; n += tenth -- above loop once more elsif n then idx += 1; rn /= iff(odd(idx)?5:2); -- (aside: floor rqd, 0.1 is not an integer!) if odd(idx) then tenth = floor(rn/10) end if end if end while if lowercase then res = lower(res) end if return res end function --without trace local function sprintf_(sequence fmt, object args) integer i, fi, fidx integer nxt string result, r1 object o, oj atom work integer base, sgn, r1len, hc bool lowerHex --?result --DOH, infinite loop! (use puts(1,) instead!) integer zerofill integer leftjustify integer centre integer showplus integer showcommas integer enquote integer blankTZ integer minfieldwidth -- minfieldwidth = 0 integer precision -- precision = 0 integer tmp if not init2 then init_2() end if nxt = 1 -- result = "" result = repeat(' ',0) i = 1 while i<=length(fmt) do fi = fmt[i] if fi='%' then i += 1 if i>length(fmt) then ueofmt() end if fi = fmt[i] if fi='%' then result &= '%' else zerofill = 0 leftjustify = 0 centre = 0 showplus = 0 showcommas = 0 enquote = 0 if fi='[' then integer e = find(']',fmt,i+1) if e=0 then crash("missing ] in format string",{},3) end if nxt = to_integer(fmt[i+1..e-1]) if nxt=0 then crash("[%s] is 0 or not a number",{fmt[i+1..e-1]},3) end if i = e+1 if i>length(fmt) then ueofmt() end if fi = fmt[i] end if -- Note that -=| are mutually exclusive, and cannot co-exist with 0. -- Likewise 0 and + are also mutually exclusive, however a + can -- co-exist with -=| as long as it is specified first, and , can be -- used in combination with any, as long as it is specified last. if fi='0' then zerofill = 1 i += 1 else -- if fi='+' then if fi='+' or fi='_' then -- showplus = 1 showplus = iff(fi='+'?'+':' ') i += 1 if i>length(fmt) then ueofmt() end if fi = fmt[i] end if if fi='-' then leftjustify = 1 i += 1 elsif fi='=' then centre = 1 i += 1 elsif fi='|' then centre = 2 i += 1 end if end if if i>length(fmt) then ueofmt() end if fi = fmt[i] if fi=',' then showcommas = 3 i+=1 end if if i>length(fmt) then ueofmt() end if minfieldwidth = 0 while 1 do fi = fmt[i] if fi<'0' or fi>'9' then exit end if minfieldwidth = minfieldwidth*10 + (fi-'0') i += 1 if i>length(fmt) then ueofmt() end if end while precision = -1 if fi='.' then i += 1 if i>length(fmt) then ueofmt() end if precision = 0 while 1 do fi = fmt[i] if fi<'0' or fi>'9' then exit end if precision = precision*10 + (fi-'0') i += 1 if i>length(fmt) then ueofmt() end if end while end if lowerHex = false -- 23/2/10 'b' added -- 12/1/19 'v' added -- 11/12/19 't' added -- 16/11/20 'q' and 'Q' added -- 22/05/21 'a' and 'A' added -- 10/08/22 'F' added -- 08/02/24 'r', 'R' added -- 17/03/24 'O' added blankTZ = false if fi='a' or fi='A' then lowerHex = fi='a' fidx = 0 bool bBad = atom(args) or nxt>length(args) if not bBad then o = args[nxt] bBad = atom(o) or length(o)!