#!/bin/bash set -e PROG=$0 PROGS="dd curl mkfs.ext4 mkfs.vfat fatlabel parted partprobe grub-install" DISTRO=/run/k3os/iso if [ "$K3OS_DEBUG" = true ]; then set -x fi get_url() { FROM=$1 TO=$2 case $FROM in ftp*|http*|tftp*) n=0 attempts=5 until [ "$n" -ge "$attempts" ] do curl -o $TO -fL ${FROM} && break n=$((n+1)) echo "Failed to download, retry attempt ${n} out of ${attempts}" sleep 2 done ;; *) cp -f $FROM $TO ;; esac } cleanup2() { if [ -n "${TARGET}" ]; then umount ${TARGET}/boot/efi || true umount ${TARGET} || true fi losetup -d ${ISO_DEVICE} || losetup -d ${ISO_DEVICE%?} || true umount $DISTRO || true } cleanup() { EXIT=$? cleanup2 2>/dev/null || true return $EXIT } usage() { echo "Usage: $PROG [--force-efi] [--debug] [--tty TTY] [--poweroff] [--takeover] [--no-format] [--config https://.../config.yaml] DEVICE ISO_URL" echo "" echo "Example: $PROG /dev/vda https://github.com/petercb/k3os/releases/latest/download/k3os.iso" echo "" echo "DEVICE must be the disk that will be partitioned (/dev/vda). If you are using --no-format it should be the device of the K3OS_STATE partition (/dev/vda2)" echo "" echo "The parameters names refer to the same names used in the cmdline, refer to README.md for" echo "more info." echo "" exit 1 } do_format() { if [ "$K3OS_INSTALL_NO_FORMAT" = "true" ]; then STATE=$(blkid -L K3OS_STATE || true) if [ -z "$STATE" ] && [ -n "$DEVICE" ]; then tune2fs -L K3OS_STATE $DEVICE STATE=$(blkid -L K3OS_STATE) fi return 0 fi dd if=/dev/zero of=${DEVICE} bs=1M count=1 parted -s ${DEVICE} mklabel ${PARTTABLE} if [ "$PARTTABLE" = "gpt" ]; then BOOT_NUM=1 STATE_NUM=2 parted -s ${DEVICE} mkpart primary fat32 0% 50MB parted -s ${DEVICE} mkpart primary ext4 50MB 1536MB else BOOT_NUM= STATE_NUM=1 parted -s ${DEVICE} mkpart primary ext4 0% 1536MB fi parted -s ${DEVICE} set 1 ${BOOTFLAG} on partprobe ${DEVICE} 2>/dev/null || true sleep 2 PREFIX=${DEVICE} if [ ! -e ${PREFIX}${STATE_NUM} ]; then PREFIX=${DEVICE}p fi if [ ! -e ${PREFIX}${STATE_NUM} ]; then echo Failed to find ${PREFIX}${STATE_NUM} or ${DEVICE}${STATE_NUM} to format exit 1 fi if [ -n "${BOOT_NUM}" ]; then BOOT=${PREFIX}${BOOT_NUM} fi STATE=${PREFIX}${STATE_NUM} mkfs.ext4 -F -L K3OS_STATE ${STATE} if [ -n "${BOOT}" ]; then mkfs.vfat -F 32 ${BOOT} fatlabel ${BOOT} K3OS_GRUB fi } do_mount() { TARGET=/run/k3os/target mkdir -p ${TARGET} mount ${STATE} ${TARGET} mkdir -p ${TARGET}/boot if [ -n "${BOOT}" ]; then mkdir -p ${TARGET}/boot/efi mount ${BOOT} ${TARGET}/boot/efi fi mkdir -p ${DISTRO} mount -o ro ${ISO_DEVICE} ${DISTRO} || mount -o ro ${ISO_DEVICE%?} ${DISTRO} } do_copy() { tar cf - -C ${DISTRO} k3os | tar xvf - -C ${TARGET} if [ -n "$STATE_NUM" ]; then echo $DEVICE $STATE_NUM > $TARGET/k3os/system/growpart fi if [ -n "$K3OS_INSTALL_CONFIG_URL" ]; then get_url "$K3OS_INSTALL_CONFIG_URL" ${TARGET}/k3os/system/config.yaml chmod 600 ${TARGET}/k3os/system/config.yaml fi if [ "$K3OS_INSTALL_TAKE_OVER" = "true" ]; then touch ${TARGET}/k3os/system/takeover if [ "$K3OS_INSTALL_POWER_OFF" = true ] || grep -q 'k3os.install.power_off=true' /proc/cmdline; then touch ${TARGET}/k3os/system/poweroff fi fi } install_grub() { if [ "$K3OS_INSTALL_DEBUG" ]; then GRUB_DEBUG="k3os.debug" fi mkdir -p ${TARGET}/boot/grub cat > ${TARGET}/boot/grub/grub.cfg << EOF set default=0 set timeout=10 set gfxmode=auto set gfxpayload=keep insmod all_video insmod gfxterm menuentry "k3OS Current" { search.fs_label K3OS_STATE root set sqfile=/k3os/system/kernel/current/kernel.squashfs loopback loop0 /\$sqfile set root=(\$root) linux (loop0)/vmlinuz printk.devkmsg=on console=tty1 $GRUB_DEBUG initrd /k3os/system/kernel/current/initrd } menuentry "k3OS Previous" { search.fs_label K3OS_STATE root set sqfile=/k3os/system/kernel/previous/kernel.squashfs loopback loop0 /\$sqfile set root=(\$root) linux (loop0)/vmlinuz printk.devkmsg=on