=2 or not integer(o[1]) or not atom(o[2]) if not bBad then {base,work} = o bBad = base<2 or base>iff(lowerHex?36:62) end if end if if bBad then crash("%%%c requires {base,num}",fi,3) end if else if fi='q' or fi='Q' then enquote = fi fi = 's' elsif fi='F' then blankTZ = true fi = 'f' elsif fi='r' then lowerHex = true -- (repurposed here) fi = 'R' elsif fi='O' then lowerHex = true -- (repurposed here) fi = 'o' end if -- fidx = find(fi,"dxobstcvefgEXG") -- fidx = find(fi,"dxobstncvefgEXG") fidx = find(fi,dxoetc) -- fidx = 0 -- for dx=1 to length(dxoetc) do -- if fi=dxoetc[dx] then -- fidx = dx -- exit -- end if -- end for if fi='X' then -- -- Yup, I know it's a wee bit confusing, but for compatibility -- reasons, %x is upper case hex and %X is lower case hex! -- Assuming any objections from the backwards compatibility crowd -- are drowned out by many more from the logical behaviour crowd, -- set lowerHex to 1/0 rather than the 0/1 it is now. -- lowerHex = true fidx = 2 end if -- if fidx=0 ---- or (showcommas and find(fi,"df")=0) then -- or (showcommas and fi!='d' and fi!='f') then -- badfmt() -- end if if fidx=0 then crash("unknown specifier:%c",fi,3) elsif showcommas and fi!='d' and fi!='f' then crash("comma fill not supported on %c",fi,3) end if if not atom(args) and nxt>length(args) then ----/**/ #ilASM{ ----!/**/ [32] ----/**/ mov al,70 -- Phix ----!/**/ xor edi,edi -- ep1 unused -- Phix ----!/**/ xor esi,esi -- ep2 unused -- Phix ----!/**/ [64] ----!/**/ call :%pRTErn } -- fatal error -- Phix ----/**/ mov ecx,2 -- Phix ----/**/ jmp :!fatalN -- Phix ----/**/ int3 } -- Phix ----/**/ --/* -- Phix -- puts(1,"insufficient values for sprintf\n") -- RDS -- if getc(0) then end if -- RDS -- abort(1) -- RDS --*/ crash("insufficient values for [s]printf",{},3) end if end if if fidx<=4 then -- aA(0, work set), dxob (1..4) if fidx!=0 then base = bases[fidx] --{10,16,8,2} o = args work = 0 if atom(o) then if o!=nan and o!=-nan and o!=inf and o!=-inf then work = floor(o) end if else o = args[nxt] if atom(o) then if o!=nan and o!=-nan and o!=inf and o!=-inf then work = floor(o) end if else o = 0 end if end if end if if work then sgn = 0 if work<0 then sgn = 1 if base=10 then work = 0-work else --DEV (found this(/64-bit version) commented out 23/7/19, no idea why... putting it back fixed my issue) if machine_bits()=64 then work = and_bits(work,#7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF)+#8000000000000000 else work = and_bits(work,#7FFFFFFF)+#80000000 end if end if end if -- r1 = "" r1 = repeat(' ',0) --1/11/22: (print powers of 2 exactly, by avoiding discrepancies that creep in for /10 when work>2^75, but don't for /2) bool bViaBase2 = (base=10 and --1/5/24 (grains tests, on 32 bit) -- work>37778931862957161709568 and -- (power(2,75), btw) -- count_bits(work)=1) work>=power(2,iff(machine_bits()=32?53:75))) if bViaBase2 then base = 2 end if while work do -- NB: The result of prepend is always a sequence, -- for performance reasons. Hence use append -- to build it backwards, then reverse it. hc = floor(remainder(work,base)+1) --20/3/2013: -- if hc=0 then exit end if if lowerHex and hc>10 then -- hc += 6 hc += 26 end if if not bViaBase2 and showcommas and showcommas=length(r1) then r1 = append(r1,',') showcommas += 4 end if r1 = append(r1,hexchar[hc]) -- this is ok, ^ , hexchar[] is equally valid for -- base 16/10/8/2 (just less chars get used). work = floor(work/base) end while if bViaBase2 then -- convert r1 to base 10, from base 2 sequence d2 = sq_sub(reverse(r1),'0') r1 = "" while length(d2) do integer d2r = 0 for d2i,d2digit in d2 do d2r = d2r*2+d2digit d2[d2i] = floor(d2r/10) d2r = rmdr(d2r,10) end for r1 &= d2r+'0' if showcommas and showcommas=length(r1) then r1 = append(r1,',') showcommas += 4 end if d2 = trim_head(d2,0) end while base = 10 end if if sgn then if base=10 then r1 = append(r1,'-') elsif minfieldwidth>length(r1) then r1 &= repeat(hexchar[base],minfieldwidth-length(r1)) end if elsif showplus then if base=10 then -- r1 = append(r1,'+') r1 = append(r1,showplus) elsif minfieldwidth>length(r1) then r1 &= repeat('0',minfieldwidth-length(r1)) end if end if if lowerHex and base=8 then -- 'O', 17/3/24 r1 &= "o0" end if r1len = length(r1) -- as promised, reverse it: for j=1 to r1len do -- stops at mid-point[-1] if j>=r1len then exit end if tmp = r1[j] r1[j] = r1[r1len] r1[r1len] = tmp r1len -= 1 end for else --DEV not thread safe: if o=nan then -- r1 = "nan" r1 = Nan() elsif o=-nan then -- r1 = "-nan" r1 = '-'&Nan() elsif o=inf then -- r1 = "inf" r1 = Inf() else -- r1 = "0" r1 = repeat('0',1) end if end if -- elsif fidx<=10 then -- one of "stncvV" elsif fidx<=11 then -- one of "stncvVR" if showplus then crash("show plus not supported on %c",fi,3) end if if atom(args) then o = args --12/9/15: -- elsif useFlatString(args,nxt,fmt,i) then --12/1/19: -- elsif fidx!=6 and useFlatString(args,nxt,fmt,i) then -- (not %c (ie %s) and useFlat..) elsif fi='s' and useFlatString(args,nxt,fmt,i) then -- (not %c (ie %s) and useFlat..) o = args args = {} else o = args[nxt] end if --14/01/2022 %v and %V flipped if fi='v' then o = sprint(o,-1) elsif fi='V' then o = sprint(o) -- aside: in the following if construct, only the -- last (ie precision) branch is relevant to %v. elsif fi='R' then o = toRoman(o,lowerHex) elsif fi='t' then o = iff(o?"true":"false") elsif fi='n' then o = iff(o?"\n":"") elsif enquote then o = allascii(o,enquote) end if if atom(o) then --15/4/24: if fi='c' and integer(o) and o>#7F and o<=#10FFFF then r1 = utf32_to_utf8({o}) else -- r1 = " " r1 = repeat(' ',1) r1[1] = and_bits(#FF,o) -- (nb: keeps r1 a string) end if -- elsif fidx=6 then -- 'c' elsif fi='c' then --/**/ #ilASM{ mov al,76 -- Phix --!/**/ xor edi,edi -- ep1 unused -- Phix --!/**/ xor esi,esi -- ep2 unused -- Phix --!/**/ call :%pRTErn } -- fatal error -- Phix --/**/ mov ecx,2 -- Phix --/**/ jmp :!fatalN -- Phix --/**/ int3 } -- Phix --/**/ --/* -- Phix puts(1,"%c requires an atom value\n") -- RDS if getc(0) then end if -- RDS abort(1) -- RDS --*/ elsif not string(o) then if precision!=-1 and precision#FF then --/**/ #ilASM{ mov al,65 -- Phix --!/**/ xor edi,edi -- ep1 unused -- Phix --!/**/ xor esi,esi -- ep2 unused -- Phix --!/**/ call :%pRTErn } -- fatal error -- Phix --/**/ mov ecx,2 -- Phix --/**/ jmp :!fatalN -- Phix --/**/ int3 } -- Phix --/**/ --/* -- Phix puts(1,"sequence found in character string\n") -- RDS if getc(0) then end if -- RDS abort(1) -- RDS --*/ end if -- r1[j] = oj r1[j] = and_bits(oj,#FF) end for elsif precision!=-1 and precision20 then crash("floating point precision may not exceed 20",{},3) elsif machine_bits()=32 and precision>16 then precision = 16 end if end if --1/11/22: (print powers of 2 exactly, with above 2^-1074 to 2^1024 [on 32 bit, >on 64-bit??]) -- if fi='f' and o>37778931862957161709568 and count_bits(o)=1 then if fi='f' and atom_to_float64(o)[$]!