console=tty1 $GRUB_DEBUG initrd /k3os/system/kernel/previous/initrd } menuentry "k3OS Rescue (current)" { search.fs_label K3OS_STATE root set sqfile=/k3os/system/kernel/current/kernel.squashfs loopback loop0 /\$sqfile set root=(\$root) linux (loop0)/vmlinuz printk.devkmsg=on rescue console=tty1 initrd /k3os/system/kernel/current/initrd } menuentry "k3OS Rescue (previous)" { search.fs_label K3OS_STATE root set sqfile=/k3os/system/kernel/previous/kernel.squashfs loopback loop0 /\$sqfile set root=(\$root) linux (loop0)/vmlinuz printk.devkmsg=on rescue console=tty1 initrd /k3os/system/kernel/previous/initrd } EOF if [ -z "${K3OS_INSTALL_TTY}" ]; then TTY=$(tty | sed 's!/dev/!!') else TTY=$K3OS_INSTALL_TTY fi if [ -e "/dev/${TTY%,*}" ] && [ "$TTY" != tty1 ] && [ "$TTY" != console ] && [ -n "$TTY" ]; then sed -i "s!console=tty1!console=tty1 console=${TTY}!g" ${TARGET}/boot/grub/grub.cfg fi if [ "$K3OS_INSTALL_NO_FORMAT" = "true" ]; then return 0 fi if [ "$K3OS_INSTALL_FORCE_EFI" = "true" ]; then if [ "$(uname -m)" = "aarch64" ]; then GRUB_TARGET="--target=arm64-efi" else GRUB_TARGET="--target=x86_64-efi" fi fi grub-install ${GRUB_TARGET} --boot-directory=${TARGET}/boot --removable ${DEVICE} } get_iso() { ### When booting install media from USB, there is a chance that the K3OS label ### will detect the proper partition. For that reason, we allow the admin ### to explicitly set the ISO_DEVICE variable before invoking install if [ -z "${ISO_DEVICE}" ]; then ISO_DEVICE=$(blkid -L K3OS || true) fi if [ -z "${ISO_DEVICE}" ]; then for i in $(lsblk -o NAME,TYPE -n | grep -w disk | awk '{print $1}'); do mkdir -p ${DISTRO} if mount -o ro /dev/$i ${DISTRO}; then ISO_DEVICE="/dev/$i" umount ${DISTRO} break fi done fi if [ -z "${ISO_DEVICE}" ] && [ -n "$K3OS_INSTALL_ISO_URL" ]; then TEMP_FILE=$(mktemp k3os.XXXXXXXX.iso) get_url ${K3OS_INSTALL_ISO_URL} ${TEMP_FILE} ISO_DEVICE=$(losetup --show -f $TEMP_FILE) rm -f $TEMP_FILE fi if [ -z "${ISO_DEVICE}" ]; then echo "#### There is no k3os ISO device" return 1 fi } setup_style() { if [ "$K3OS_INSTALL_FORCE_EFI" = "true" ] || [ -e /sys/firmware/efi ]; then PARTTABLE=gpt BOOTFLAG=esp if [ ! -e /sys/firmware/efi ]; then echo WARNING: installing EFI on to a system that does not support EFI fi else PARTTABLE=msdos BOOTFLAG=boot fi } validate_progs() { for i in $PROGS; do if [ ! -x "$(which $i)" ]; then MISSING="${MISSING} $i" fi done if [ -n "${MISSING}" ]; then echo "The following required programs are missing for installation: ${MISSING}" exit 1 fi } validate_device() { DEVICE=$K3OS_INSTALL_DEVICE if [ ! -b ${DEVICE} ]; then echo "You should use an available device. Device ${DEVICE} does not exist." exit 1 fi } create_opt() { mkdir -p "${TARGET}/k3os/data/opt" } while [ "$#" -gt 0 ]; do case $1 in --no-format) K3OS_INSTALL_NO_FORMAT=true ;; --force-efi) K3OS_INSTALL_FORCE_EFI=true ;; --poweroff) K3OS_INSTALL_POWER_OFF=true ;; --takeover) K3OS_INSTALL_TAKE_OVER=true ;; --debug) set -x K3OS_INSTALL_DEBUG=true ;; --config) shift 1 K3OS_INSTALL_CONFIG_URL=$1 ;; --tty) shift 1 K3OS_INSTALL_TTY=$1 ;; -h) usage ;; --help) usage ;; *) if [ "$#" -gt 2 ]; then usage fi INTERACTIVE=true K3OS_INSTALL_DEVICE=$1 K3OS_INSTALL_ISO_URL=$2 break ;; esac shift 1 done if [ -e /etc/environment ]; then source /etc/environment fi if [ -e /etc/os-release ]; then source /etc/os-release if [ -z "$K3OS_INSTALL_ISO_URL" ]; then K3OS_INSTALL_ISO_URL=${ISO_URL} fi fi if [ -z "$K3OS_INSTALL_DEVICE" ]; then usage fi validate_progs validate_device trap cleanup exit get_iso setup_style do_format do_mount do_copy install_grub create_opt if [ -n "$INTERACTIVE" ]; then exit 0 fi if [ "$K3OS_INSTALL_POWER_OFF" = true ] || grep -q 'k3os.install.power_off=true' /proc/cmdline; then poweroff -f else echo " * Rebooting system in 5 seconds (CTRL+C to cancel)" sleep 5 reboot -f fi