=127 -- not [+/-]nan/inf and o>37778931862957161709568 -- sug/untested, see docs/Helping Hands/printf(2^i) -- and (o>37778931862957161709568 or o<1e-22) and count_bits(o)=1 then sequence d2 = {} while o do d2 = prepend(d2,rmdr(o,2)) o = floor(o/2) end while r1 = "" while length(d2) do integer d2r = 0 for d2i,d2digit in d2 do d2r = d2r*2+d2digit d2[d2i] = floor(d2r/10) d2r = rmdr(d2r,10) end for r1 &= d2r+'0' d2 = trim_head(d2,0) end while r1 = reverse(r1) else r1 = sprintf2(o,fi,showplus,minfieldwidth,precision) end if if showcommas then -- ('f' only) --19/09/2020 bugfix (caused by the introduction of %t) -- if fidx!=9 then badfmt() end if -- if fidx!=10 then badfmt() end if -- if fidx!=11 then badfmt() end if -- if fidx!=12 then -- 30/5/23 is not this just much easier? (untested) if fi!='f' then crash("comma fill not supported on %c",fi,3) end if showcommas = find('.',r1) if showcommas=0 then showcommas = length(r1)+1 end if --19/09/2020 bugfix ("-999" -> "-,999") -- while showcommas>4 do while showcommas>(4+(r1[1]='-')) do showcommas -= 3 r1 = r1[1..showcommas-1]&','&r1[showcommas..length(r1)] end while end if if blankTZ and find('.',r1) then for r1dx=length(r1) to 1 by -1 do integer r1ch = r1[r1dx] if r1ch='0' or r1ch='.' then r1[r1dx] = ' ' end if if r1ch!='0' then exit end if end for end if end if -- replaced 19/10/17: -- minfieldwidth -= length(r1) -- minfieldwidth -= length(utf8_to_utf32(r1)) --DEV/SUG: -- minfieldwidth -= length(iff(r_len!=0?call_func(r_len,{r1}):r1)) minfieldwidth -= length(iff(unicode_align?utf8_to_utf32(r1):r1)) if minfieldwidth>0 then -- 20/9/2020 -- if zerofill then if zerofill and find('-',r1)=0 then r1 = repeat('0',minfieldwidth)&r1 elsif leftjustify then r1 = r1&repeat(' ',minfieldwidth) --DEV/SUG: elsif centre then integer mh = floor(minfieldwidth/2) if centre=1 then -- '=', split 3:4 r1 = repeat(' ',mh)&r1&repeat(' ',minfieldwidth-mh) else -- '|', split 4:3 r1 = repeat(' ',minfieldwidth-mh)&r1&repeat(' ',mh) end if else r1 = repeat(' ',minfieldwidth)&r1 end if end if result &= r1 nxt += 1 end if else --puts(1,"?{result,fi}\n") --?{result,fi} result &= fi --?result end if i += 1 end while --DEV this should be a warning??? (Interpret mode only!) -- if not atom(args) and nxt<=length(args) then ----/**/ #ilASM{ mov al,105 -- Phix ----!/**/ xor edi,edi -- ep1 unused -- Phix ----!/**/ xor esi,esi -- ep2 unused -- Phix ----/**/ call :%pRTErn } -- fatal error -- Phix ----/**/ --/* -- Phix -- puts(1,"not enough format strings to print data\n") -- RDS -- if getc(0) then end if -- RDS -- abort(1) -- RDS --*/ -- end if return result end function -- (This is a wrapper so that the internal routine can apply -- identical error handling for both sprintf and printf: we -- typically want to point at the application source code -- line, rather than confuse by landing developer in here.) global function sprintf(sequence fmt, object args) return sprintf_(fmt,args) end function --DEV move this (once newEmit is done) [better yet put it in the optable] -- note: printf is now defined in pfileioN.e global procedure printf(integer fn, sequence fmt, object args={}) --DEV/SUG: if fn=0 and fmt="" then -- -- args is settings-pairs, eg {"r_len",routine_id("utf8_to_utf32")} -- args is settings-pairs, eg printf(0,"",{"unicode_align",true}) --DEV 20/4/19 broke p -c -test: -- if remainder(length(args),2) then throw("must be even length") end if if remainder(length(args),2) then ?9/0 end if for i=1 to length(args) by 2 do string setting = args[i] switch setting do -- case "r_len": r_len = args[i+1] case "unicode_align": unicode_align = args[i+1] case "prefer_backtick": prefer_backtick = args[i+1] --20/4/19: -- default: throw("unknown printf setting") default: ?9/0 end switch end for else puts(fn,sprintf_(fmt,args)) end if end procedure local integer asChdef = false --global function sprint(object x, integer asCh=false, maxlen=-1, nest=0) global function sprint(object x, integer asCh=asChdef, maxlen=-1, nest=0) -- Return the string representation of any data object. -- This is the same as the output from print(1, x) or '?', -- but returned as a string sequence rather than printed. -- asCh: true: print eg 65 as 65'A', -- false: not top-level, -- -1: sticky false -- """"+10: (ie 9,10,11) new default (-1,0,1 respectively) -- maxlen, nest: see docs -- Alternative: see ppp.e (ppf/ppOpt/ppExf). object s, xi if asCh>=9 then asCh -= 10 assert(asCh>=-1 and asCh<=1) if nest=0 then asChdef = asCh end if end if if atom(x) then -- if asCh and integer(x) and ((x>=' ' and x<='~') or find(x,"\r\n\t")) if asCh=true -- (not false or -1) and integer(x) and (x>=' ' and x<='~') then s = sprintf("%d'%c'",x) else -- s = sprintf("%.10g", x) --28/12/21 (get rid of this nonsense and cut out the middleman, why not. [spotted in passing]) -- string fmt = '%'&'.'&'1'&'0'&'g' -- s = sprintf(fmt,x) if not init2 then init_2() end if s = sprintf2(x,'g',/*showplus:=*/0,/*minfieldwidth:=*/0,/*precision:=*/10) if not integer(x) --removed 3/11/15 (so that eg 2000000000 gets the ".0") -- and integer(floor(x)) and not find('.',s) and not find('e',s) -- eg 1e308 and not find('n',s) then -- (inf/nan) -- make sure you can tell 5 and 5.00000000001 -- apart in ex.err, trace, ?x, and the like. -- s &= ".0" s &= '.' s &= '0' end if end if return s end if -- if string(x) then -- s = allascii(x) -- if string(s) then return s end if -- end if --8/8/16: -- if maxlen!=-1 and length(x)>maxlen then if maxlen>4 and length(x)>maxlen then x = x[1..maxlen] --8/8/16: (change as above) if string(x) then -- if string(x) and length(x)>4 then -- s = allascii(x[1..maxlen-4],true) s = allascii(x[1..maxlen-4]) -- if string(s) then return s&".." end if if string(s) then s &= '.' s &= '.' return s end if end if elsif string(x) then -- s = allascii(x,nest!=0) s = allascii(x) if string(s) then return s end if end if -- s = "{" s = repeat('{',1) if asCh=false then asCh=true end if -- (nb -1 and true left as-is) for i=1 to length(x) do -- s &= sprint(x[i]) xi = x[i] if maxlen=-1 then -- s &= sprint(xi) s &= sprint(xi,asCh,-1,nest+1) else if maxlen>length(s) then s &= sprint(xi,asCh,maxlen-length(s),nest+1) end if if length(s)>=maxlen then if nest=0 then s = s[1..maxlen-2] -- s &= ".." s &= '.' s &= '.' else s = s[1..maxlen] end if return s end if end if if i